Unit 5 – Chapter 16
Transcript Unit 5 – Chapter 16
Unit 7
Russia Today
I. Section I
Living in Russia
A. Changing Economies
The Soviet Command Economy
Government owned everything!
Banks, factories, mines, transportation, farms
Soviet government emphasized heavy industry so they could become a
world super power
This caused little production of consumer goods
This made it very difficult for the citizens to have the basic things they needed to
People resorted to purchasing things on the black market – illegal trade system –
very high prices
Market Economy
Gorbachev tried to move towards a new economy
Privately owned businesses
This occurred more after the fall of the Soviet Union
Unfortunately, many Russians did not reinvest their money in Russia, they
chose to do so in other countries
Transition Continues
Moscow Growth
B. Agriculture & Industry
Kolkhozes vs. Sovkhozes – know the difference!
#1 – Petroleum
extraction & processing
Crude Oil
Iron Ore, Manganese,
Heavy Machinery
Ag Equipment
Volga Coupe
Belarus Tractor
C. Transportation & Communications
Transporting Goods
Roads aren’t good – especially in Siberia
Depend mostly on railroads & waterways for transportation
Transporting People
Railroads are most common
Many people do not own cars
Use public transportation
Use airlines
Very expensive
Transporting Energy
Natural Gas & Oil
Mass Communications
Soviet Union – controlled all of this!
Now – private ownership has grown
D. Global Interdependence
Has developed partnerships
with other countries for
Became a member of
APEC (Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation) in
International Relations
Poorly funded military
Getting loans from other
II. Section II
People & Their Environment
A. Managing Resources
Using natural resources to help strengthen
their economy
Has inherited a legacy of horrible
environmental problems
During Soviet rule, the government only cared
about power and not damage they were causing
to the land
Russia must now use their natural resources without
causing similar damage
Must also repair the damage already done
B. Pollution
Water Quality
One of the world’s largest supplies of freshwater
Much of it is very polluted
Volga River
Lake Baikal – oldest & deepest lake in the world
Polluted by neighboring paper factory
Soil & Air Quality
Soil poisoned with waste and pesticides
During the 1990s, experts believe that only 15%
of Russia’s urban population had acceptable air
B. Pollution (cont)
Nuclear Wastes
Between 1949-1987, the Soviet Union set off more than 600 nuclear
explosions & stockpiled nuclear weapons
The whole world is concerned with the fate of this issue
Nuclear wastes are the by-products of nuclear power
Can remain radioactive for thousands of years (cause cancer – for example)
During the Cold War, nuclear power generated much of the power in the
Soviet Union
In 1986, a fire in a nuclear reactor in the town of Chernobyl (Ukraine)
released several tons of radioactive particles into the environment
Over 8,000 people have died so far
Millions more are continuing to suffer
In Russia alone, over 19,300 sq. miles contaminated
Over 30 million people used to live there!
After Chernobyl, there has been much international pressure to close these
type of plants
B. Pollution (cont)
Chernobyl plant explosion site
Relations with the US
How has our
relationship changed
since the Cold War
How has Putin led his