S.O.S. Sex Offender Sense

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(Sex Offender Sense)
Presented by:
Jon Cordeiro
Founder and National Director
New Name Ministries Fort Worth, Texas
New Name Ministries
New Name Ministries envisions social reform by replacing
America’s current practices of long-term retribution with
restoration and reconciliation. We believe in treatment and
restoration for those involved in and/or impacted by sexual
abuse, without fear of destroying their family or being
ostracized for life. We work to replace persecution with
prevention through education and treatment. This new
emphasis will lead to prevention and intervention, which
means fewer victims. We intend to replicate community safe
residential reentry facilities nationwide to assist those
exiting prisons. We renew and repurpose individuals to
equip them to break the cycle of sexual abuse and thus
New Name Ministries
Mission Statement
Child abuse prevention through community
safe residential reentry for former sex
offenders and restorative education to
churches, families and individuals impacted
by sexual abuse.
This presentation is based on careful research
representing public information concerning
education related to developing policies and
procedures for prevention of sexual offenses
and reintegration of former sex offenders. This
is not an exhaustive or conclusive presentation,
nor is there any guarantee that the information
received will keep children, youth and vulnerable
adults in your community safe from sexual
With respect for any former victim's of sexual
abuse that may be attending this presentation;
please know it is NOT our desire to revictimize anyone, only to educate the public. If
anyone feels re-victimized by the content of
this presentation please make us aware of it
after the presentation so we may consider how
to better serve the public.
Who is a sex offender?
Headlines about Sexual Offenses
It has been seven years since she learned that her 53-year-old executive husband was
accused of molesting a child under the age of 14. He quickly admitted guilt and was
arrested. After posting bail the next day, he came home, but she ordered him away
from her and their children. Public records show he shot himself in the head a day
Headlines about Sexual Offenses
Headlines about Sexual Offenses
Headlines about Sexual Offenses
BROOKSHIRE, Texas – A 12-year-old boy has been accused of sodomizing an
8-year-old boy with a bamboo stick while four other young children held the boy down.
Headlines about Sexual Offenses
A former high school teacher has been charged with sexually assaulting a
student according to the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department.
What is a sex offense?
Any sexual activity that violates the rights
and privacy of another.
Two Types of Sex Offenders:
Known – 15% (Registrant’s)
Unknown – 85%
Types of Sexual Offenses
Frotteurism: intentional sexual touch in public.
Most common and hardest to prove.
Voyeurism (“Peeping Tom”): secretive viewing.
Live Pornography.
Exhibitionism: exposing to strangers.
Highest rate of recidivism of all sexual offenses.
Types of Sexual Offenses
Pedophilia: primary interest in prepubescent
children (exclusive: only children, non-exclusive:
joint interest in children and adults).
Child molester: commonly situational, not
Rapist: violent force of will upon another.
Examples of Sexual Offenses
Consensual sex between 17 yo boy and 15 yo girl.
Possession or distribution of illegal pornography.
Solicitation of a prostitute for sexual services.
Examples of Sexual Offenses
Burglary of a habitat while inhabited.
Anyone caught urinating in a public place.
Kids/adults that “moon” someone as a prank.
How Many Offenders?
1 in 20 Males,
1 in 3,300 Females
Will Sexually Offend.
How Many Victims?
Women 1 in 4 - only 1/16 disclose
Men 1 in 10 - only 1/60 disclose
Biblical View of Sexual Immorality
Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said do
not commit adultery. But I tell you that
anyone who has looked at a women lustfully
has already committed adultery with her in
his heart.”
-Matthew 5:27-28
Biblical View of Sexual Immorality
Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a
man commits are outside his body, he who
sins sexually sins against his own body. Do
you not know that your body is a temple of
the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you
have received from God? You are not your
own; you were bought at a price. Therefore
honor God with your body.
1Corinthians 6:18-20
Admitted Child
All Americans
Married or formerly married
Some college
High school graduate
Sources: The Abel and Harlow Stop Child Molestation Study (4,000 child molesters) and the 1999 U.S.
Census Statistical Abstract.
Admitted Child
All Americans
Ethnic Groups:
Sources: The Abel and Harlow Stop Child Molestation Study (4,000 child molesters) and the 1999 U.S.
Census Statistical Abstract.
Which Children Are Most At Risk?
Children in the Family
Biological Child
Stepchild, Adopted or Foster Child
Brothers and Sisters
Nieces and Nephews
Which Children are most at risk?
Children in the Neighborhood
Child Left in My Care
Child of Friend or Neighbor
Children Who Are Strangers
Child Strangers
Sources: The Abel and Harlow Stop Child Molestation Study (4,000 child molesters) and the 1999 U.S.
Census Statistical Abstract.
Note: Some child molesters molest children in more than one category, therefore categories total more
than 100 percent.
The Facts
Not all sex offenders are predators.
Not all sex offenders are
child molesters.
Not all child molesters are pedophiles.
The Facts
Sex offenders exist throughout society.
They mostly offend those in their family
or social circle.
90 % of child molesters report that they
know their victims fairly well.
63.1% Will Not Reoffend
13.7% Sexually Reoffend
23.3% Non-Sexual Offense
2004 Meta-Analysis Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada
(R. Karl Hanson and Kelly Morton-Bourgon)
2.46% Returned Different Offense
3.65% Returned Same Offense
93.89% Did Not Reoffend
Updated 2004 Michigan Recidivism Statistics Chart
4,762 Paroled Offenders (Statistics gathered over a period of 11 years)
Does Treatment Work?
Surveys show that sex offenders that
receive treatment have a 50% reduction
in re-offense.
80% Did Not Reoffend Over 15 Years
A 15 Year Study; “concluded that more than 80% of sex offenders who have undergone
treatment do not reoffend within 15 years.” – The State of Texas Council on Sex Offender
Treatment (CSOT) quotes the December 2002 publication of Psychiatry News.
100% of Sex Offender Laws
Based on Less Than 1% of Cases
Megan’s Law and amendments are based on cases involving abduction, sexual
assault and murder. These represent less than 1% of the overall sex crime
statistics but affects 100% of the cases.
Where Do We Start ?
Evaluate your family and social boundaries.
Cast out fear with God’s perfect love;
Separate the behavior from the person,
hate the sin – not the sinner.
BELIEVE that with GOD,
What Can We Do?
Become part of their process of change and
Offer ourselves as a living testimony of the
power and love of Jesus Christ.
Become the friend they never had, the family
they long for, the re-presenter of
Christ that holds up a standard for life.
What Can the Church Do?
The Church can do all things through Christ!
We are called to change the world!
We have the most important role, and the
most authority, in addressing this age old
problem in our society.
What Can the Church Do?
“My people perish for lack of knowledge…”
Educate Church leadership
Establish policies and procedures
Train teachers and volunteers
Certify Chaperones
“The only thing to fear, is fear itself.”
There is no fear in love. But
perfect love drives out fear,
because fear has to do with
punishment. The one who fears is
not made perfect in love.
1 John 4:18