Transcript Document

Variability of exposure and
estimation of cumulative
exposure in a manually operated
coal mine.(Mamuya SH et
al,2006;Ann Occup. Hyg.)
There is an increasing trend towards
studying quantitative exposure-response
relationships for occupational health
outcomes.The difficulty lies in finding
appropriate ways of grouping workers for
epidemiological studies.Grouping workers
based on job titles, has been proposed as a
The grouping scheme is based on the high
contrast in exposure between subgroups and
low attenuation.Attenuation is described as
the bias in estimating linear exposureresponse relationships towards zero.Severe
attenuation can occur when exposure is
highly variable from day to day and a
limited number of measurement are
available Occupational epidemiological
studies usually apply a grouping scheme for
exposure estimates based on task and
A sample of workers is selected for exposure
monitoring and the mean of the results is
applied to the the whole group. Grouping
schemes have been used in mechanized coal
mines but data on the variability of dust
exposure and on efficiency of grouping
schemes in manually operated coal mines is
• To estimate the variance components of
exposure to respirable dust and quartz.
• To assess whether the grouping by job
team is appropriate for studying the
association between respirable dust and
quartz exposure and chronic respiratory
Study was conducted in the Kiwira labor-intensive colliery, employing
556 surface and underground coal miners.It had been operating for 15
years when the study began.
299 men of a study population of 318, were used for statistical
analysis. All the workers provided a job history including the number
of years worked in the respective job teams and the number of samples
per worker ranged from 1 to 3.
Personal respirable dust was collected on cellulose acetate
filters in SKC cyclone using an SKC sidekick pump with a
flow rate of 2.2L/min. The cyclone was clipped to the
workers collar to collect dust in the breathing zone.
Full-shift samples were taken during the day shift lasting for
Respirable dust samples were quantifies by gravimetric
analysis with a limit of detection(LOD) of 0.01mg/m^3.
The respirable dust were analyzed for quartz by X-ray
diffraction using NIOSH method 7500.The LOD for quartz
was 0.005mg/m^3.
The analyzing labs passed the intercalibration test
•Dust-sampling strategy
Personal dust samples were taken in two periods;June to
August 2003 and July to August 2004.
Samples were distributed into low,medium and high
exposure groups by proportions of 1:3:5 respectively. There
were 70 underground miners sampled under four job teams
that were:development,mining transportation and
The 26 surface miners were sampled under the following job
teams: washing, boiler and turbine ,ash and cinders and
Statistical analysis.
-A two-way ANOVA (random-effect model) was used to
estimate the variance components within groups,between
groups and within workers for respirable dust and quartz
from exposure-response slopes.The workers identity and
groups were treated as random effects.
-Individual cumulative exposures (CE) in mg yr m¯3 was
determined from:
-CE=∑(µ)(t) were µ= mean exposure conc.per job team and
t=number of years a worker spent in that particular job
-Non-detects were included in the analysis by dividing the
LOD by two.
-SPSS version 12.0 was used in all statistical analysis.
-The geometric mean exposure values to respirable
dust and quartz was determined for each job team.
-For underground workers, it was highest among the
development team with values of 1.8 and 0.073 mg
yr/m3 for respirable dust and quartz respectively.
-For surface workers, it was highest among the ash and
cinders team with values of 0.73 and 0.02 mg yr/m3
for respirable dust and quartz respectively.
-The mean cumulative exposure for workers was 38.1
mg yr.m3 for respirable dust and 2.0 mg yr/m3 for
-The years of employment ranged from 0.3 to 34 years,with a
mean of 10.2 years.
-The within team worker variance was larger than between
teams because of the large day-to-day variation in exposure
within teams.
-There was an attenuation of 5.7% for respirable dust and
17.7% for quartz.
-Only workers in the development team had markedly
higher exposures than the surface teams. The surface
workers had a range of mean exposure levels similar to
those reported by analogous coal mines in the U.
-The high day-to-day variability within teams is explained
by different time spent in performing different tasks and
the rotation between these tasks.
-Geological differences in the rocks structure from site to
site might also explain this difference
Strengths of the study.
-The study clearly measured the respirable fraction of dust
which is important for the development of lung disease.
-Gravimetric analysis for the respirable dust and X-ray
diffraction analysis for quartz were done in laboratories
that were tested for proper calibration.
-Cyclone personal samplers to measure exposure in the
breathing zone ,is the most suitable sampling strategy to
measure the association between inhalation route and
respiratory effects.
-The personal sampler allowed for complete shift exposure
-The study met the first objective of estimating variance
components of exposure to respirable dust
Weaknesses of the study.
-There was no detailed description of the setting and the
mineralogical characteristics of silica dust and probable coexposures.For example, the percentage of tridymite and
cristobalite in the rocks.
-The higher variability within job teams will lead to
attenuation of the estimated impact on disease outcome.
-Information was lacking on background respirable dust
exposure levels.
-The non-detects in the analysis might have over- or
underestimated the exposure levels.
-Equal variance within and between teams is assumed in the
analysis that is not the case.
-They failed to meet the second objective in this article that
was meant to show that grouping by job teams is appropriate
to study the association between cumulative dust exposure and
chronic respiratory symptoms.