Common Resource Allocation System

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Transcript Common Resource Allocation System

Common Resource
Allocation Framework
Martin Cattermole
Tony Bennett
Why we are doing it
• Policy requirement is “up-front allocation”
• Most councils developing a RAS
• Some councils have substantial take-up of SDS
• ADASS survey – a significant obstacle
• Concerns about financial risks and the law
• Councils are going in different directions
• Getting too complex
• Losing focus on choice and control?
…. ADASS wanted a simpler, common approach
All work done together:
• ADASS-led project
• disabled people and family carers
• 18 councils
Development group includes people with
substantial experience and understanding
of implementing self-directed support
Benefits of co-production
• Focus on social model of disability
• Getting the language, and the attitude
behind the language, right
• Genuine expertise, as experts by
experience, but also input into finance,
domains etc.
• Adds credibility – the result is as good as it
can be and should be readily acceptable
to councils and service users
Some challenging issues
• A new way of working together – no
“hidden decisions” in back rooms
• Emotive issues
• Consensus and compromise
• 18 councils all different!
• Time, capacity and priority
What does a good RAS look like to
Simple, easy to understand and use
Asks sensible questions
Meets need
Also looks like this to council staff
Key Deliverables (1)
Three phases
• design (January – March 2009)
• testing and improvement (April – September)
• dissemination (September – November)
Framework document
• Principles and purpose of RAS
• Common approach to key challenges
• Doing it within the law
Framework issues
How are you approaching:
• Fit with duty to assess needs
• Future proofing
• People with high support needs
• Equity/one RAS or many
• Informal support
• Needs of family carers
Key Deliverables (2)
Tools showing how framework can be applied:
• Questionnaire
• Scoring framework
• Financial framework
• System map
Councils could
• Use framework and tools together
• Use the framework and modify existing RAS
Draft materials
Available for viewing by reference group
then go to…
“Discuss and debate”
In short…
Aiming for a co-produced approach that:
• is based on the social model of disability
• supports citizenship and self-determination
• works for councils
• provides a “design specification” for a RAS
• provides practical tools if you need them
• keeps it as simple (and as legal) as possible