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Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
Toronto Historical Park
A Shared Path
for a Shared Past
La Société d’histoire de Toronto
In partnership with:
The Society of Heritage Associates
The Mississaugas of the New Credit Nation
The Rousseau Project – Le Projet Rousseau
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
The Shared Path
• Along both sides of the Humber River: Canadian Heritage River
• A heritage greenway
• Comprised of all public lands from Dundas Street to Lake Ontario
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
Toronto Historical Park
The Shared Path
• Toronto Carrying Place
• A rich heritage to be shared:
– First Nations
– French
– English
• Sites and historical houses
• Parks and public trails
• Natural reserves
• Features of urban geography
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
The Shared Path: Master Plan
Feasibility Study – Report by Todhunter Associates Inc.
Meetings with stakeholders
a) Politicians
b) Historical and heritage associations
c) Residents of Humber River neighbourhoods
d) Toronto Regional Conservation Authority (TRCA)
e) Toronto residents in general
Identification of project champions
Implementation Plan
Search for sponsors
Search for funding
Implementation of the Shared Path
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
The Shared Path Concept
• To tell the story of a river and life on its shores
• To tell the story of three nations
– Exploration
– Passage, commerce, settlement
– Contacts, mutual aid and exchange
• A cultural heritage concept :
I. Identifying a Shared Path
II. Proposing 13 Interpretive Features
III. Integrating Public Art
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
I. Identifying a
Shared Path
The West bank of the river –
starting from the South end
Lake Ontario
South Humber Park
Stephen Drive
Humber Valley Road
Kings Mill Park
Old Mill Subway Station
Home Smith Park
Dundas Street Crossing
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
I. Identifying a
Shared Path (continued)
The East bank of the river –
starting from the North end
– Dundas Street Crossing
– Lambton House
– Lambton Woods
– Baby Point
– Etienne Brûlé Park
– Riverside Drive
– South Kingsway
– Jean-Baptiste Rousseau Site
– Sir Casimir Gzowski Park
– Pedestrian bridge
– Lake Ontario
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
II. Proposing 13 Interpretive Features
– First Pavilion – Humber River Historical Park – The Shared Path
– Baby Point
Humber River - Ancient River Valley
Humber River Marshes
South Humber Park
Dundas Street Bridge Crossing and Lambton House
Magwood Park Garden
Etienne Brûlé
– Champlain Memorial
Audio-visual Information Stations
– Old Mill Subway Station
Discovery Centre
– Ancient River Valley near Bloor Street
Interpretive Centres
– Teiaiagon - First Nations Settlements
– The Toronto Carrying Place, second French fort and
Jean-Baptiste Rousseau site
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
1. First Pavilion – Humber River
Historical Park – The Shared Path
– A pavilion on the West side which would face
the Gzowski Park Trans Canada Trail on the
East bank of the river
– Addition of First Nation symbols to the bridge
Shared Path
– Introduction to Historical Park –
The Shared Path
– Description of the Path – map – historical sites
– History of the local First Nations
– Link to Fort Rouillé at the CNE
– Humber River, Lake Ontario, Fort Rouillé
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
2. Ancient Humber River Valley
– Panels: Ancient riverbanks
and pathways
– Illustration of the Toronto
Carrying Place path
(on the East bank) as
seen from the West bank
Shared Path
– Geological history,
river delta, riverbanks
– Toronto Carrying Place
passage of First Nations,
French and English
– Humber River shoreline
near Lake Ontario
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
3. Humber River Marshes
– Panels: the Humber River: a natural reserve
Shared Path
– First Nations seasonal activities: winter hunting,
spring and summer fishing
– First Nations seasonal use of marsh lands for
– Harvesting of medicinal herbs
– Proximity of marshes – river – flora and fauna
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
4. South Humber Park
– Panels: Unique savannah
Shared path
– Significance of oak-pine savannah
– Carolinian forest species and use of the forest by First Nations
– Savannah controlled burn site
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
5. Old Mill Subway Station
– Old Mill Station as gateway location
– Murals on interior and exterior walls
of station
– Use of the windows
– Audio-visual information stations
Shared Path
– Introduction to Historical Park – The Shared Path
– Description of path – map – historical site
– Historical overview: First Nations
– Old Mill Subway Station
– Humber River
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
6. Ancient Humber River Valley
near Bloor Street
– At Bloor subway station: Discovery
Centre at the “Kiss and Ride”
passenger pick-up waiting area
– Introduction to Historical Park –
The Shared Path
– Description of path – map –
historical sites
– The Humber River: a changing
Shared Path
– Navigation landing place from
Lake Ontario – Kings Mill rapids
– Last river crossing point before
Lake Ontario
– Across from the Toronto Carrying
Place Trail (East bank)
– Mills - Hurricane Hazel
– Old Mill Bridge, banks of the
Humber River and its
meandering sequence
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
7. Dundas Street Bridge Crossing and
Lambton House
– New bridge over the river at
old Dundas Street
– Lambton House panels
Shared Path
Upper Canada Colonial
Crossings, bridges, mills,
Hamlet of Lambton Mills (1811)
Lambton House
Davenport Trail: ancient
Lake Iroquois
– Ancient crossing of Toronto
Carrying Place and
Davenport Trail
– Tyrrell Bridge pillar
– Historical Lambton House
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
8. Magwood Park Garden
– Panels and demonstration gardens
– Restoration of rare savannah
Shared Path
– Rare example of oak savannah in moist regime
– Canadian Wildflowers by Agnes FitzGibbons
– Use of the plants of this savannah by the
First Nations, French and English
– Naturalisation of lawn area
– Agriculture in Humber River Valley
Small forest, wetland
Humber River
Lambton House
Baby Point
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
9. Teiaiagon: First Nations Settlements
– Interpretive Centre on Baby Point promontory: Life at Teiaiagon
Shared Path
– Geological evidence
– Archaeological evidence of occupation of site by humans since
the glacial period
– Village of Teiaiagon
– Treaty of 1828 with the Mississauga – Peter Jones
– View of Baby Point from the banks of the river
– Étienne Brûlé Park, Baby Point
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
10. Baby Point
The first French fort
Jacques Baby and the Family Compact
Shared Path
Baby Point marine shale on the east bank: 450 million years – 300m wide
channel cliffs on either side – Waters: meander scars – floods – disasters
1890: 4 m deep; 2006: 1 m only
History of first French fort
History of Jacques Baby
History of Family Compact
History of the founding of Toronto
The Humber River
Baby Point
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
11. Champlain Memorial
Champlain memorial historical plaque
Shared Path
– His passage in the Humber area
– Exploration and settlement by the French in North America
– First French fort
– Shores of the Humber River
Portage and canoes
Ill. Michel Glénisson
(Champlain au Canada, p. 73)
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
12. Étienne Brûlé
– Panel: The story of Étienne Brûlé
Shared Path
– The story of Étienne Brûlé
– Étienne Brûlé Park
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
13. Toronto Carrying Place, Second French
Fort and Jean-Baptiste Rousseau Site
– Interpretive Centre: The Toronto Carrying Place, the second French fort
and the Jean-Baptiste Rousseau site
Shared Path
– History of second French fort
– History of Jean-Baptiste Rousseau: He best represents the Shared Path
having been a trading partner with the First Nations and witness to the
transition to the British regime
– Shared languages: French, English, Ojibwa
– Rousseau’s activities on the Humber River: advantages
– Departure and arrival point of Toronto Carrying Place
– Arrival of Governor Simcoe: survey of a new Ontario map
– Rousseau site, Humber River
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
In conclusion
1. The Humber River: the only
designated Canadian Heritage
River accessible by subway
2. Unique collection of factors:
Toronto Carrying Place
First Nations villages
Fur trade
French forts
Colonial Upper-Canada
Today in the heart of a multicultural capital city
3. A Shared Path for a Shared Past
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
III. Integrating public art
A variety of possible interpretations
– Would complement the histories of
Garrison Creek, Simcoe and
Fort York
Moose Sculpture at
Jardin botanique
de Montréal
Umlaf Sculpture Garden
Austin, Texas (Art for
Trails and Greenways)
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
Phasing, priorities and costs
Main features of the Toronto Historical Park
The following order of magnitude costs are identified for each of the
implementation projects of the Toronto Historical Park trail network and
associated legacy projects.
Toronto Historical Park – A Shared Path
We are asking for:
• community involvement and support
• partners
• champions
• advice
• assistance in our search for funding