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Hiren C Chaudhari,
G. H. Patel College of Engineering & Technology,
Vallabh Vidyanagar.
India-China relations has a long history, which was seen
both ups & downs during these last 6 decades.
The relations between late 50's & early 80's were sour
due to circumstances leading to the war of 1962, which
led to a serious setback in bilateral relations.
Nevertheless, India & China restored ambassadorial
relations in 1976.
In this backdrop it is essential to know the various to
and fro visit of the premiers & other high level dignitaries
of both the countries.
In 1979, the then External Affairs Minister Atal Bihari
Vajpayee made a path-breaking visit to China, which lead
to the renewal of contacts at the highest political level after
two decades.
Chinese Foriegn Minsiter Huang Hua made a return visit
to India in 1981.
the visit of PM Rajiv Gandhi to China in December 1988
was a landmark in India-China relations.
It led the way for resumption of political dialogue at the
highest level between the two countries after a gap of
almost 28 years.
During this visit both side agreed to develop & expand
bilateral relations in every field.
It was also agreed to establish a Joint Working Group on
the Boundary question to seek a fair, reasonable &
mutually acceptable solution.
Besides the JWG (on the border issue) & the Joint
Economic Group (on economic & commercial issues), there
are bilateral exchanges in Science & Technology, outer
space, mining, audit, defence, personnel & culture.
Premier Li Peng visited India in December 1991. Prime
Minister Narasimha Rao visited China in September 1993.
President Jiang Zemin's state visited to India in
November 1996 was the first by Chinese Head Of State.
During his visit, the two countries agreed to work
towards a constructive & cooperative relationships
while continuing to address outstanding differences.
Four Agreements were signed, of which the most
important was one on Confidence Building Measures
in the Military field along the LAC in the India-China
Border Area was signed along with other agreements.
President K R Narayanan visited China in May-Juna
2000. this was the second visit by an Indian Head of State
in the last 50 years, & was significant as it marked a
complete return to normalcy in bilateral relations.
Premier Zhu Rongji visited India in 2002, accompanied
by a high-level delegation, which included the Minister for
Labour & Social Security, Zhang Zuoji & MOFTEC
minister, Shi Guangsheng.
Six MOUs/agreements were signed during the visit on
cooperation in tourism, provision of hydrological data by
China to India, peaceful uses of outer space, science &
technology & phyto-sanitary measures.
Prime Minister A B Vajpayee visited China from 22-27
June 2003. this was the first visit of an IPM to China in
almost a decade. 10 agreements & a Joint Declaration on
Principles for Relations & Comprehensive cooperation
between India & China were concluded.
on April 11-2005, Premier Wen Jiabao held important
talks with his Indian counterpart ManMohan Singh in New
Following the talks, the two leaders signed a joint
statement & identified a series of common consensus
reached by the two governments in the hope to
comprehensively expand the friendly agreement on the
political guiding principles for resolving the boundary
issue between China & India.
There has been a great deal of expectation in India
regarding the State visit of the President of the peoples
republic of China & the general secretary of the
Communist Party of China Hu jintao to India recalling
that 2006 is the India-China friendship year.
In the present scenario economic relations & border
dispute are the two main which guide the sino-indian
relation the former one being the most important.
With regard to the economic relations even the
chinese feel that with both economies growing, India's
relative advantage in information technology software &
china's relative advantage in manufacturing hardware
must be combined to produce a new synergy.
The economic relations between two countries have
developed immensely in the past few decades, The
cross border trade has got new impetus when in 1991
both countries agreed to open lipulekh pass for trade
between both the countries.
Recently in July 2006 Nathula pass which joins the
Tibet & Sikkim has been opened for trade after nearly
44 long years.
The opening of Nathula pass has also a diplomatic &
political significance.
The important agreements signed during the visit are:
a) Target of $40 billion trade a year for 2010 from the
present $23 billion. A bilateral investment pact was also
b) Tourism has been given importance status. It has been
agreed to open a new route for Kailash Mansarovar &
consulate to open Guangzhou & Kolkata.
c) China has shown intentions that it will not block India's
bid for premanent seat in UNSC.