Factor Rotation / Interpretation & Designing the Next Study

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Transcript Factor Rotation / Interpretation & Designing the Next Study

Factor Rotation & Factor Scores:
Interpreting & Using Factors
• Well- & Ill-defined Factors
• Simple Structure
• Simple Structure & Factor Rotation
• Major Kinds of Factor Rotation
• Factor Interpretation
• Proper & Improper Factor Scores
• Uses of Factor Scores (interpretation & representation)
• Designing the “Next Study”
How the process really works…
Here’s the series of steps we talked about earlier.
# factors decision
interpreting the factors
factor scores
Considering the
interpretations of the
factors can aid the #
factors decision!
These decisions aren’t made
independently in this order!
Considering how the factor scores (representing
the factors) relate to each other and to variables
external to the factoring can aid both the # factors
decision and the interpretation of the factors.
Remember that this is Exploratory Factor Analysis!
Exploring means trying alternatives (# factor rules, rotations, cutoffs). If
those alternatives agree we’re pretty confident in the agreed upon
solution. If they do not agree, we must select the “best” exploratory
solution for these data and then replicate and converge to see if it
continues to look like the “best solution”.
Reminder of Goals & Process of
Factoring Research
• Remember that multiple programmatic studies and convergent
findings are essential in factoring research (like all other kinds)
• Many studies generate more questions than answers
• When factoring we often learn about …
• The factors or composite variables that can be formed -- their
interpretations, meaning and utility
• The variables you started with -- that often are different or more
complex than is implied by their names
• multi-vocal items, especially unexpected ones, are an often
an indication that you have something to learn about that
variable – it may be more interesting or complex than you
Kinds of well-defined factors
• There is a trade-off between “parsimony” and “specificity”
whenever we are factoring
• This trade-off influences both the #-of-factors and cutoff
decisions, both of which, in turn, influence factor interpretation
• general and “larger” group factors include more variables,
account for more variance -- are more parsimonious
• unique and “smaller” group factors include fewer variables &
many be more focused -- are often more specific
• Preferences really depends upon ...
• what you are expecting
• what you are trying to accomplish with the factoring
Kinds of ill-defined factors
Unique factors
• hard to know what construct is represented by a 1variable factor
• especially if that variable is multi-vocal
• then the factor is defined by “part” of that single
variable -- but maybe not the part defined by its
Group factors can be ill-defined
• “odd combinations” can be hard to interpret -especially later factors comprised of multi-vocal
variables (knowledge of variables & population is
very important!)
Reasons for ill-defined factors
• Ill-defined factors are particularly common when
factoring a “closed set” of variables
• especially when that set was chosen to be “efficient” and so
the variables have low intercorrelations
• When there is a general or large group factor, be
careful about subsequent smaller group factors
• they may be “left-over” parts of multi-vocal variables
• factors may not represent the “named” parts of the vars
• Keeping & rotating “too many” factors will increase
the chances of finding ill-defined factors
Simple Structure
• The idea of simple structure is very appealing ...
Each factor of any solution should
have an unambiguous interpretation, because
the variable loadings for each factor should be
simple and clear.
• There have been several different characterizations of
this idea, and varying degrees of success with
translating those characterizations into mathematical
operations and objective procedures, here are some
of the most common
Components of Simple Structure
Each factor should have several variables with strong
• admonition for well-defined factors
• remember that “strong” loadings can be “+” or “-”
Each variable should have a strong loading for only one
• admonition against multi-vocal items
• admonition of conceptually separable factors
• admonition that each variable should “belong” to some
Each variable should have a large communality
• implying that its membership “accounts” for its variance
The benefit of “simple structure” ?
• Remember that …
• we’re usually factoring to find “groups of variables”
• But, the extraction process is trying to “reproduce variance”
• the factor plot often looks simpler than the structure matrix
• True, this gets more complicated with more variables and
factors, but “simple structure” is basically about “seeing” in the
structure matrix what is apparent in the plot
How rotation relates to “Simple Structure”
Factor Rotations -- changing the “viewing angle” of the factor
space-- have been the major approach to providing simple
• structure is “simplified” if the factor vectors “spear” the
variable clusters
.7 .5
.6 .6
.6 -.5
.7 -.6
.7 -.1
.7 .1
.1 .5
.2 .6
Major Types of Rotation
Remember -- extracted factors are orthogonal (uncorrelated)
• Orthogonal Rotation -- resulting factors are uncorrelated
• more parsimonious & efficient, but less “natural”
• Oblique Rotation -- resulting factors are correlated
• more “natural” & better “spearing”, but more complicated
Orthogonal Rotation
Angle is 90o
Oblique Rotation
Angle less
than 90o
Major Types of Orthogonal Rotation &
their “tendencies”
Varimax -- most commonly used and common default
• “simplifies factors” by maximizing variance of loadings of
variables of a factor (minimized #vars with high loadings)
• tends to produce group factors
“simplifies variables” by maximizing variance of loadings
of a variable across factors (minimizes #factors a var
loads on)
tends to “move” vars from extraction less than varimax
• tends to produce a general & small group factors
designed to “balance” varimax and quartimax tendencies
didn’t work very well -- can’t do simultaneously whichever is done first dominates the final structure
Major Types of Oblique Rotation & their
• computes best orthogonal solution and then “relaxes”
orthogonality constraints to better “spear” variable clusters
with factor vectors (give simpler structure)
Direct Oblimin
• spearing variable clusters as well as possible to produce
lowest occurrence of multi-vocality
All oblique rotations have a parameter (, , Κ) that set
maximum correlation allowed between rotated factors
• changing this parameter can “importantly” change the
resulting rotation and interpretation
• try at least a couple of values & look for consistency
Some things that are different (or not) when
you use a Oblique Rotation
Different things:
• There will be a  (phi) matrix that holds the factor
• The -values and variances accounted for by the
rotated factors will be different than those of the
extracted factors
• compute  for each factor by summing the squared
structure loadings for that factor
• compute the variance accounted for as the newly computed
Same things:
• the communality of each variable will be the same --
but can’t be computed by summing squared structure loadings
for each variable (since factors are correlated)
Interpretation & Cut-offs
• Interpretation is the process of naming factors based on the
variables that “load on” them
• Which variables “load” is decided based on a “cutoff”
• cutoffs usually range from .3 to .4 ( + or - )
• Higher cutoffs limit # loading variables
• factors may be ill-defined, some variables may not load
• Lower cutoffs increases # loading variables
• variables more likely to be multi-vocal
• Worry & make a careful decision when your interpretation
depends upon the cutoff that is chosen !!
Combining #-factors & Rotation to Select “the best
Factor Solution”
To specify “the solution” you must pick the #factors, type or rotation & cutoff !
• Apply the different rules to arrive at an initial “best
guess” of the #-factors
• Obtain orthogonal and oblique rotations for that many
factors, for one fewer and for one more
• Compare the solutions to find for “your favorite” –
remember this is exploratory factoring, so explore!
parsimony vs. specificity
different cutoffs (.3 - .4)
rotational survival
simple structure
conceptual sense
interesting surprises (about factors and/or variables)
Component Scores
• A principal component is a composite variable formed
as a linear combination of measure variables
• A component SCORE is a person’s score on that
composite variable -- when their variable values are
applied to the component score formula
• usually computed from Z-scores of measured variables
• the resulting PC scores are also Z-scores (M=0, S=1)
PC1 = 11Z1 +  21Z2 + … +  k1Zk
PC2 = 12Z1 +  22Z2 + … +  k2Zk (etc.)
Component scores have the same properties as the
components they represent (e.g., orthogonal or oblique)
Proper & Improper Component Scores
A proper component score is a linear combination
of all the variables in the analysis
• the appropriate s applied to variable Z-scores
An improper component score is a linear
combination of the variables which “define” that
• usually an additive combination of the Z-scores of
the variables with structure weights beyond the
chosen cut-off value
(Note: improper doesn’t mean “wrong” -- it means “not derived
from optimal OLS weightings”)
Proper Component Scores
• Proper component scores are the “instantiation” of the
components as they were mathematically derived from
R (a linear combination of all the variables)
• Proper component scores have the same properties
as components
• they are correlated with each other the same as are the PCs
• PC scores from orthogonal components are orthogonal
• PC scores from oblique components have r = 
• they can be used to produce the structure matrix (corr of
component scores and variables scores), communalities,
variance accounted for, etc.
Improper Component Scores
• Improper component scores are the “instantiation” of
the components as they were interpreted by the
researcher (a linear combination of the variables which define
that component)
• Improper component scores usually don’t have exactly
the same properties as components
• they are usually correlated with each other whether based
on orthogonal or oblique solutions
• they can not be used to produce the structure matrix (corr of
component scores and variables scores), communalities,
variance accounted for, etc.
Why many folks like Improper Component Scores
• When we talk about a component we seldom conceptualize it
as a linear combination of all the variables -- shouldn’t we
generate a score for the PC the same way be define it ??
• The weights of the “noncontributing” variables for a given PC
are primarily chosen to produce a desired  -- if orthogonality is
unlikely, can’t we just treat these as “0” ??
• Aren’t we fooling ourselves using 5-decimal s when the
variables themselves probably have a single significant digit ?
• Much simpler application -- if you only want a score for a given
PC, you need only measure the variables used to define it
• Improper PC scores replicate and generalize across
populations better than proper PC scores (fewer parameters to
Uses of Component Scores
• PC scores can be used as predictors or criteria in
subsequent dependent model analyses
• truncated components analysis -- using as predictors
the PCs selected & derived from a large set of
collinear predictors (common reason for factoring “closed
sets” of variables)
• watch the “parsimony/stability vs. specificity” trade-off
• answers using proper and improper PC scores often differ
(more collinearity & specificity w/ improper)
• similar approaches can be taken in ldf, ancova, etc.
Uses of Component Scores, cont.
• PC scores can be used as “variables” in additional
factor analyses
• Higher order factoring
• factoring the factors
• looking for “more basic” or “more aggregated” variables
• watch the parsimony/stability vs. specificity trade-off
• PC scores can be used as the basis for cluster
analysis & MDScaling interpretation (more later)
• parsimony/stability vs. specificity again)
Using Component Scores to Help with Factor
We can use component scores (especially improper scores) two
ways to compare different factor solutions
1. Compare the inter-correlations of component scores from
different “solutions” (#-factors, type of rotations & cutoff)
• Important differences may help identify the best solution
2. Compare the correlations of component scores from different
“solutions” (#-factors, type of rotations & cutoff) and additional
variables (that were not part of the factor analysis)
The information in these correlations can be especially helpful in
determining what to do about multi-vocal variables and
naming factors – what are the differences in the patterns of
correlations for different versions of the factor solution?
Designing the next study
• Usually the next study involves “additional variables”
• Additional variables might be selected to “join” a factor from
this study OR to “create” a new factor
• One way to convincing folks you know how to interpret this
factor solution is to be able to anticipate the result of
including selected additional variables in the next study
• One way to solve “difficulties” of multi-vocality and ill-defined
factors it to include selected additional variables in the next
• “Additional Variables” might be more indices of the
same construct(s), or indices of new “constructs “
Designing the next study, cont.
• Consider different ways of measuring constructs within
or across studies
• different “tests” measuring the variable
• especially helpful if you know about the similarities and
differences among the measures (e.g., “anxiety”)
• self-report, other-report, observation, “ lab tasks”, etc.
• Consider how the factor structure might differ across
populations (e.g., intelligence)
• Consider how the factor structure might differ across
“social time” (e.g., racism)