Transcript Slide 1

Welcome To
2012 Umpire Clinic
Doin’ It For The Kids
Since 1972!
Umpire Clinic Topics
Umpire Set Up
Pre-Game Conference
During the Game
Time Out
Tee-Ball Vs. Coach Pitch
Questions & Answers
Introduction To Umpiring
Thank you for volunteering your time!
Umpire Schedule
Awards For Outstanding Umpires
Umpire Schedule
Division 1
5/3 (4)
/21 (1C)
6/4 (1B)
6/18 (4B)
6/29 (2)
5/7 (3A)
5/16 (1)
6/2 (3)
6/14 (3)
7/2 (2A)
5/7 (4C)
5/18 (1)
6/4 (2B)
6/18 (2A)
6/28 (1)
5/4 (4)
5/21 (3C)
6/1 (3)
6/18 (1C)
7/2 (1C)
Umpire Set Up
All Umpires Check Field Assignments &
Obtain Umpire Shirt From Shed If Needed
 Home Plate Umpire Must:
1) Insure Field Is Set Up Properly
2) Count Players On Each Team
3) Get Both Teams Infield Time
4) Bring Game Ball & Game Record To
Your Field From The Shed
Home Plate Area Set Up
Umpire Set Up
Base Umpires Must:
1) Decide Who Covers What Base
2) Decide Who Covers 2nd Base
Pre-Game Conference
Verify Exchange Of Line-Ups
 Ask About Special Needs Children
 Call Official Start Time
 Cover Ground Rules Regarding:
1) Thrown Bats (Warnings)
2) Extra Strikes
3) Ball Going Over/Under Fence
4) How You Will Call Time Out
Pre-Game Conference
Ask Coaches If They Have Questions
 Remind Coaches To Have Fun!!!!!
During The Game-Home Plate Ump
Watch Play Of The Ball
 What To Do If An Injury Occurs
 Game Time/Official Game
1) Start Of A New Inning
2) If Injuries Occurred
3) What To Do If There Is A Tie
During The Game-Home Plate Ump
Putting The Ball In Play
1) Foul Zone
2) Practice Swings
During The Game-Home Plate Ump
Keep Track Of Score Every Inning
1) Make Sure Scorekeepers Agree
2) Avoid Lopsided Scores
3) Insure True Defensive Changes Are
Made By Winning Team
During The Game-Home Plate Ump
Keep The Game Moving
 Keep An Eye On The Elements
1) Rain-Heavy Or Light
2) Lightning
3) What To Do If Game Is Delayed Or
During The Game-Home Plate Ump
Dealing With Unruly Coaches & Parents
1) Coaches Must Control Their Team
2) Issue A Warning To The Head Coach
3) Get Board Member Involved
During The Game-Base Umps
Be In Position To Make Calls
 Watch For Touching Of Bases
 Watch Running Before The Hit
 Running Outside The Baseline
 Interference/Obstruction
Time Out Rule-Quiz
1) Which of these is not a condition of time out?
A) Any defensive player raises their hand and
yells “TIME!”
B) Any infielder raises their hand and yells
C) An infielder with the ball raises their hand
and yells “TIME!”
D) The Head Coach of the defensive team yells
Time Out Rule-Quiz
2) How many conditions have to be met for
time to be called?
A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) Four
E) There are conditions for time to
be called?
Time Out Rule-Quiz
3) Who calls time?
A) Defensive Coach
B) Any Defensive Player
C) Any Infielder
D) The pitcher or catcher only
Time Out Rule-Conditions
Time is called by the home plate umpire
All runners, including the batter-runner,
are no longer forced to advance, and
Time Out Rule-Conditions
2) An infielder has control of the ball within
the infield, and
Time Out Rule-Conditions
3) In the umpire’s judgment, the lead
runner has abandoned the attempt to
advance to the next base, and
Time Out Rule-Conditions
4) In the umpire’s judgment, the defensive
team has abandoned the attempt to
make a defensive play
Post Game Duties
Sign both teams’ scorebooks
 Give game ball to head coach of home
team (both teams if Coach Pitch)
 Fill out game report completely
 Return game report, clicker, plate brush,
and clipboard to shed
 Get yourself a freeze-pop!!!!
Tee Ball Vs. Coach Pitch
TB: 12 on the field (minimum of 9)
Maximum of 6 outfielders
CP: 10 on the field (minimum 8)
Maximum of 4 outfielders
Tee Ball Vs. Coach Pitch
TB: 3 allowed-2 base coaches and a batting
CP: 3 allowed-2 base coaches and a coachpitcher
Tee Ball Vs. Coach Pitch
TB: 3 allowed-2 outfield coaches and a
bench/dugout coach
CP: 2 allowed-1 outfield coach and a
bench/dugout coach
Tee Ball Vs. Coach Pitch
TB: Catcher wears a helmet
Only wooden bats used (up to 27 in.)
CP: Catcher wears full gear
Cups (or fem. Equiv.) recommended
Aluminum bats are allowed that are
marked T-Ball or Little League, with a
maximum length of 28 in.
Tee Ball Vs. Coach Pitch
TB: Multiple foul balls permitted
Catcher positioned in catcher’s circle
Umpire is positioned near the batter,
off to the side
Tee is positioned with the barrel of the
tee in a zone extending, for the width
of home plate, from the rear point of
home plate to the front of batter’s box
Tee Ball Vs. Coach Pitch
CP: Batters are allowed a maximum of 6
attempts to put the ball in play
The batting tee will not be used
For safety reasons, no warm up swings
will be permitted
Prior to 6th pitch, the home plate
umpire will announce “Last Pitch”
Tee Ball Vs. Coach Pitch
CP: If the ball is not put in play in 6
attempts, the batter is out unless the
6th attempt results in a foul ball. In this
case, the batter will continue to bat
until the batter misses the ball, does
not swing, or puts the ball in play
Tee Ball Vs. Coach Pitch
CP: Umpire is positioned off to the side,
farther away than for tee ball
Catcher is position behind the batter,
at a minimum distance of a line to be
marked behind home plate
There is no foul zone arc in front of
home plate.
Tee Ball Vs. Coach Pitch
TB: Pitcher must have 1 foot on the
pitching rubber
CP: The player-pitcher will be positioned
with at least one foot within the dirt
portion of the pitching area, but no
closer to home plate than the pitching
Tee Ball Vs. Coach Pitch
CP: The coach-pitcher must be a certified
coach. Non-certified volunteers may be
recruited to coach 1st or 3rd base
The coach-pitcher will be positioned so
that, upon completing the pitch, their
lead foot does not touch or cross a line
drawn 37’ from the back tip of home
Tee Ball Vs. Coach Pitch
CP: The coach-pitcher must wear a glove.
Appropriate footwear should be worn.
The coach-pitcher may not coach base
runners in any way. 1st offense is a
warning. Subsequent offenses will
result in the lead runner being called
Tee Ball Vs. Coach Pitch
CP: The coach-pitcher must pitch overhand
A batted ball which strikes the coachpitcher is a dead ball. No pitch is
A batted ball that hits the pitching
machine is a live ball and play will
Tee Ball Vs. Coach Pitch
CP: A thrown ball striking the coachpitcher/pitching machine is a live ball.
After a ball is put in play by the batter,
the coach-pitcher should crouch down,
or, if possible, leave the field.
A pitched ball striking a batter is a
dead ball and counts as a pitch. The
batter is not awarded 1st base.
Tee Ball Vs. Coach Pitch
CP: A coach-pitcher may be called for
“interference” if, in the opinion of the
umpire, he intentionally obstructs a
fielder or makes contact with a batted
ball. If this occurs, the batter is out
and the runners return to their original
Tee Ball Vs. Coach Pitch
End of a Play
TB: The ball is returned to the home plate
Prior to placing the ball on the tee for
the next batter, the umpire will ask the
defensive team if they are ready.
After placing the ball on the tee, before
the batter swings, the umpire will
announce “Play Ball”.
Tee Ball Vs. Coach Pitch
End of a Play
CP: The home plate umpire WILL NOT ask
the defensive team if they are ready.
The home plate umpire WILL NOT
announce “Play Ball”.
Tee Ball Vs. Coach Pitch
End of a Play
CP: After the play has ended, the ball will
be returned to the player-pitcher, who
will hand it to the coach-pitcher when
the defensive team is ready.
Prior to making a pitch, the coachpitcher will hold the ball over his head
to signify the start of the play.
Umpire and Concession Responsibilities:
Required To Provide 2 Umpires for Each
Assigned Game
Each Team Is Required To Provide 3
Concession Workers for Each Assignment
All Must Be At Least 16 Years Old
Not Responsible To Cover Make-Up Games
CP Teams That Fail To Cover Shifts Will Not
Be Eligible For Post Season Competition
Review of Rule Changes for 2011
Please Review The 2012 By-Laws
and Rule Book For Complete List
of Changes for 2012.
They Can Be Found In Your
Scorebooks, Or On-Line at:
Thank You For Attending The 2011
Umpire Clinic. Remember,
Questions & Answers