Informazioni generali sul progetto

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Consumer education on-line
[email protected]
Centro Tecnico Regionale di Ricerca sul Consumo Europeo
Via Argentieri 22, 39100 Bolzano tel. 0471 974945 0471 982499 e-mail: [email protected] Web:
[email protected]
”Altroconsumo” Italy
Centro Tecnico Regionale di Ricerca sul Consumo Europeo
Via Argentieri 22, 39100 Bolzano tel. 0471 974945 0471 982499 e-mail: [email protected] Web:
Project’s Aims
Realizing and supplying of an
On line Training Course
About consumption for teachers and citizen
From Italy, Austria, Belgium and France
The attendance to the course is open to all intersted Countries and it will be feasible by
the avaliability of English Courses
The e-learning platform and courses willbe made avaliable by the Consumers’
Associations and Institutions from the candidates Countries
Project’s Aims
Creation of an
European School Network
with a specific devotion to consumers’ problems
Study in order to create an
European Vitrual School of Consumption
for continuous consumers education
On-line course
Supplied services: text – video – chat with tutor
1 Safe living
Safety in the house and in the school
Work safety
Toys’ safety
Cars’ safety
Mobile phones and electromagnetic pollution
Product’s quality an the certification
2 Correct Eating
2a Publicity of food and food label
2b Managing tool for food safety
2c Main principles in European and
national laws in matter of food
2d The GMO
2e Bio food
3 Safe and Secure on-line
3a E-commerce
3b E-documents and digital signing
3c Consumers’ protection in Internet and the
guarantee brand Web Trader
3d Payments security
3e On-line banking
3f Trading on-line
3g Insurance on-line
European Schools Network
Creation of a network of european schools by
Assigning a
Standard Home Page or Banner or link
URL linked to the main site and hosting service on our server
and the possibility for each school
To use the platform ILIAS (Integrated Learning-, Information- and Co-operative WorkSystem,
Integriertes Lern-, Informations- und ArbeitskooperationsSystem
by CTRRCE adapter
Sendind to each participator
The CD ROM of the course
Request to the Authority for the participating schools of the network the
as pole star schools in consumers education
European School for Consumption
We intend to realize:
An European Centre, first virtual, an then physical, where every association,
school and university or private institution could ask in order to:
• Organizing training projects;
• Research concerning consumers and markets;
• Development of didactic tools based on simulated puchase or sell or any
other transaction that involves consumers;
• Constant updating about european and national laws regarding
consumers protection and case history studies
Study in order to create an European Virtual Scool for
Consumption That supplies services via Internet
It is needed to develope:
• Technology
• Didactic
Some steps of the study are:
Focusing the target of training among consumers, teachers, young people,
professionals, institutions and local administrations
Realization of didactic tools for e-learning (e.g. Consumerland)
Study of the structure of a virtual school
Introduction of e-teaching
Selection of teachers
E-learnign platform ILIAS:
A tool in order to create a network
The web-based training platform ILIAS is available as open source software under the terms of the GNU-GPL.
Universities, educational institutions and every interested person may use the system free of charge and
contribute to the further development.
ILIAS has been developed in the VIRTUS project of the Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and
Social Sciences at the University of Cologne. Through a client-server system ILIAS allows users to create,
edit and publish learning units in a single system.
The current version of ILIAS offers the following features:
Personal desktop for each user with information about last visited courses, new mails or posts
Learning environment with personal annotations, test, glossary, print function, search engine, offlineversion
Course management system
Communication features like news system, discussion forums and chat
Group system for collaborative work and organising members and resources
Integrated authoring environment (Editor) to create courses without HTML
Support of metadata for all levels of learning objects
Context-sensitive help system for learners and authors
User and system administration interface
System languages: english, german, french, spanish, norwegian, swedish, danish, polish
ILIAS open source is a joint project of the University of Cologne, the Faculty of Economics, Business
Administration and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne, the Sal. Oppenheim Foundation and the
Department of Education, Science and Research of the State of Northrhine-Westphalia.
Personal Desktop
Courses overview…
A demo course
Download a demo course
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