Transcript Slide 1

In My Homework, please write:
 Spelling
Quiz Unit 13 next
 Ex. 13, p. 441
Below 36
By Wednesday
1. Do you know the limerick that begins, “As a
beauty I am not a star, and ends, “the fellow in
front gets the jar?” (3)
2. Well it was written by our twenty eighth
president, Woodrow Wilson. (2)
Practice Spelling
You have the opportunity to design the perfect
school locker. What would you have in it?
1. Discovered in the northwest, petroleum reserves
helped to boost the economy of New Mexico.
2. More oil reserves, hiding in the southeast, were
also found in the 1920’s.
3. Twenty years later, the federal government,
looking for a sparsely populated area, went to
New Mexico.
4. They decided that the desert, acting as a testing
site, was to be used to explode atomic bombs
during World War II.
5. Los Alamos, established as the headquarters,
became busy with atomic energy research.
For ex. 13
Write the gerunds.
Label either subject, direct object, predicate
noun, or object of a preposition.
What can you tell me about early tv?
How can you infer and predict meaning texts?
are the uses
of phrases and