Transcript Document

These instructions are for those of you caught up in an endless loop trying to print out POs
in SRM and are using Internet Explorer 7. If you are getting a warning, that files are
blocked from being downloaded when you visit a Web site, then here is the fix.
IE7’s security is blocking both our web site as well as the file download. You’ll need to
have all three P&W websites associated with the SRM in your list of trusted web-sites (see
screen shots) they are…..
In addition, going to the Internet options menu, you’ll need to adjust the level of security to
“medium” for those trusted sites – “medium” is the default setting. Furthermore, in the
custom level area of those settings, you must check the “enable” box for the automatic
prompting of “downloads” in the download section.
See the following screen shots for clarity.
Last updated 1/7/09
These are the links that need
to be in your list of trusted
sites. You may have others in
addition to these
This is the radio button that
needs to be selected in
“Downloads” section. You get to
this menu by clicking on the
“Custom level” button in the
“Trusted certificates” area. Last updated 1/7/09