Transcript Slide 1

Mapping community assets
that can help young people
in recovery to thrive.
Community Mapping is a dynamic discipline for creating an inventory of individual,
organizational and physical assets that can inform and shape the practices of local place-based
recovery efforts. The idea of mapping has roots in the community development process of
uncovering local talents and gifts that can contribute to a healthy and thriving recovery
The true value of the mapping discipline, and why it is promoted as a keystone activity for
capacity building, is the promotion of an ongoing process of outreach and relationship-building.
Just as every recovery path is unique, so is every recovery community. It is the act of mapping
that will reveal the unique characteristics and associations that can be brought to bear on
helping you, as young people in recovery, to thrive in the fullness of your recovery journey.
Every community is rich in the life experiences it has to offer. Typically, only a fraction of a
community’s assets are accessed fully by young people – whether they are in recovery or not.
What we have found interesting is that recovery can open wide the doors to experiences that
have long remained hidden. Providing access to and encouraging new relationships, support
systems, life skills and educational resources is the intent behind any mapping effort – a
discipline that yields those assets capable of providing access to the fullness of life experiences.
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Principles for mapping and building
asset-rich recovery communities
Walk the Talk; Talk the Walk
Think Purpose, Then Program
Using the common language of capacity building and community-based
assets can bring together entire communities and strengthen the sense of
belonging within groups. Recognize that this activity is as much about
finding your assets as it is about building a sense of community and
Relationships among all kinds of individuals and associations are what
makes any capacity-building effort unique and special. In its early stages,
capacity building is more about building positive relationships among
young people and other community members than it is about starting new
programs. This is about people and purpose first, with events and programs
taking a supportive role.
Partner as Young People in Recovery
This is easier said than done, but capacity building is all about the
fundamental shift from people working for those in recovery to people
working with those in recovery. You will find invaluable assistance from
invested leaders in your community. Because they are more permanent
fixtures within the community and can provide access to certain assets,
those who are advocating on your behalf play a critical role in your efforts.
They can provide needed guidance, open doors and create stability yearto-year as recovery communities grow and mature. The caution is not to
underestimate the role you must play in cultivating relationships in your
community. The easy solution is to ask others to find and mobilize
community assets on your behalf.
Honor Anonymity
There will be cases when you feel it is important to maintain anonymity
during the mapping process. While placing a focus on the development of
individual recovery stories is meant to help overcome this barrier, what is
most important is your engagement in the planning and evaluation process
to foster a sense of connection and belonging within the community. In our
experience, the “voice of the young person” often has the greatest
Plan and Act at the Same Time
Planning provides a road map for where you want to go, who you want to
talk with. But you can get trapped spending too much time planning and
never advancing. The other extreme is to jump right in without much
thought or planning. The best approach, in our experience, is to do both
simultaneously. Develop an immediate plan for finding and mapping your
community assets. At the same time, devote some energy to a bigger
picture outlook for finding the type of assets that can best support for
young people in recovery. Start acting on your immediate plan right away
so people can see and experience capacity building.
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An asset can be a place, a resource, a service, an experience or a
relationship. Focus is placed on finding individual and organizational
assets in a community and mobilizing them into recovery practices and
local coalitions.
A practice is the useful application of assets. For example, an AA
community might be an asset, and a dedicated meeting space might
also be an asset. Hosting regular AA meetings in the dedicated meeting
space would be a practice.
A coalition is an alliance of assets working together to remove barriers
to local action and to build a community’s capacity for helping young
people thrive in the fullness of their recovery journey.
Networks are a means of connecting people, ideas and resources. The
Capacitype network platform is intended to help local organizers amplify
school-based efforts and connect recovery communities that span
Capacitypes (capacity types) are clusters of assets that are made visible
so that those leading recovery efforts can look out, find and learn from
what others are doing to build capacity in communities similar to their
Based on asset-based research being conducted by
Transforming Youth Recovery, potential community assets
are a composite of eight categories that combine to connect,
support and serve young people in recovery.
Advocacy and Public Policy
Community College Recovery Support
Health and Well-Being
Higher Education Recovery Support (Collegiate Recovery Programs)
K-12 Prevention and Family Support
Recovery Support
School-Based Recovery Support (Recovery High Schools)
Treatment and Counseling
Mapping of collegiate recovery support efforts is expanded to include three
programmatic categories (
1. Collegiate Recovery Efforts
2. Collegiate Recovery Programs
3. Sober Housing
Mapping of school-based recovery support efforts follows definitions created
during the 2013 Market Study for Recovery High Schools
• Recovery Schools Planned, Operating and Closed
• Non-Traditional Schools
• Recovery Support Programs
• Therapeutic Boarding Schools
• Treatment Center Schools
• Traditional Schools
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Public release of new community mapping platform (3.0)
in August of 2014
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Asset pages have been
expanded to include tools to
create and view community
network models and
community-specific practices.
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The Community Network Model reveals a dynamic display of those connections that are
helping to support and serve students and young people in recovery. Community leaders
can use the model to explore the relationships, practices, and local coalitions that might
extend the reach and influence of recovery efforts in their community.
The center point of the model is the recovery
organization, program or effort being viewed.
The wide grey bands reflect the Relationship
between mapped assets (within a 100-mile radius)
and the organization, program or effort.
• Collaborator (light grey): Assets that are actively
engaged and participate with the recovery
organization, program or effort.
• Friend (mid grey): Assets that are somewhat engaged
and may participate with the recovery organization,
program or effort.
• Possibility (dark grey): Assets not yet known by the
recovery organization, program or effort.
The size of an asset appearing in the model indicates Use
by Students or Community Members involved in the
recovery organization, program or effort. From
largest to smallest size, use is defined as: High,
Medium, Low, or Not Used
The location of an asset within its grey band is set
according to Use for visual spacing. Higher utility assets
(larger sized nodes) are pushed toward the outer rim of a
band to avoid overlapping. Assets that are Not Used
remain positioned on the outer rim of a band awaiting
use by students and young people in recovery.
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What we can learn and do together.
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