Eating Great in ’08 Basic Nutrition Workshop Part 2

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Eating Great in ’08
Basic Nutrition
Part 2
Judy Rigsby
[email protected]
Ungerland Chiropractic Clinic
7718 E. 91st St. Suite 100
Tulsa, OK 74133
Review of First Session
•Dietary Guidelines for Americans
•60-20-20 Rule
•Food Labels
•Daily Journal
Sodium and Caffeine
• New guidelines for
daily sodium
• Caffeine comparisons per
8 oz. beverage
– Drip Coffee – 100 mg
– Black Tea – 55 mg
– Green Tea – 20 mg
Caffeine Content of Selected Beverages
Drip Coffee
Drip Coffee
Black Tea
Black Tea
Green Tea
Green Tea
Water for Life
• Vital Element, second only to oxygen
• Vital every day
• Things that dehydrate
Aging process
Sweat from exercise
• Good general rule: for each glass of beverage with caffeine that you
consume, drink one extra glass of water.
• Other Benefits
– Helps utilize stored fat for energy
– Helps body recover quicker after exercise
– Aids healing process when you have been ill
Drink More Water
• Away from home
– Water bottle
– Order water at restaurants
• At home
– Designate your own water container
– Bottled water
All Water is Not Created Equal
• Hard or soft?
– Hard water – lots of minerals
– Soft water – fewer minerals
• Supermarket water
– Distilled
– Mineral or spring water
– Still or sparkling water
– Spring-like or spring fresh
• Vitamins and Minerals
– Functions
– Both organic and inorganic
– 13 major vitamins
– 3 basic criteria
• Cannot be manufactured in the body
• Symptoms from lack of vitamin
• Elimination of symptoms
Vitamins and Minerals
• Water-soluble
– Vitamins C, B1, B2, niacin, B6, B12, folic acid,
pantothenic acid, and biotin
• Fat-soluble
– Vitamins A, D, E, and K
• Major Minerals
– Calcium, chlorine, magnesium, phosphorus,
potassium, sodium, and sulfur
• Trace Minerals
– Iron, chromium, fluoride, manganese, zinc, selenium,
copper, and iodine
Too Much or Too Little?
Deficiency Signs
Vitamin A: poor night vision; dry, rough or cracked skin; slow wound
healing; nerve damage; reduced ability to taste, hear, and smell;
inability to perspire; reduced resistance to respiratory infections
Vitamin D: in children (rickets); in adults (osteomalacia) – soft,
porous bones
Vitamin E: inability to absorb fat
Vitamin K: blood fails to clot
Vitamin C: scurvy, painful or swollen joints, shortness of breath, slow
wound healing, muscle pains, skin rashes
B1: poor appetite, unintended weight loss; upset stomach; mental
depression; inability to concentrate
B2: inflamed mucous membranes; burning eyes; skin rashes; anemia
B6: anemia; convulsions; skin rashes; upset stomach; nerve damage
B12: anemia; nerve damage; increased risk of stomach cancer
Too Much or Too Little?, cont.
Overdose Effects
Vitamin A: liver damage, headache, vomiting, abnormal
vision, constipation, hair loss, loss of appetite, bone pain,
sleep disorders, and dry skin and membranes
Vitamin D: damage to kidneys and heart; muscle weakness,
headache, nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, and
retarded physical growth
Vitamin E: upset stomach or dizziness
Vitamin C: upset stomach, diarrhea, or constipation
Niacin: liver damage and increased risk of diabetes and gout
B6: damage to nerves in arms, legs, hands and feet
Choline: vomiting, sweating, low blood pressure and fishy
body odor
Hand in Hand
Vitamin E keeps Vitamin A from being
destroyed in intestines
Vitamin D helps body absorb calcium
and phosphorus
Vitamin C helps folate build proteins
Vitamin B1 works in digestive enzyme
systems with niacin, pantothenic acid,
and magnesium
Sources of Vitamins
B1 (Thiamin) – fish, lean meat, poultry, liver, milk, yeast, potatoes,
peas, beans, whole grain bread, and cereal
B2 (Riboflavin) – Leafy green vegetables, peas, beans, fish, lean
meat, liver, kidney, eggs, milk, cheese, dried yeast, enriched
bread, and cereal
B3 (Niacin) – Eggs, lean meat, liver, dried yeast, enriched bread,
and cereal
B5 (Pantothenic Acid) – Liver, kidney, eggs, and fresh vegetables
B6 – Green vegetables, yeast, meat, fish, liver, milk, eggs,
potatoes, whole grain cereal, and wheat germ
B12 – Lean meat, liver, kidney, milk, saltwater fish, and shellfish
C – Fresh fruit and juices, tomatoes, cabbage, green vegetables,
chili peppers, and potatoes
Folacin (Folic acid or folate) – Leafy green vegetables, legumes,
seeds, and liver
Sources of Vitamins, cont.
A – Milk, cheese, butter, eggs, fish oil, liver,
kidney, carrot, papaya, pumpkin, leafy
vegetables, and sweet potatoes
D – Cod liver oil, liver, fish, egg yolk and
enriched milk (also produced in skin exposed
to sunlight)
E – Vegetable oil, wheat germ, whole grain
cereal, and lettuce
K – Liver, green leafy vegetables, cabbagetype vegetables, milk
Sources of Minerals
Potassium – Low-fat milk, green leafy vegetables, dried fruit,
nuts, beans, fish and potatoes
Sodium – Low-fat dairy products, canned soups, tomato juice,
pickles, bread, cereals, olives and table salt
Calcium – Low-fat dairy products, green leafy vegetables, eggs,
dried peas and beans, nuts, seeds and tofu
Phosphorus – Low-fat dairy products, lean red meat, fish,
poultry, eggs, peanuts, whole-grain products, dried peas and
Magnesium – Dark green vegetables, nuts, shellfish, whole-grain
cereals, low-fat dairy products and dried fruit
Chloride – Salt, soy sauce, moderate quantities in whole,
unprocessed food, large amounts in processed food
Sulfur – All protein-containing food
Sources of Minerals, cont.
Iron – Liver, lean red meat, whole-grain or enriched breads and
cereals, rice, pasta, nuts, broccoli and spinach
Zinc – Seafood, lean red meat, nuts, eggs, whole-grain cereals,
beans and poultry
Iodine – Saltwater fish, shellfish, iodized table salt and low-fat
dairy products
Selenium – Seafood, lean red meat, whole-grain cereals and lowfat milk
Chromium – Lean red meat, seafood, low-fat cheese, wholegrain breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables
Copper – Liver, shellfish, mushrooms, peas, beans, nuts, wholegrain cereals and breads, dried fruits and grapes
Fluoride – Drinking water, tea and seafood
Manganese – Widely distributed in food
Molybdenum – Legumes, cereals and organ meats
Nutrition Books in Our Lending Library
Available for Checkout
Our Reading Room
for Kids
How to Make Nutrition Fun
Not Just for Kids!
Great Interactive Website:
Welcome to Fizzy Grove
Here are some things Fizzy Pineapple wonders about:
– If pro is the opposite of con, is progress the opposite of congress?
– Shouldn't there be a shorter word for monosyllabic?
– How many licks does it really take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
– If nothing ever sticks to Teflon, how do they get Teflon to stick to the
S.M.A.R.T. Eater Checklist
If you can check all of the boxes as true for you, then you can
officially call yourself a S.M.A.R.T. eater!
I wash my hands (with soap) before I eat.
I do not eat and play games at the same time.
I take small bites, and I chew thoroughly before I swallow.
I sit down while I am eating instead of lying down or running around.
I do not talk while I am eating.
I do not sing while I am eating.
I do not laugh while I am eating.
I do not start food fights or make weird faces at the dinner table.
I help my parents clean up after meals. (Ouch! We probably got
you on that one.)
• I do not give food to my younger brothers and sisters without my
parents’ permission and when my parents are not around.
The Food Pyramid Game
Super Food Bowl
This PowerPoint show is available at:
(Look in the Patient Education section)