CINAHL Basic Searching

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Transcript CINAHL Basic Searching

Kids Search
Welcome to EBSCO’s Kids Search tutorial. The Kids Search interface offers kindergarten through grade
school students an age-appropriate, easy-to-use and geographically appealing interface, with an
emphasis on searching by topic, such as geography, arts & music, health or sports.
Starting on the Home Page, enter term(s) in the Find field, and then click Go, or click on any of the Topic
images located in the area just below the Find field.
Source types represented in the Result List are shown at the top, and when clicked, present results
from the clicked source type only.
The Detailed Search screen includes a list of Topics. When you click on a Topic, a list of appropriate
subtopics is presented, any of which can be checked and included in the search. Topic Searching
provides a broad range of topics on which to focus research, with the advantage of additional
refinement using each topic’s subtopics.
The Dictionary button leads to a Look up field in which to enter terms. The Dictionary includes a special
Vocabulary Challenge section, which includes links to definitions of featured terms.
Click on the Encyclopedia button to browse by entering terms in the Look up field. Information about
the Encyclopedia is prominently displayed on the screen.
The Teacher Resources button appears when one of these databases is present: Academic Search
Elite/Premier, ERIC or Prof. Dev. Collection. In addition to limiters and expanders, the Teacher Resources
screen includes radio buttons for selecting databases, links to curriculum standards for the U.S., Canada
and the DoDEA Schools, plus links to the DoE and DoDEA web sites.
You can print, e-mail, or save any article from a Result List by clicking on its title link and then clicking
on the Print, E-mail, or Save link. To manage multiple results, add them to the folder, and then print, email, or save them from inside the folder. Save folder items beyond the current session by clicking on
the Sign In link and setting up a free personalized folder account.
Click on the Help link for access to a complete electronic manual. For additional help on this and other
EBSCO products, visit EBSCO’s Support Site at
This concludes the Kids Search interface tutorial.