The RPL Skills Express Toolkit – Hairdressing

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Transcript The RPL Skills Express Toolkit – Hairdressing

Outline of Presentation
Background to the project
Description of the project & outcomes
Challenges of the Project
Demonstration of the Toolkit
Discussion of learning philosophy behind the
Skills Shortage in Hairdressing
A low % of tradespersons with quals higher
than trade certificate
RPL in hairdressing well below the national
Low % of senior tradespersons
High churn factor in staff
Industries lack of correlation between higher level
qualification and higher level output as a tradesperson
Industry lack of value of industry training both non
formal and informal to the achievement of
Lack of experience & skills in assessment of RPL
Research, & experience identified need for a tool that
◦ User friendly
◦ Meets AQTF requirements
◦ Reflected industry practice
◦ Mapped to job roles
◦ Minimal educational jargon
◦ Valuable to all stakeholders
◦ Supported assessors in professional judgement
& risk management
A candidate manage RPL toolkit in an
electronic format that meets AQTF
Meet COAG target groups of
Supporting User Guides and Assessor Guides
utilising best practice
Professional development for assessors
The RPL Skills Express Toolkit (SET): an
electronic pre-assessment RPL tool
Information about the SET available @
RPLSET Package – for Candidates and
User’s Guide
Assessor’s Guide
Skills Claimed
Activities Completed
Evidence Provided
Development was underpinned by
Strong industry partnerships and RTO partnerships
Professional development of 120 teachers
2 phase trial underpinning quality assurance principles
Independent evaluation by
Industry employer group
Educational auditors
Work cover specialist
Individual employers
Purpose to:
Up grade qualifications
Gain a qualification
Re-join the workforce
Changing Vet Sector
Industry’s lack of understanding
Assessor demographics and lack of
experience in recognition assessment
Sustainability of the Tool after the end of the
Design of the tool provides genuine rewards
for all stakeholders
Professional development of staff in best
practice recognition
Use of high profile champions and the
development of an information web site
Increased number of skilled workers
Closer relationship with industry
Customised gap training
Cost efficient for industry and RTO
Highly skilled assessors
Increased RPL knowledge within industry
Establishment of a community of best practice for
Increase in professional discussion amongst
assessors across industry sectors
Increase in the uptake of the system
Development of a partnership with a major industry
provider of training outside of the of the VET sector
Wella Australia
RPL SET has been adapted for other industries
Completed :
DET Package WRH06
Hairdressing WRH06
Version update of HairdressingWRHO6V2
DET Package Commercial Cookery
Commercial Cookery SIT07
Under development :
Safe Food Handling
Beauty SIT010
Commercial Cookery SIT010
Full Conference Paper (Narelle Goiser & Kerry
Details about the RPLSET product available
Narelle Goiser
◦ Phone: 02-99423226
◦ Email: [email protected]