Millfield Primary School

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Millfield Primary School
Special Educational Needs
Information Report
January 2015
Our Motto
• Every Child Every Chance Every Day
What kinds of Special Educational Needs does Millfield Primary School
make provision for?
Millfield Primary School is a mainstream school with 222 children, aged from 3 to 11, in 7
classes and our nursery.
We were rated as a Good school in our Ofsted inspection in March 2012
We make provision for children with SEN within each of the four categories identified in the
2014 SEN Code of Practice:
Cognition and Learning
Communication and Interaction
Sensory and Physical
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Millfield Primary School celebrates the fact that all children are different and have diverse
learning needs, tailoring learning opportunities to meet these needs.
All schools have a duty to publish information on their website about the implementation of their
policy for children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities. This report gives you
information about the provision that we make at Millfield.
What is our philosophy at Millfield?
We believe that ALL children, whatever their abilities, have an entitlement to an inclusive,
accessible, broad and balanced curriculum tailored to their individual needs. Millfield School
places great importance on meeting the needs of ALL children in the school and recognises that
some children will require additional help to access the curriculum and to fully participate in
What is the role of our Governing Body?
The governing body must:
do its best to ensure that the necessary provision is made for any pupil who has special educational needs
ensure that, where the “responsible person” – the head teacher or the appropriate governor – has been
informed by the LEA that a pupil has special educational needs, those needs are made known to all who
are likely to teach them
ensure that teachers in the school are aware of the importance of identifying and providing for those
pupils who have special educational needs
consult the LEA and the governing bodies of other schools, when it seems to be necessary or desirable in
the interests of co-ordinated special educational provision in the area as a whole
ensure that a pupil with special educational needs joins in the activities of the school together with pupils
who do not have special educational needs, so far as is practical and compatible with the child receiving
the special educational provision their learning needs call for and the efficient education of the pupils with
whom they are educated and the efficient use of resources
report to parents on the implementation of the school’s policy for pupils with special educational needs
have regard to the Code of Practice when carrying out its duties toward all pupils with special educational
ensure that parents are notified of a decision by the school that SEN provision is being made for their child
The named Governor responsible for overseeing the school’s SEN Policy is Mrs Lynn Hare.
How will Millfield identify and assess my child’s Special
Educational Needs?
We track and monitor the progress of all children very carefully throughout the year. On a daily
basis, teachers evaluate their lessons and consider whether individual children are making
expected progress within their lessons. If teachers have any concerns they will discuss these with
you, the SENCo, Mrs Alison Saunders, and members of the Senior management Team.
We also identify children when concerns are raised by parents/carers or the pupil’s previous
school. Pupil observation may also indicate that a child has additional needs in one or more of
the four areas or a pupil themselves may ask for help.
What should I do if I think my child may have special needs?
Talk to us – in the first place talk to your child’s class teacher about your concerns. They may
discuss these with Mrs Saunders, SENCo, or they may suggest that you do so.
We want to build positive relationships with parents, this is most important in helping your
How will I know what my child’s needs are and how they are
The class teacher will meet parents at least once a term, this may be at parents’ evenings or
at separate appointments. At these meetings you will be able to discuss your child’s needs,
support and progress. A home-school diary may be used to facilitate communication if this is
felt to be appropriate. Parents can also arrange appointments with the SENCo or a member
of the senior management team. Please contact the school office who will arrange a meeting
for you.
How will school support my child?
All pupils are provided with high quality teaching that is differentiated to meet the diverse
needs of all learners
Pupils with a disability will be provided with “reasonable adjustments” in order to increase
their access to the curriculum
Class teachers plan for and work with each child with SEN or disabilities in their class to
ensure that progress is made in every area
Some child are given a plan with specific targets so that it is easier to track progress
Teaching Assistants may work with your child either individually or as part of a group
How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to my
child’s needs?
We ensure that all children with SEN are provided for to the best of our ability with the funds
The budget is allocated on a needs basis. The children who have the most complex needs are
given the most support
The class teacher, SENCo and Senior Management will discuss the child’s needs and what
support would be appropriate
Different children will require different levels of support in order to help them make progress
and achieve their potential
How do I know if the support has had an impact?
All children are reviewed on a termly basis to make sure that they are making progress
If your child has SEN you will be invited to a review meeting every term to review their
targets, ensure they are being met and set new targets. You will be given a copy of these
Verbal or written feedback from the class teacher
Home/School diary
Children may be taken off the SEN Register if they make sufficient progress
How will you help me to support my child’s learning?
The class teacher or SENCo can offer advice and practical ways in which you can support your
child at home
The class teacher may provide a home/school book which your child will bring home daily so
that comments by parents and teachers can be shared
If your child is on the SEND Register they will have an individual plan with specific targets.
This will be discussed with you on a termly basis and you will be given a copy of the plan. This
plan will be reviewed the following term to assess what progress has been made and to set
new targets.
If your child has complex needs or a disability they may have a Statement of Special
Educational Needs or an Education, Health Care Plan which means a formal meeting will take
place every year to review your child’s progress.
We hold events throughout the year when parents are invited to join their children in
learning activities
How do you measure my child’s progress?
The class teacher continually assesses each child to see where they are improving and where
they need further support.
Children who are not making expected progress are identified at termly meetings with
curriculum co-ordinators and members of the senior management team. At these meetings
discussions take place about what extra support can be put in place to aid progress.
If a child has an individual plan, progression will be measured against each target. If the child
has not made progress the reasons for this will be discussed, the target adapted and/or a
different approach tried.
A list of some of the assessments used in school can be found in our Local Offer available on
our website.
What pastoral, medical and social support is
available to ensure my child’s well-being?
We are a caring, understanding and inclusive school. We celebrate diversity and believe that self-esteem
and confidence are vital to a child’s well-being.
School entrances are staffed at the beginning and end of each school day to welcome families, ensure the
safety of the children and aid a smooth transition between home and school.
The class teacher has responsibility for the pastoral, medical and social care of every child in their class. If
further support is needed the class teacher will liaise with senior management, the child protection
officer, Mrs S. Anderson, or the deputy child protection officer and teacher with responsibility for looked
after children, Mrs A. Saunders. This may lead to involvement from outside agencies such as Social
Services, Health Services or the Virtual School.
All teachers have a medical register for the children in their class recording any conditions, ailments or
illnesses that you have informed us of.
Medication is administered by our office staff if parents have informed us of the need for this during the
school day.
Two members of staff have received training on Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions and
other staff will be doing this training later this year.
Many of our Teaching Assistants and Dinner Ladies have received Paediatric First Aid Training
We provide additional support at the beginning and end of the school day and at break and lunchtimes for
some vulnerable children.
What training have the staff supporting children with
special educational needs had or are currently
All our teaching assistants have had training in delivering Read, Write, Inc and Big Maths
Two of our Learning Support Assistants are being trained in Grade 1 and 2 Braille
All staff are TeamTeach trained
The school’s SENCo regularly attends the Local Authority’s SENCo network meetings in order
to keep up to date with local and national updates in SEND
Three teaching assistants have received Manual handling training
All staff are receiving training on National Linguistic Programming
All teachers receive regular inset from the SENCo
Mrs Hare has had SEN Governor training
Two members of the Early Years Team are being trained in the use of Makaton
Two members of staff have received training on Supporting Children with Medical Needs and
more will be trained this year
All lunchtime supervisors have received Lunchtime Behaviour Training
What support is there for behaviour, avoiding
exclusion and improving attendance?
We have a positive approach to behaviour management with a clear Behaviour Policy that is followed by all staff and pupils.
We are an inclusive school and make every effort to include all pupils in learning sessions with their peers. We include
pupils socially at break and lunch times and place a high value on outdoor learning for all pupils.
The class teacher monitors attendance and time keeping on a daily basis reporting any concerns to a member of the Senior
Management Team and/or the office staff. If there is a serious concern the Education Welfare Officer will be involved.
Good class attendance is rewarded on a weekly basis with the class with the highest attendance receiving a £5 voucher. This
is ‘banked’ until the end of the year when the total amount is known and can be spent on visits or items for the class.
Every child who has 100% attendance is rewarded with a certificate in a family assembly at the end of each term and if they
succeed in getting 100% for the year they receive a gift voucher in the end of year assembly
If a child is causing serious concern a Pastoral Support Programme (PSP) will be written with the child and parents to set
specific targets and reflect relevant support.
You will informed of any serious incidents and asked to come into school for a discussion with members of Senior
In extreme circumstances a child may be given a fixed term exclusion
We operate a “Traffic Light” system from Reception class to Year 6. The aim is for every child to stay on “green”. A raffle is
held at the end of every half term and every child who has stayed on green will be entered. All children who remain on
green all year receive a certificate and a small prize and are also taken on a reward trip such as bowling or skating.
Details of sanctions for children who are put on amber or red can be found in our Behaviour Policy.
How will my child be able to contribute their
We value each child’s views on all aspects of school life
We expect children to take some responsibility for their learning
Children who have an individual plan will discuss their targets with their class teacher or the
If a child is not able to express their views, e.g. if they are very young, we will observe them
in school to see what they enjoy doing and what they encounter problems with
If a child has a Statement or Education Health Care Plan their views will be sought at their
What specialist services and expertise are
available at or accessed by the school?
Mrs Saunders has 20 years experience as SENCo
We also work closely with any external agencies that we feel are relevant to individual
children’s needs. These may include:
Educational Psychology Service, Speech and Language Therapy, School Health, Occupational
Therapy, Inclusion Support Services, Social Services, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service,
Vision or Hearing Impaired Service, Education Welfare officers, Outreach from Lindens School for
children with physical disabilities and the Virtual School for looked after children.
How will my child be included in activities outside the
classroom including day and residential trips?
Procedures are put in place to enable all children to participate in all school activities and, if
necessary, individual risk assessments carried out.
No child is ever excluded because of their SEN or disability and parents are actively
encouraged to allow their child to participate fully in all activities
If necessary we have meetings with parents of individual children before a trip goes ahead to
ensure we cater for all their needs and to allay any anxieties or worries the parents or child
may have.
How accessible is the school environment?
The school environment has been adapted in the following ways:
• Disabled parking space clearly marked and as close to the main entrance as possible
• All steps edged with yellow to ensure they are easier for those with visual impairments to
• All areas of the school have two non-step evacuation routes
• If needed, pupils have their own Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan
• Two toilets are adapted to ensure accessibility for pupils, staff and visitors with a disability
• A wet room with hoist, toilet, shower and powered changing table for children with
• We have a dedicated quiet room for one to one work and specialist equipment
• Blinds fitted where needed to reduce glare for pupils with a visual impairment
• Appropriate seating positions for children with hearing impairments, specific learning
difficulties, etc.
• Use of appropriate fonts and colour schemes on the whiteboards
• Use of coloured paper and exercise books for individual pupils
• Specialist equipment e.g. ICT, scissors, seats as needed
How will the school prepare and support my child
when joining the school or transferring to a new
Home visits for children joining our Nursery
A planned programme of visits in the summer term for pupils starting in September
Meetings for parents/carers at the school to provide them with a range of information to support them in
enabling their child to settle into the school routine
We encourage all new children and their parents to visit the school prior to starting with us
The SENCo meets with all new parents of pupils who are known to have SEND to allow concerns to be raised and
solutions to any perceived challenges found prior to entry
If pupils are transferring from another school, the previous school records will be requested immediately and a
meeting will be set up with parents to identify and reduce any concerns
The transition programme in place for pupils in Year 6 provides a number of opportunities for pupils and parents
to meet staff in the new school. These opportunities are further enhanced for pupils with SEN
The annual review in Year 5 for pupils with a statement of educational need or an Education, Health Care Plan
begins the process where parents are supported to make decisions regarding secondary school choice.
The annual review in Year 6 will be attended by the SENCos from both schools to discuss, with parents/carers and
the pupil, the needs of the pupil to ensure a smooth transition
The records of pupils who leave the school mid phase will be transferred to the receiving school as soon as we are
officially notified of the enrolment at another school
If we have a child joining our school who has needs we have not previously supported we liaise very closely with
the parents and relevant outside agencies to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible and the child is
supported to the best of our ability.
How are parents involved in school life?
We have parent and carer events when parents can participate in their child’s learning
We have parents’ evenings each term
Parents are invited to family assembly on Friday afternoon
We have special events such as Christmas productions and the Easter Bonnet parade
We have coffee mornings on Friday
We have an active Parent Teacher Association
Who can I contact for further information or to
discuss a concern?
The first point of contact is your child’s class teacher
You could also arrange to meet with the SENCo, Mrs A Saunders
Look at our Local Offer and Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy on our website
Appointments can always be made with a member of the Senior Management Team through
the school office
Our Parent Support Advisor is available to discuss issues of a pastoral nature
The Local Authority’s Local Offer can be found at, education, SEN and
Disabilities, Walsall SEND Local Offer
If, in the unlikely circumstance, you need to make a complaint our School Complaints
Procedure can be found on our website
Parents can also contact Walsall Parent Partnership for support and advice on 01922 650330
or email: [email protected]
To contact our school office telephone 01543 452513 or email:
[email protected]