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Tools were used to make the
raised patterns on the wings.
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This is just one
tile by the same
Can you
see the textured
How did they do
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How to make a relief tile
First you need to
plan your tile by
making a drawing.
When you have all
your ideas, you
can begin.
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To make a tile you need to start with a piece of clay.
Learning objectives
Children should learn:
•To apply observational drawings to construct a tile relief using clay.
•To try out tools and techniques for making a tile panel in clay
Activity: Make a relief tile
Look at and talk about the Lisa Milroy picture and discuss different
shapes, textures, colours, patterns. From the photographs of
different houses previously collected, make a drawing that focuses
on a range of textures.
Learning outcomes
•Transfer their drawings onto another material, and explore the use
of tools and techniques of clay relief modelling.
Clay work:
Make marks in the clay using drawings as reference. Emphasis on
pressing, pushing and making different marks with different tools.
Build on the surface of the clay by pinching and adding extra shapes
with marks and textures.
QCA Objectives:
Children should learn:
•to try out tools and techniques and apply these to materials and processes
Producing the panels for the mural
•Ask each group to produce a panel for the mural. Provide each group with a base board
large enough for the group to work on and materials and tools for modelling in clay or
another suitable material.
•Show the children how to mark out the main areas of their design on their base. If they
are using clay, they will need to roll out a base about 1.5cm thick.
•Ask the children to develop the surface of the panel by:
•adding clay or other materials such as Modroc
•pressing shapes, patterns and textures into the surface
•engraving shapes, patterns and textures using a pointed tool
•modelling the surface to refine the shapes and forms of the design
•When the clay is 'leather hard', the surface can be painted with different coloured clay
'slips' and then fired in a kiln. If the work is not fired, it can be decorated with paint
mixed with PVA glue.
•Mount the panels together to make a group mural. Discuss how the blocks could be
arranged to emphasise the effects of shape, pattern and decoration.
•work collaboratively to create a relief panel by exploring and using a variety of materials
and techniques
•discuss and agree how the work will be displayed
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