Welcome to Grade 1 - Halton District School Board

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Transcript Welcome to Grade 1 - Halton District School Board

Bienvenue à …
École Forest Trail
Welcome to …
Forest Trail Public School
•Welcome & Introductions
•About our School
•An Overview of Grade 1 Learning
•Parking Lot format Q & A
Welcome to Grade 1
A Guide for Families
Grade 1 and Our School
Every Kindergarten to Grade 3
student will receive intensive guided
instruction in reading. Students who
do not demonstrate movement
towards their grade level target, will
be assessed and supported by a
second tier of support.
Source: HDSB Multi-Year Plan 2012-2016
Every student can learn to read.
What are the foundations of Grade 1
Language Learning?
Oral language
Concepts of Print
Phonemic Awareness
Understanding letter/sound relationships
Word & language structure
Thinking Skills
The Ontario Curriculum Grades 1-8 Language
Reading Levels for Children in
Kindergarten through Grade 3
Where they start in Grade 1
Language is taught across the curriculum
Grade 1 teachers address phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary &
comprehension in reading. Some students need more time on these areas.
Partnering in Your Child’s Learning - Mathematics
Build strong, positive attitudes about math. When children feel positively engaged and successful, they are more likely to
stick with an activity or a problem to find a solution. Students’ attitudes have a significant effect on how they approach
problem solving and how well they succeed in mathematics.
Begin with activities that meet your child’s level of mathematical understanding. Early success in solving problems will build
your child’s confidence. Ask them
If you and your child are more comfortable in a language other than English, use it. Your child will understand concepts
better in the language that he or she knows best.
The Mathematics Program - Curriculum Strands
Your child will understand how numbers
work and how they relate to each other.
Your child will recognize and identify
patterns to make predictions based on
their observations.
Your child will explore how mathematicians
determine the height, length and width of objects,
as well as determine the area that objects cover,
the amount that objects hold (capacity) and the
space that objects take up (volume).
Your child will become familiar with
shapes and spatial relationships in their
environment leading to an understanding
of the principles of geometry.
Your child will learn how to collect,
organize and interpret information.
Source: Doing Mathematics with Your Child
The ability to estimate the number in a group of objects is related to later success in
mathematics.Help your child(ren) develop their skills at approximating group sizes
by emphasizing numerals while interacting with them.
Partnering in Your Child’s Learning
Grade 1 Core French
Currently in 24 elementary schools
Primary Core French programs focus on
Listening and Speaking Skills
The program follows an interactive approach
and includes Art, Drama, Music and/or Dance
Grade One Core French
- Teachers will use Drama, Dance, Visual Arts and
Music to deliver French expectations from The Ontario
Curriculum French as a Second Language, Core French
Grades 1-8
- Students learn to understand and use basic vocabulary
and structures associated with familiar topics
English Program
Day usually begins with 100
minutes Literacy and/or 60
minutes Math
In same room for core subjects
All subjects taught in English
Core French begins in grade 1 or
grade 4
French Immersion Program
150 minutes in English or French
Switch half way through the day
150 minutes in the other language (i.e., English or French)
Teacher at end of day coordinates take home material for
both English and French
Subjects taught in French - French Literacy, Science
Subjects taught in English - English Literacy, Mathematics
Report Cards: Grades 1 - 8
Learning Skills
and Work Habits
Subject Areas
French/Native Language
Science and Technology
Social Studies, History/Geography
(gr. 7 & 8)
Health and Physical Education
The Arts: Drama, Dance, Music,
Visual Arts
Source: Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools (2010)
Every Student Can Learn to Read
Some students receive more time
on reading instruction in class
provided by the classroom
Some students receive a 16 week
Reading Intervention Program to
bring them up to expected reading
level - 5
Some students may need support
beyond this level.
Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI)
❖May be needed for students who are reading at Level 2 and
should be at level 6 or higher
❖Short term intervention with the goal of accelerating reading
growth to allow students to “catch up” with their peers
Focus is on developing early literacy skills
decoding, comprehension, reading
strategies, fluency, writing, phonics and
Early French Immersion
Grade 1
Registration forms
should be submitted
to your home school by
Friday, February 6, 2015.
Factors to consider:
•What is your child’s learning style?
•Do all family members support the program?
Does the child want to be there?
•How does your child deal with transition?
• Have you spoken with your child’s Sk teacher?
Learning a second language can:
“strengthen first language skills in areas of
reading, vocabulary, grammar and
communication skills” if the child has a
strong foundation in their first language.
We provide three options for learning a second language:
- Core French
- French Immersion
- Extended French (Late Immersion)
Source: http://education.gov.ab.ca/languages/benefits.asp
Studying in
French or English can be a lot of fun
Conversations with the kindergarten classroom teacher
and consideration of your child’s learning strengths and
needs are important factors to consider.
How Can Parents Help?
Exchange programs
French summer camps
Websites (TFO,French language toolbox)
Books from the library(ie: Tumblebooks)
Subscriptions to French magazines at home
Canadian Parents for French(cpfont.on.ca)
How Can Parents Help?
• Support at home
• Encourage children to support each other
• Continue English and or first language
• Purchase storybooks with cassette
• French games, software, websites
• Travel
A day in the life of…
•What does it look like, sound like,
feel like in a Grade 1 French Immersion
•In a Grade 1 French classroom?
•In a Grade 1 English classroom?
Video Clip
•In a French classroom
EFT School Council
•School Council Facebook at Forest Trail Public
School – School Council
•Council Chairs:
Tanya Montieth, Chris Marineau
For up to date information about our