PICS MI Reporting - Pellcomp Software

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Transcript PICS MI Reporting - Pellcomp Software

New Features
Ofsted reports
Scheduled reports
Consortium handling
Export as…
HTML help
Improved logging
2007/08 preparation
Last time looked at
Consortium handling
now pretty much settled in
much more widely used
more enhancements planned
• call logging etc
Plan-based profiling
very popular and successful
EMA data uploads
Ofsted reports
Effectively replacing ALI
 Completely different basis
WBL from Success Rates
 others defined on Ofsted web site
Full implemented in PICS
calculations replicate their spreadsheets
Success Rates progress
We are now getting breakdowns
Some admissions of LSC errors
SSA code issues from ALI
Some differences emerging
you should be able to as well
will be incorporated as soon as finalised
Breaking news:
suspensions across year end count as
Scheduled Reports
All new reports/functions
Including Backup
Email, save or FTP output
 Run immediately or at a later date
Easier to use
 Compatible with Windows Vista
Improved Logging
More details
Helps us help you
Consortium Handling
Define the learners in the
 Defaults many values – UPIN,
UKPRN, L41/42, A47/48
 Restrict Export to LSC
Export As ...
To Identify separate aims that have
the same LAD code
 FE Units (ZUN?????)
2007/08 Preparation
Well in hand
some features released
 remainder follow next week
Some areas of doubt
still awaiting funding details
Other proposed extensions
Discuss in last session
Element and performance capture
 e-portfolio and web interfaces
 New table formats and Delphi 2006