Assessment Workshop - School District of Palm Beach County

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Transcript Assessment Workshop - School District of Palm Beach County

Spring 2015 Test Coordinators
Pretest Workshop
Contact Information
• Cherie Boone - px# 48855 (434-8855) fax px# 48736 (434-8736)
e-mail: [email protected]
• Tom Cornman - px# 42499 (681-2499) fax px# 45133 (684-5133)
e-mail: [email protected]
• Vanessa Ferrell - px# 48355 (434-8355) fax px# 48903 (434-8903)
• Ken Morris - px# 45155 (684-5155) fax px# 45133 (684-5133)
• Jackie Johnson - px# 45155 (684-5155) fax px# 45133 (684-5133)
• Paul Houchens - px# 48780 (434-8780) fax px# 48903 (434-8903)
e-mail: [email protected]
Test Security Policies and
Test Security
• Per Test Security Statute, s. 1008.24, F.S., and Florida State Board
Rule, 6A-10.042, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), inappropriate
actions by school or district personnel can result in student or
classroom invalidations, loss of teaching certification, and/or
involvement of law enforcement.
– Examples of prohibited activities include the following:
– Reading or viewing the passages or test items before, during, or after
– Revealing the passages or test items
– Copying the passages or test items
– Explaining the passages or test items for students
– Changing or otherwise interfering with student responses to test items
– Copying or reading student responses
– Causing achievement of schools to be inaccurately measured or
Test Security Policies and Procedures
• The security of all test materials must be maintained before, during,
and after test administration. Under no circumstances are students
permitted to assist in preparing secure materials before testing or in
organizing and returning materials after testing.
• After ANY administration, initial or make-up, secure materials (e.g.,
passage booklets, test tickets, used worksheets, used work folders)
must be returned immediately to the school assessment
coordinator and placed in locked storage. The Test Materials Chain
of Custody Form must be maintained at all times.
Test Security Policies and Procedures
• No more than three people should have access to the locked
storage room.
• Secure materials must never be left unsecured and must not remain
in classrooms or be taken off the school’s campus overnight.
• Secure materials should never be destroyed (e.g., shredded, thrown
in the trash), except for soiled documents, as described in the
“Hazardous Materials” section of the manual.
Test Security Policies and Procedures
• School administrators, school assessment coordinators, technology
coordinators, test administrators, and proctors must receive
adequate training prior to test administration and all personnel
must sign and return a Test Administration and Security Agreement
stating that they have read and agree to abide by all test
administration and test security policies and procedures.
– Additionally, any other person who assists the school assessment
coordinator, technology coordinator, or test administrator must sign
and return an agreement.
• Test administrators must sign a Test Administrator Prohibited
Activities Agreement.
– Remember that ALL test administrators must be certified educators.
– Non-certified school personnel must NOT be allowed to serve as test
Test Security Policies and Procedures
• When testing a large group of students, proctors must be assigned
to the room. Refer to the table below for the required number of
Test Security Policies and Procedures
• Proctors and anyone who assists with any aspect of test preparation
or administration must be informed of the test security laws and
rules prohibiting any activities that may threaten the integrity of the
• Each proctor who monitors a testing room for any length of time
must sign a Test Administration and Security Agreement and the
Security Log for that room.
Test Security Policies and Procedures
• School personnel and non-school personnel may be trained as
proctors. Prior to testing, all proctors should be informed or their
duties and of the appropriate test security policies and procedures.
– School personnel duties may include preparing and distributing
– Non-school personnel may assists test administrators during test
administration; however, they may NOT participate in any of the test
administration procedures (e.g., distributing and collecting test
materials, providing accommodations).
– Volunteers (e.g., parents, retired teachers) may be trained as proctors
and may perform non-school personnel duties.
• All proctors may help monitor rooms during test administration;
however, they may NOT assist in rooms where their family
members are testing.
Test Security Policies and Procedures
Hazardous Materials
• If a used test and answer book is soiled (e.g., with blood or vomit),
the school must notify the district assessment coordinator. At their
discretion, school personnel may transcribe the response into a
replacement test and answer book.
• The damaged test and answer book should then be destroyed or
disposed of in a secure manner (e.g., hazardous waste receptical,
shredding, burning).
Test Security Policies and Procedures
Missing Materials
• Schools must investigate ANY report of missing materials and report
missing secure materials to the district assessment coordinator
Test Security Policies and Procedures
Missing Materials
• Within 30 calendar days of the incident, a written report must be
submitted to FDOE. The report must include, as applicable:
the nature of the situation,
the time and place of the occurrence,
the names of the people involved,
copies of completed forms,
a description of the communication between the district assessment
coordinator’s office and school personnel,
– how the incident was resolved, and
– what steps are being implemented to avoid future losses.
Test Irregularities/Security Breaches
• Test administrators should report any test irregularities (e.g., disruptive
students, loss of Internet connectivity) to the school assessment
coordinator immediately.
– A test irregularity may include testing that is interrupted for an extended
period of time due to a local technical malfunction or severe weather.
– School assessment coordinators must notify district assessment
coordinators of any test irregularities that are reported.
– Decisions regarding test invalidation should not be made prior to
communicating with the district assessment coordinator.
• Test administrators should report possible breaches of test security (e.g.,
secure test content that has been photographed, copied, or otherwise
recorded) to the school assessment coordinator immediately.
• If a security breach is identified, the school assessment coordinator must
contact the district assessment coordinator.
Test Irregularities/Security Breaches
• For test irregularities requiring further investigation by the district
and for security breaches, a written report must be submitted
within 10 calendar days after the irregularity or security breach was
Defective Materials Policies and Procedures
Test Invalidation
• Remember that the main purpose of invalidation is to identify when
the validity of test results has been compromised.
• A test administrator should discuss any situation involving possible
invalidation with the school assessment coordinator, and the
situation should be investigated immediately.
• A test administrators should discuss the situation with the school
assessment coordinator, and the situation should be investigated
Defective Materials Policies and Procedures
• Do Not Score (DNS) and UNDO Bubbles
• The DNS bubble must be gridded when a test and answer book is
• If a DNS bubble has been gridded by mistake, erase the DNS bubble
and grid the UNDO bubble. Then package the test and answer book
with all other TO BE SCORED materials.
Test Security
• Inappropriate actions by school or district personnel before, during,
or after test administration may result in consequences such as test
invalidations and/or loss of teaching certification
– Please carefully read:
• the Test Security Policies and Procedures
• the Florida Test Security Statute
• the Florida State Board of Education Test Security Rule
– All personnel involved in test administration must read and sign the
appropriate Test Administration and Security Agreement
– Test administrators will also be required to sign a Test Administrator
Prohibited Activities Agreement indicating that they understand
prohibited activities during test administration and possible
consequences of inappropriate behavior
• Test administrators will record their certification numbers on the Test
Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement
• Security Agreement
• Prohibited Activities Agreement
Testing Rules Acknowledgment
All tests include a Testing Rules Acknowledgment that reads:
During the test, you must not
talk to other students or make any disturbance
look at another student’s Writing folder, planning sheet and or test items
allow another student to look at your Writing folder, planning sheet and or test items
ask for help responding to the Writing folder, planning sheet and or test items
give help to another student in responding to the Writing prompt or test items
have notes or scratch paper, other than your planning sheet
have any electronic or recording devices in your possession at any time, including
breaks, even if you do not use them
– fail to follow any other instructions given
“After the test, you may not discuss the writing prompt/test items with anyone. This
includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting
online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found
sharing information about the Writing prompt/test items, even without the intent to
cheat, your test will be invalidated.”
All students and parents/guardians should be made aware of the Testing Rules
Acknowledgement and this clarification to the testing rules prior to testing
Testing Rules Acknowledgment
• Location of Acknowledgment
FSA ELA-Writing - back of the planning sheet
FSA/FCAT PBT - Inside the front cover of the test document
FSA CBT - Back of the work folder or worksheet
FCAT CBT – after the welcome screen
• Prior to testing, students must acknowledge the testing rules that the test
administrator read to them by clicking or signing below the Testing Rules
• If a student refuses to sign:
– The test administrator immediately notifies the school assessment
– The school assessment coordinator talks with student
– If the student still refuses, the student is tested and documentation of
their refusal is kept at the school
Electronic Devices-Students
• School personnel must ensure that students do not have access to
their cell phones or other electronic devices at any time during
testing, including breaks (e.g., restroom breaks, lunch), if they will
return to complete a test session
– If a student is found to be in possession of ANY electronic device(s)
during testing OR during a break, his or her test must be invalidated
• Students and parents/guardians must be made aware of this policy
prior to testing
• Electronic devices sign must be posted prior to testing where it will
be visible to all students
– Included in the back of every manual
Electronic Devices-Test Administrators/Proctors
• Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement – “I understand
that during testing I may not: Use my cell phone, check email,
grade papers, or engage in other activities that will result in my
attention not being on students at all times.”
• Every script states – “At this time, ensure that your own electronic
devices are turned off.”
Test Security
• The security of all test materials must be maintained before, during,
and after test administration
• Under no circumstances are students permitted to assist in
preparing secure materials before testing or in organizing and
returning materials after testing
• After ANY administration, initial or make-up, all secure materials
must be returned immediately to the test coordinator and placed in
locked storage
• The Test Materials Chain of Custody Form must be maintained at all
times (FSA, FCAT and EOC Paper/Pencil Only)
Admission of Students to Testing
• Precautions must be taken at testing sites when students are
unknown to the test administrator or other school staff
– Photo identification, such as a driver’s license or school ID, must be
checked before admitting unfamiliar students to a testing room
• Ensure that students take each subject test only ONCE during each
– In the event that a student takes a subject test more than once and it
cannot be determined which test was taken first, both tests will be
– Contact prior school if a student registers during the test
administration from another district school
• Contact Assessment to have test materials transferred to new school
Chain of Custody Form
• Used to account for secure paper/pencil test materials at all times
• Schools are required to maintain a Test Materials Chain of Custody
• The purpose of this form is to track test materials at all times,
the date the materials arrived at your school
the location they will be stored,
the dates and times they are handled,
and the names of the persons performing various activities involving
the materials
• Schools must retain electronic or hard copies of completed forms
for their files. Original hardcopies of the Chain of Custody form
must be packaged and returned to the district assessment
coordinator in the District Assessment Coordinator ONLY box.
Chain of Custody Form
• Must use the form provided on
the FSA Portal and
PearsonAccess or in the back of
each of the test administration
Test Group Code
• Test group codes are used to identify groups of students tested
– May be used during investigations after testing to verify whether
students were tested in the same room
• Schools must use one unique four-digit test group code for both
sessions of each subject test for students in each testing room
• If students are absent for a test session, a different unique code
must be used for each make-up session
• Test administrators record the code with their required
administration information and on seating charts
Test Group Code/Session ID
• Test Group Codes MUST be recorded on the Administration/Security
• Test Group Codes are not required for FSA computer-based tests, CELLA
and FAA
Security Numbers
• A unique security number is assigned to each secure document
– The packing list will indicate the number ranges assigned to each
• Written documentation of the number ranges must be maintained
at all times during distribution and return of secure materials
• The test administrator must maintain a record of the security
numbers for all secure materials assigned to him or her
Location of Security Numbers
FCAT Test and Answer Book
FSA Test and Answer Book
Location of Security Numbers
Directions for Administration
Listening CDs (A1 & B1 and C1 & D1)
Level A Test Book
Level A One-on-One Prompt Book
Level B Test Book
Level C Test Book
Level D Test Book
Large-Print Test Books
Braille Test Books
Used Levels B, C, and D Answer Sheets
Security Checklist
• Used to record the security numbers of secure documents assigned
to and returned by each test administrator
• May use provided formats or create your own version as long as
required information is recorded
• Pre-populated versions available
FSA Writing ELA and Math on TIDE
FCAT Science 2.0 on PearsonAccess
CELLA on Questar’s Service Point
FAA not available
Security Checklist
Security Log
• Each school is required to maintain an accurate Security Log
– Provided in the test administration manual
• Anyone who enters a testing room for the purpose of monitoring
the test is required to sign the log
– This applies to test administrators, proctors, and anyone who relieves
a test administrator (even for a short break) regardless of how much
time he/she spends monitoring a testing room
Security Log
Seating Chart
• Schools are required to maintain an accurate seating chart for your
testing room. The chart should record the following:
Room name/number
Grade level/subject
Student names and locations in the room during testing
Indicate the front and back of the room
Direction students are facing
Session starting time
Test administrator’s name
Names of proctors (if applicable)
Session ID # (FSA CBT ONLY)
Test group code (not CELLA)
Seating Chart
• If the seating configuration changes during testing, a new seating
chart must be created
• Multiple versions of seating charts are available on the Assessment
website or use one of your own design
• Make copies of the original seating charts for your records
• Originals of all the seating charts must be returned to your district
coordinator of assessment in the District Coordinator ONLY box
Supervising Test Administrations
• Do:
– Read scripts for administering a test VERBATIM
• Scripts can be modified when administering test with accommodations
(example: a change in the timing of the test)
Supervising Test Administrations
• Do:
– Check student grid sheets to ensure the following:
• No stray marks are in the preidentified/security number area
• No stray marks or writing appear outside designated areas
• DNS and UNDO bubbles are accurate
Supervision of students
Proctor behaviors
3 keys
Delivery procedures
Returning (no pony)
Counting materials when arrive
Ordering Test Materials Online
Receiving Materials
• Initial shipments of materials are automatically sent to schools for ALL
– Verify the counts of all secure materials on the day schools are permitted
to open the secure boxes
– Notify the Test Distribution Center immediately of any discrepancies
involving secure materials
• Online order forms are not posted until the delivery of the initial
shipments begins
• Delivery of materials by TDC staff may take up to 5 working days
– If you need materials immediately, pick up at the TDC may be faster
– Pick up materials at the TDC will be mandatory as the end of an
administration window nears
• Secure materials MUST never be shipped through the Pony
Print This Page
For Your Records
Testing Platforms and Websites
Performance Matters
• Tests
– Diagnostic Tests
– Palm Beach Performance Assessments
• Contact –
– Carla Kendall
• 969-5822 (px45822)
• Training materials, forms and materials will be available online at:
Support tab
FSA Portal
Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE)
Online Reporting System (ORS)
Test Administration
TA Training Site
Training Tests
FSA Portal
Questar Website
• Pre-populated CELLA Administration Record/Security Checklists,
and school packing lists are available to School Coordinators at
– No password is needed to access these documents
FDOE Website
• The following 2015 CELLA items can be found at
State-wide Memorandums
CELLA Parent Information Brochure
CELLA Parent/Guardian Letters
CELLA Interpretive Guide
Forms to report test irregularities/security breaches and missing
materials to FDOE
Test Administration Manual
Training Materials
CELLA Security Log
Customer Satisfaction Survey
General Information
FSA Training Tests
• Must be administered to each student before they can participate in a
computer-based administration
– the student must complete the correct training test to learn how to use
the computer-based system
• Training tests can be administered at any time up to the day of the test
– Training tests can be used multiple times
– Students and parents should be made aware that they can access training
tests on their own
• Scripts for administering the training tests are available at:
– students and their parents can also access at home
• May be administered individually or as a mock testing session
Electronic Practice Tests (ePATs)
• Must be administered to each student before they can participate
in a computer-based administration
– the student must complete the correct ePAT to learn how to use the
computer-based system
• ePATs can be administered at any time up to the day of the test
– ePATs can be used multiple times
– Students and parents should be made aware that they can access
ePATs on their own
• Scripts for administering ePATs are available at:
– students and their parents can also access at home
Make-up Testing
• Students who are not tested on the regular administration date due
to a temporary illness, disabling condition, etc., should be tested on
a make-up day
– All security and administration procedures must be followed while
conducting make-up tests
• Session 1 MUST be completed before Session 2. Any students
absent for Session 1 may not participate in Session 2 until they have
completed Session 1.
Important Information
• If a student begins a session and leaves campus without finishing
(due to an appointment, illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed
to complete that session
– No exceptions will be made once the student leaves the school’s
campus, so parents/guardians and students must be made aware of
this policy
– If you have concerns about a student, you should not allow the
student to begin - arrange to administer the test to that student on a
make-up day
Refuse to Write/Attempt
• The student who enters the testing room but refuses to take the
• If the student makes no marks on the test other than the student
grid sheet
– The student will be counted as “Not Attempted ”
– DO NOT invalidate
– Return with the To Be Scored documents
– Click the “END TEST”(AIR) button or “SUBMIT FINAL
Features provided to ALL students
Color contrast
Print Size
Zoom buttons
Line Reader
Notes Button
CBT Accommodations
• A student with disabilities who has an Individual Educational Plan
(IEP) or Section 504 plan may be eligible for regular and/or unique
accommodations on statewide assessments.
– All accommodations must be documented, must be used regularly
during classroom instruction, and must not alter the concepts being
– Text-to-speech
– Screen reader
– Read Aloud
– Masking (blocking of areas of text)
– Other allowable accommodations determined by IEP team (ex:
extended time, frequent breaks, etc.)
Read Aloud - Reading & Writing Components
• Students with an oral presentation accommodation on their IEP/504 plans
may have the directions and prompt read aloud to them.
• The Writing Component of the ELA test has students read a variety of texts
and respond to what they have read.
• Because this portion of the test assesses reading skills as well as writing skills,
the passages may NOT be read aloud to students.
• Students with an oral presentation accommodation on their IEP/504 plans
may have the directions, test questions, and answer choices read aloud to
• The reading passages may NOT be read aloud to students.
For CBT tests, text-to-speech features will be available on the appropriate
read-aloud portions for students who are assigned this accommodation in the
Read Aloud - FSA Mathematics
• All mathematics directions, test questions, and answer choices may
be read aloud to students with this accommodation (this policy has
not changed).
• For CBT tests, text-to-speech features will be available
• Any portions of tests that may be read aloud to students may also
be signed for students with this accommodation
Requesting a Unique Accommodation or a
Special Document
• Access the Google Doc found in the Bulletin #P-15039-CAO/TL/ESE
• Manuals provide information concerning allowable test
administration accommodations for students with disabilities and
for ELLs
• Students with disabilities are eligible if
– Documented in an IEP or 504 Plan
– are regularly used for instruction
• Must be in the student’s IEP (Individual Educational Plan) or 504 plan
(Students under Section 504 Of The Rehabilitation Act)
– Must not alter content
– Must be in use in the classroom
– Must be in use prior to FCAT
• 504
– Regular
– Temporary
• A student with the accommodation of extra time must complete session
one before continuing to the next session.
Flexible Scheduling
• It is permissible to have a different testing schedule for
accommodated students.
• Testing schedule should be varied to maximize resources.
– Must administer the sessions in order
– Administration must be within the District’s testing window
Documenting Accommodations
Security Checklists
Documenting Accommodations
For Paper-Pencil Testing
• Allowable accommodations
• Must be gridded on answer document by teacher
Documenting Accommodations
For FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake,
FCAT Mathematics Retake and
Algebra 1 Retakes
• Allowable accommodations
• Must be entered into
PearsonAccess after a student
completes testing.
FSA Student Labels - Preidentified
• Grades 4-7 ELA – Writing Component
– Preprinted student labels will be sorted based on your pregrid sort option
selection (additional upload Feb 16th)
• Grades 3 and 4 ELA, Mathematics
– Preprinted student labels will be sorted based on your pregrid sort option
selection (additional upload March 16th)
• CBT Paper/pencil accommodated students
• On demand labels printed at the school
– CBT pencil/paper accommodated students
– Any student with an incorrect pre-id label
– Any new student enrolled at the school
• Schools will receive blank labels to create On-Demand PreID Labels in TIDE
for students who need them. Additional blank labels may be ordered
through TIDE, if needed.
Other Student Labels - Preidentified
• Grades 5 & 8 FCAT 2.0 Science
– Preprinted student labels will be sorted based on your pregrid sort option
– No on demand printing available
• FCAT Retakes and NGSSS EOC’s CBT Paper/Pencil accommodated students
– No labels
– Labels based on Survey 7 data
– No on demand printing available
– Preidentified answer sheets based on Survey 2 data
Preidentified Student Labels
• Only the school assessment coordinator and other certified school
personnel may open the shrink-wrapped packages and affix labels
– Secure test materials must not be opened prior to specified date
• Students are not permitted to assist in preparing secure materials
before testing or in organizing and returning materials after testing
• All secure materials must be returned to locked storage and remain
there until testing
Placing Student Labels
• In order for a document to be properly scanned, carefully place the
label in the box that reads PLACE STUDENT LABEL HERE on the
student grid sheet of each answer document
• Do not remove a label once they have been placed on an answer
– A corrected FSA student label may be placed directly over and
incorrect student label.
– Do not place a student label over another student label for FCAT 2.0
Science or CELLA
Preidentified Student Label
Preidentified Student Label
English Language Learner (ELL) Status
• The English Language Learner (ELL) category on student grid sheets
no longer records the length of time ELLs have been receiving ESOL
services but is now updated to record the length of time ELLs have
been enrolled in a U.S. school.
Returning Your Test Materials
• Detailed instructions on how to return assessment materials will be
provided on the Assessment website and/or in a Testing Tidbit
Do Not Score (DNS) and UNDO Bubbles
FSA, FCAT and EOC Paper/Pencil
Florida Alternate Assessment
FSA English Language Arts - Writing
Important Dates
• February 9-13, 2015 – Schools receive administration manuals
• February 18-20, 2015 – Schools receive writing materials
• February 23, 2015 – Schools may open and prepare SECURE materials
• March 2-13, 2015 – CBT administration window
• March 10, 2015 – PBT administration
– March 11 – 13, 2015 - make-up
• March 13, 2015 – Return materials to a designated drop-off locations
between 1:00-3:00 PM or to the Test Distribution Center all day until 4:00
Important Information
• The test session length for the Spring ELA Writing Test is 90 minutes
– Students who have not completed testing at the end of 90 minutes
may have an additional 30 minutes to complete the test session.
– Test administrators must allow no less than 90 minutes and no more
than 120 minutes per test session (not including extended time
accommodations) and
– Test Administrators must not collect test materials or instruct students
to submit computer-based tests until the end of the 90-minute test
• Make up opportunity is mandatory
Students to Be Tested
• All students currently enrolled in Grades 4-11, including retained
students, participate in FSA ELA-Writing
– Grades 4-7 will be administered the paper-based test
– Grades 8-11 will be administered the computer-based test
• Except those students with an approved paper-based testing
NGSSS Algebra 1, FCAT 2.0 Reading and
SSS Mathematics
Important Dates
• February 16-20, 2015 – Schools receive administration manuals
• March 24-April 10, 2015 – CBT Administration window
– March 24-April 2, 2015 – PBT administration window (accommodations)
• April 2, 2015 – TDC Staff picks up accommodated materials
• April 10, 2015 – Completion of all test session activities MUST occur
by 4:00 PM
Grades 3 & 4 FSA ELA and
Important Dates
• February 23-27 – Schools receive administration manuals
• March 10-13, 2015 – Schools receive materials
• February 23, 2015 – Schools may open and prepare SECURE materials
• March 25 & 26, 2015 – ELA administration
– March 26 – April 10, 2015 – make up
• March 31 – April 1, 2015 – math administration
– April 1 – April 10, 2015 – make up
• April 10, 2015 – Return materials to a designated drop-off locations
between 1:00-3:00 PM or to the Test Distribution Center all day until 4:00
Students to Be Tested
• All eligible students currently enrolled in:
– Grade 3 ELA and Mathematics
– Grade 4 ELA and Mathematics
FCAT 2.0 Science
Important Dates
• February 16-20, 2015 – Schools receive administration manuals
• April 17-21, 2015– Schools receive materials
• April 22, 2015 – Schools may open and prepare SECURE materials (NOT
• April 28 & 29 – grade 5 administration
– April 29 – May 8, 2015 – make up
• April 28, 2015 – grade 8 administration
– April 29-May 8, 2015 – make up
• May 8, 2015 – Return materials to a designated drop-off locations
between 1:00-3:00 PM or to the Test Distribution Center all day until 4:00
Students to Be Tested
• All eligible students currently enrolled in:
– Grade 5 Science
– Grade 8 Science
Grades 5-11 FSA ELA and
Grades 5-8 FSA Mathematics
Important Dates
• March 23-27, 2015 – Schools receive administration manuals
• April 13-May 8, 2015 – CBT administration window
– April 13-24, 2015 – PBT administration window
• April 24, 2015 – TDC Staff picks up accommodated materials
• May 8, 2015 – Complete entering student corrections and
invalidations into TIDE
Students to Be Tested
• All eligible students currently enrolled in:
– Grade 5-11 ELA
– Grade 5-8 Mathematics
• Students who are currently enrolled in Algebra 1, Geometry or
Algebra 2 course will not be administered their grade level FSA
Mathematics test.
Work Folders
• The work folder is a yellow 11x17 paper folded in half. The last
page of the folder (back cover) is printed with graph paper
• For the CBT FSA/FCAT Mathematics, Algebra 1, Biology 1 and
Geometry EOC test sessions:
– For FSA grades 5 Mathematics, two work folders will be provided for
each student (one for Session 1 and one for Session 2)
– For FSA grades 6, 7 and 8 Mathematics, three work folders will be
provided for each student (one for Session 1, 2 and Session 3)
– For EOC’s, students are provided with one work folders to work the
problems. One work folder should be sufficient for each student;
however, students may request additional folders
Work Folders
• Work folders are to be distributed to students at the beginning of
each Mathematics test session
– Ensure that students have enough desk space to use their folders
• Once students complete a test session, the test administrator MUST
collect all work folders
• All work folders must be returned in the District Coordinator ONLY
CBT Worksheets
• Mandatory for each school
• Ordered from the Assessment website
• For each FSA ELA Reading, FCAT 2.0 Reading Retakes, Civics EOC and US
History EOC computer-based test session, CBT Worksheets may be
provided for students to make notes
– Scratch paper may not be used
• The worksheet is an 8 ½ × 11 page that may be distributed to students at
the beginning of a test session
– If your school is providing hard copies of the CBT Worksheet they can be
ordered from the Assessment website
– Students must receive a new worksheet for Session 2
– Schools must ensure that students have enough desk space to use their
• Once students complete a test session, the test administrator MUST
collect all worksheets
• All worksheets must be returned in the District Coordinator ONLY box
Logging on to Workstations
• Schools on the district network MUST always use ####FLCBT when
logging into workstations.
• Most calls to the Service Desk concerning problems with CBT are
caused because:
– the wrong domain account was used to log into the computers
• always use ####FLCBT
– the wrong URL was used (the default URL is missing FL at the end)
• always use the URL on the test ticket, which ends with FL (upper case)
Infrastructure Trial
• The Infrastructure Trial test must be run on each workstation prior
to the test administration
– Instructions for running this trial can be found in the Infrastructure
Readiness Guide, which is located at
• Tentatively February 19th
• District schools (on District network) will receive information on
District-wide Infrastructure Trial
• Charter schools must schedule
Certification Tool and Spreadsheet
• Must be completed by completed by Friday, February 13, 2015
• Middle and high schools complete for both Pearson and FSA
• Elementary schools complete for FSA only
Florida Alternate Assessment
Questions about Test Administration
Amy Brown
434-8377/PX 48377
Questions about test security and materials
Cherie Boone
434-8855/PX 48855
Tom Cornman
681-2499/PX 42499
Important Dates
• February 26, 2015 – Anticipated day that schools could begin
receiving materials
• March 2 - April 2, 2015 – Administration window
• Thursday, April 2, 2015 – Return materials to the Test Distribution
Center by 4:00 PM
– Materials will be picked up from the Glades area schools beginning the
morning of Thursday, April 2, 2015
Important Information
• Test Coordinators are responsible for:
– the daily distribution, collection secure test materials and returning
the secure test materials to a central secure location
– monitoring testing activities to ensure that testing security policies
and procedures are followed
– working with the ESE staff to ensure that the all of the appropriate
students are tested using the correct grade level materials
• One-sided response booklets are for students who are eye gazers or
who use picture exchange as their mode of communication. The
use of the one-sided response booklet will require teachers to cut
out, organize, and secure the individual materials. This
accommodation should align with what the student uses on a daily
basis during classroom instruction.
Important Information
• Teachers may have access to materials prior to testing for
preparation activities
• Materials MUST be checked out of and back into the locked testing
room/storage each day
• Track materials using Security Checklists
– Test and Answer Book Security Checklist
– Auxiliary Materials Security Checklist
• Student’s MUST be assessed by according to their current TERMS
grade level.
– Rollover occurs before the test administration
Administrator Qualifications
 Who should administer the Florida Alternate
 Student’s special education teacher
 Certified teacher or other licensed professional
who has worked extensively with the student
AND is trained in Florida Alternate Assessment
administration procedures
Assessment Components
 Form A or Form B
 Test Booklet
 Response Booklet
 Cards Packets and/or Strips Packets
 Passage Booklet
 Scannable Student Answer Sheet
Form A or Form B
 All materials match the form of the assessment being
 The correct form of the assessment must be marked on
the Scannable Student Answer Sheet
Scannable Student Answer Sheet
Mark as either Form A or Form B
Scoring can be done in the Test Booklet and
transferred or may be done directly on the scannable
Only TRAINED certified teachers or other licensed
professionals may transfer scores
It is recommended that scannables and transfers of
scores be verified to avoid errors
Test Security
 Security of all test materials must be maintained
before, during, and after test administration
• Student specific security numbers are assigned
for each secure document
• Under no circumstances is a student permitted to
handle materials prior to administration
• Materials must be checked out and returned to
the school’s secure area each day
 Refer to the most recent Florida Alternate
Assessment Procedural Manual for test security
Scannable Student Answer Sheet
Official Scores
Form A or Form B
• Check pre-identified information
• If no pre-identified information is supplied,
complete all areas of the scannable
Reasons not Assessed
Incorrect Information
Defective Answer Sheet
Important Scoring Reminders
 Scores may be recorded in the Test Booklet or directly on the
Scannable Student Answer Sheet
 Only certified teachers or other licensed professionals trained
in administration procedures may transfer scores
 Score as you go - Mark student’s scores after completing the
administration of each item
 The correct answer is listed in the Student will column of the
Test Booklet and should not be in student’s direct line of sight
Important Scoring Reminders
 Double check all Scannable Student Answer Sheets to
avoid coding errors
 Errors may result in a student receiving “NO SCORE”
 Check for incorrect or missing pre-identified information
 Be careful to avoid common errors
• Incomplete academic area
• Too many marks bubbled for an item
• Incorrect academic area completed
• Incorrect grade indicated
Questions about Test Administration
Noel Elvir
357-5944/PX 25944
Questions about test security and materials
Cherie Boone
434-8855/PX 48855
Tom Cornman
681-2499/PX 42499
• February 3 – 7, 2015 – Schools receive materials (including training
• February 17 – April 2, 2015 – Administration window
• April 2, 2015 – CELLA materials returned to the Test Distribution
Center by 4:00 PM
• Late May 2015 – Score reports
Students taking FAA are NOT exempt from CELLA
Students to be Tested
• ALL LYs (identified as LY by 2/17/15) to be tested
– EDW Report - RTSLA0365 It is suggested that schools run this report
weekly throughout the testing window to ensure all students are
• Students MUST be administered ALL sections of CELLA
Speaking (one-on-one)
Test Levels
Test Levels
Level A
Level B
Level C
Level D
Grade Levels Assessed
Grades K-2
(Level A Extension is administered to
Grade 2 ONLY)
Grades 3-5
Grades 6-8
Grades 9-12
Important Information
• Test Coordinators are responsible for
– distributing, collecting, and returning the testing materials
– monitoring testing activities to ensure that testing security policies and
procedures are followed
– working with the ESOL staff to ensure that the all of the appropriate
students are tested using the correct grade level materials
• Materials MUST be checked out of and back into the locked testing
room/storage each day
• Test Administrators may translate directions to entire classes, ONLY if all
ELLs in the class speak the same heritage language
• Individual administration of all four sections of the CELLA is required for
kindergarten students
Important Information
Test Administrators are required to assign the Level A, B, C, or D Student Test Book by
writing the student’s name in the upper-right corner box on the front cover.
– This requirement does not apply to the Level A One-on-One Prompt Book.
Students are permitted to write in an assigned Student Test Book.
– This does not apply to the Level A One-on-One Prompt Book.
New for FY15 - Test Administrators are required to print their name and grid the test
section(s) administered on the student’s answer sheet for accountability
purposes. (Back cover & Pg. 39 Level A, Front & Pg. 2 of Level B, C & D Answer Sheets)
For any test section of the CELLA that the student could not be assessed, a reason must
be indicated on the answer sheet.
– If a student is not assessed and the reason is not listed, the Test Administrator must
attach documentation of the situation to the CELLA Administration Record/Security
– Documents with gridded Reason Not Assessed bubbles are to be returned with the ToBe-Scored materials.
ELL status is not printed on the PreID labels; however, the ELL status is provided on the
PreID Roster
– Schools do not need to grid the missing ELL Status on a preidentified answer document
Test Materials
• It is your responsibility to package all materials correctly for
processing and score reporting
– Mispackaged materials will delay reporting of student results
Spring Grade 2 Diagnostic Tests