Folie 1 - Instituto Ethos

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Transcript Folie 1 - Instituto Ethos

Panel 6
Sustainable Business Linkages in the
Production Chains
„UNCTAD‘s preliminary findings on good practice in linkages
policies and project approach“
Ethos International Conference, Sao Paulo, June 2006
Christiane Stepanek-Allen
Chief, Office of the Director and Linkages Programme
Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development
Main questions addressed.......
1. How are business linkages addressed in UNCTAD’s work?
2. What are preliminary findings regarding linkage policies and
international initiatives?
3. How does PV benefit?
1. How are business linkages addressed in
UNCTAD‘s work?
Research/analysis on FDI (trends, drivers)
Policy advice on enabling investment environment
Capacity building in investment promotion
Research/analysis on enterprise competitiveness
Policy advice on SME support measures and programmes (Empretec)
International best practice in corporate responsibility
International guidelines for CR reporting (ISAR)
PV and other national support programmes in Africa and Asia
Business linkages blueprint, catalogue on good practice policies
2. What are preliminary findings regarding policies and
and support measures?
An analytical framework for the analysis of an systemic policy approach to linkage building
Providing strategic
guidance and policy
Specific linkage
Strategic FDI
2. What are preliminary findings regarding
policies ?
Encouraging“ policy approach (mainly non-restrictive) aimed at matchmaking,
coordination, technology transfer, i.e.:
Horizontal, non-selective policies to compensate for market failures
(information, access to technology, R&D,payment delays)
Selective, sector-specific and cluster policies (also to advance sociopolitical goals)
Tax and financial incentives to strengthen the absorbtive capacity of SMEs
Complementary government activities
Linkages aspect need to be addressed in all five policy areas
Who are the key players and institutions of a
successful linkages promotion programme?
2. What are preliminary findings of a best
practice linkages programme?
 difficult to get companies from
the same sector to share
 introduces implicit bias on
manufacturing outsourcing
functional approach
 encourages horizontal
learning and exchange of
 similar to BDS: addresses
market failures
2. What are preliminary findings of a best
practice linkages programme?
 share information on
suppliers, make them more
 involve meso institutions
 strengthen BDS market
 work with individual TNC to
develop local suppliers
 funding upgrading effort in
 facilitate upgrading, e.g.
match spun-off small enterprise
with additional customers
Facilitation approach in line with the recent donor thinking on promoting market-based solutions
2. What are preliminary findings of a best
practice linkages programme?
•Strategic policy orientation and coordination with public and private
•Identification of specific role of all stakeholders (public, private, meso,
donors, NGOs)
•Target lead firms of production chains and high brand recognition
•Spread experience and learning of TNC linkgage initiatives
•Subregional initiatives are more successful than national initiatives
•Performance measurement to calculate cost (for TNC and government)
The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility
Growing importance of CSR in corporate governance, TNC strategy formulation and
CSR advocacy a promising driver to engage TNCs in government linkages initiatives
(or international, i.e. UN, donors), if integral part of gov. policy
Growing international trend in CSR to favor linkages with socially underprivileged
groups in developing countries, through:
- Support to the supplier
- Selling basic products and services to poor communities
Companies with high brand recognition or market leaders engage more often in CSI.
Degree of commitment varies, companies that have announced specific targets are
more likely to take it seriously
Careful mix of CSR and operational interventions interventions determine
success of promoting sustainable business linkages
Project needs clear message!
3. How does PV Benefit?
• Coalition of national and international stakeholders
(Steering Committee/Advisory Board) to focus on different
aspects and localize best practice learning
• Policy advice (addressing different aspects, access to
different government stakeholders)
• Building upon earlier intiatives (Empretec, IPR, CSR
• Appreciated for understanding international investment and
TNC requirements, the local business climate, SME sector
• Project offers „opportunity“ for TNC initiative
• International exposure