Constraint Patterns

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Transcript Constraint Patterns

Computability Theory
Turing Machines
Professor MSc. Ivan A. Escobar
[email protected]
S A finite automata is a computational model that has a
limited quantity of memory available.
S They are good models for devices that have a small amount of
S A pushdown automata is a computational model that has a
unlimited quantity of memory available but possesses some
restrictions in they way it can use it.
S LIFO memory management.
Important Observation
S The previous models don’t have the sufficient properties to
represent a general purpose computational model.
S We introduce the most powerful of the automata we will
study: Turing Machines (TMs)
S Invented by Alan Turing in 1936.
S TMs can compute any function normally considered
S Indeed we can define computable to mean computable by a
Turing Machines
S A Turing machine (TM) can compute everything a usual computer
program can compute
S may be less efficient
S But the computation allows a mathematical analysis of questions
like :
S What is computable?
S What is decidable?
S What is complexity?
A Turing Machine is a theoretical computer consisting of a tape
of infinite length and a read-write head which can move left and
right across the tape.
Informal definition
S TMs uses an infinite memory (tape)
S Tape initially contain input string followed by blanks
S When started, a TM executes a series of discrete transitions,
as determined by its transition function and by the initial
characters on the tape
Informal definition
S For each transition, the machine checks
S what state it is in and what character is written on the tape
below the head.
S Based on those, it then changes to a new state, writes a new
character on the tape, and moves the head one space left or
S The machine stops after transferring to the special HALT
(accept or reject) state.
S If TM doesn’t enter a HALT state, it will go on forever
Differences between FA and
S A TM can both write on the tape and read from it
S The read-write head can move both to the left and to the
S The tape is infinite
S The special states of rejecting and accepting take immediate
aa,R means TM reads the symbol a, it replaces it with a
and moves head to right
This TM when reading an a will move right one square stays in the
same start state. When it scans a b, it will change this symbol to an
a and go into the other state (accept state).
S A TM (M1) that tests for memberships in the language
S B= {w#w | w belongs to {0,1}*}
S We want to design M1 to accept if its input is a member of
S Idea:
S Zig-zag across tape, crossing off matching symbols
Machine M1 Design
S M1 makes multiple passes over the input string with the
read-write head.
S On each pass it matches one of the characters on each side
of the # symbol.
S To keep track of which symbols have been checked already,
M1 crosses off each symbol as it is examined.
Machine M1 Design
S If it crosses off all the symbols, that means that everything
matched successfully, and M1 goes into an accept state.
S If it discovers a mismatch, it enters a reject state.
M1: Algorithm
Examples: M1
a b b # a b b
X b b # a b b
b b b # a b b
S Tape head starts over leftmost symbol
S Record symbol in control and overwrite X
S Scan right: reject if blank encountered before #
S When # encountered, move right one space
S If symbols don’t match, reject
b b b # X b b
X X b # X b b
S Overwrite X
S Scan left, past # to X
S Move one space right
S Record symbol and overwrite X
S When # encountered, move right one space
S If symbols don’t match, reject
b X b # X b b
b X X # X X X
S Finally scan left
S If a or b encountered, reject
S When blank encountered, accept
Formal Definition
S A Turing Machine is a 7-tuple (Q,∑,T, ξ,q0,qaccept, qreject),
S Q is a finite set of states
S ∑ is a finite set of symbols called the alphabet
S T is the tape alphabet, where – belongs to T, and ∑⊆ T
S ξ : Q x T  Q x T x {L,R} is the transition function
S q0 Є Q is the start state
qaccept ⊆ Q is the accept state
S qreject ⊆ Q is the reject state, where qaccept ≠ qreject
Transition function
S ξ : Q x T  Q x T x {L,R} is the transition function
ξ(q,a) = (r,b,L) means
in state q where head reads tape symbol a
the machine overwrites a with b
enters state r
move the head left
Workings of a TM
S M = (Q,∑,T, ξ,q0,qaccept, qreject) computes as follows
S Input w=w1w2…wn is on leftmost n tape squares
S Rest of tape is blank –
S Head is on leftmost square of tape
Workings of a TM
S M = (Q,∑,T, ξ,q0,qaccept, qaccept)
S When computation starts
S M Proceeds according to transition function ξ
S If M tries to move head beyond left-hand-end of tape, it doesn’t
S Computation continues until qaccept or qaccept is reached
S Otherwise M runs forever
S Computation changes
S Current state
S Current head position
S Tape contents
S Configuration
S 1011r0111
S Means
S State is r
S Left-Hand-Side (LHS) is 1011
S Right-Hand-Side (RHS) is 0111
S Head is on RHS 0
S uarbv yields upacv if
S ξ(r,b) = (p,c,L)
S uarbv yields uacpv if
S ξ(r,b) = (p,c,R)
S Special cases: rbv yields pcv if
S ξ(r,b) = (p,c,L)
S The head moves (tries) to the left, so it only overwrites if
it is in the extreme left end.
S wr is the same as wr– (right hand end)
More configurations
S We have
S starting configuration q0w
Indicates machine is in a start state q0 with its head at the leftmost position.
S accepting configuration w0qacceptw1
S rejecting configuration w0qrejectw1
S halting configurations
S w0qacceptw1
S w0qrejectw1
S The accept and reject configurations do not derive in further
configurations (or states).
Accepting a language
S TM M accepts input w if a sequence of configurations
C1,C2,…,Ck exist
S C1 is start configuration of M on w
S Each Ci yields Ci+1
S Ck is an accepting configuration
TM Language
S The collection of strings that M accepts is the language of
M, denoted by L(M).
Detailed example
Detailed example
Detailed Example
S Do the following test runs:
S q10.
S q100.
S q1000.
S q10000.
Detailed Example
S Sample run for q10000.
Exercise 2:
S B= {w#w | w belongs to {0,1}*}
Exercise 2
S Design the state transition diagram based on the previous
informal definition of the turing machine M3.
S Test the diagram with 001101#001101
S Transfer the diagram to JFLAP
State Diagram
Enumerable languages
S Definition: A language is (recursively) enumerable if some
TM accepts it
S In some other textbooks Turing-recognizable
Enumerable languages
S On an input to a TM we may
S accept
S reject
S loop (run for ever)
S Not very practical: never know if TM will halt
Enumerable languages
S Definition: A TM decides a language if it always halts in an
accept or reject state. Such a TM is called a decider
S A decider that recognizes some language is said to decide
that language.
S Definition: A language is decidable if someTM decides it
S Some textbooks use recursive instead of decidable
S Therefore, every decidable language is enumerable, but not
the reverse!
Example of decidable language
S Here is a decidable language
S L={aibjck | ix j = k, I,j,k > 0}
S Because there exist a TM that decides it
S How?
Example of decidable language
Scan from left to right to check that input is of the form a*b*c*
Return to the start
Cross off an a and
scan right till you see a b
Mark each b and scan right till you see a c
Cross off that c
Move left to the next b, and repeat previous two steps until all b’s are
8. Unmark all b’s and go to the start of the tape
9. Goto step 1 until all a’s are crossed off
10. Check if all c’s are crossed off; if so accept; otherwise reject
TM: Variants
S Turing Machine head stays put
S Does not add any power
S Three possible states for the tape {L,R,S}
S Nondetermisim added to TMs
S Does not add any power
S Halting states may produce transitions.
S Many models have been proposed for general-purpose
S Remarkably all “reasonable” models are equivalent to
Turing Machines
S All ”reasonable” programming languages like C, C++, Java,
Prolog, etc are equivalent
S The notion of an algorithm is model-independent!