Слайд 1 - narod.ru

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Задачи: развивать умения учеников работать в коллективе; совершенствовать их
интеллектуальные способности; обобщить и расширить лингвистические знания.
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Seven Knights
Part I
Author: When the king was away at war
Poor Queen could wait no more.
When at last he had arrived
From the happiness she died.
(король сидит печальный на троне)
King: For so long I`ve been away
My wife is dead….and anyway.
Author: The king`s sorrow was deepest
How to be? And he had sin
So he married another queen.
Clever, beautiful and slim
She was really a queen.
As she was elegant and stout
She was heartless, jealous, proud.
Only with her magic mirror
She was happy, kind and merry.
Queen: Oh, my mirror,
Oh, my darling,
Tell the truth about me
Am I beautiful and charming?
Mirror: You are beautiful, of course.
Author: As you see she started to laugh
And her shoulders to shrug.
But her fingers started to click
With a slight, so proud and quick.
( Входит царевна)
Author: Meanwhile a daughter of the King
Young princess unnoticed and calm
Had grown up prettiest in her charm.
She became beautiful and tender
Very nice and very slender.
( Царица прихорашивается и беседует с
зеркалом )
Queen: Oh, my mirror,
Oh, my darling,
Tell the truth about me
Am I beautiful and charming?
Mirror: You are beautiful of course,
But the princess…
She is nicer.
Queen: Oh, my mirror,
Damn you!
You have told me a lie!
Is she as pretty as I am?
How dare she be so nice?
I shall make her be more wise.
Where are you? You don`t hear?
Author: Having called a serving maiden
She ordered the Princess to be taken.
( Подает веревку, указывает идти к царевне )
Queen: ( Leave her alone in the wood!
By the wolves to be eaten as food!
( На сцене царевна и чернавка)
Princess: Oh, my God!
What and why such hardest fault?
Leave my life in any way
You will be honored on someday.
Maiden: Go away! God be with you!
Author: The princess alone in the wood
The way she sought as she could.
Suddenly a castle she saw aside
And fearlessly she went inside.
… She cleaned the house, a candle lit
( на сцене семь богатырей)
Author: Here are the seven knights
Who wondered at the sight.
Knight 1: What is it?
Our home is warm and clean
But there is nobody to be seen.
Knight 2: If there is somebody in here
Show yourself without fear!
(выходит царевна)
Princess: I am here at your quest
Very grateful to be guest.
Author: Seven brothers see a princess
And accept her as their sister.
As the sun rounds the sky
So the time passed by.
Now the princess lives with the knights.
But once… all seven stepped inside
And they asked her who was right.
Knight 4: We all love you as a sister
But we have a quarrel thus
Be a wife for pne of us!
( принцесса качает головой)
Knight 5: Why are you shaking your head?
Don`t you like what we have said?
Princess: All you are the bravest knights
Oh, my brothers, please don`t fight!
All you are dearest to me,
Honestly, I have to say
I`m the bride of Yelisei.
Knight 6: We are sorry, now we see
But to ask you is not a sin!
(все покидают сцену)
Queen: Oh, my mirror,
Oh, my darling,
Tell the truth about me
Am I beautiful and charming?
Mirror: Well, my Queen, I`ll dare to say
That the Princess is beautiful and nice
In the wood she lives with seven knights.
(царица зовет чернавку)
Queen: Oh, my maiden, come at once!
How dare you to lie?
Don`t you know, whom am I ?
Go and do it as i`ve told you!
Maiden: Oh, I`ll do it as you want
Don`t…! Don1t!
(в страхе закрывается руками и убегает)
Author: Once when the brothers went away
The Queen`s servant came to say
Maiden: That wicked dog gives me away!
You are so good, I want to say
For saving me , thank you!
(кидает яблоко и уходит)
Author: Our Princess could hardly wait
So a piece of apple she ate.
( откусывает яблоко)
She dropped the apple on the floor,
She couldn`t eat it any more.
Unhappy brothers in sorrow deep
Took her up to the mountains to sleep.
Queen: Oh, my mirror,
Oh, my darling,
Tell the truth about me
Am I beautiful and charming?
Mirror: You are beautiful, of course.
Author: For his beloved, Prince Yelisei
He traveled bravely all the way.
Prince: Oh, Sun, the Sun, have you seen my darling
I asked the stars, the sky, the sun
But neither saw or heard they none…
Author: At last addressed he to the Wind.
Princess: Wind, oh, Wind!
You mighty Wind!
Are you guessing what I mean?
You are blowing outside
Have you seen my darling bride?
Wind: Listen!
In the morning very high
In the darkness outside
There is a coffin
With your bride!
(Елисей устремляется к хрустальному гробу)
Author: Alisei was at the coffin
And he hit it with all his might
Here the princess opened her eyes…
Princess: How long have I been sleeping?
Author: And she got up from the grave
Very curious to be saved.
… Then they came outside
Very happy, very bright.
(на сцене царица беседует с зеркалом)
Queen: Oh, my mirror,
Oh, my darling,
Tell the truth about me
Am I beautiful and charming?
Mirror: You are beautiful, of course,
But the Princess… she is nicer!
(царица разбивает зеркало и падает)
(все выходят на сцену)
Author: Soon all the people came as guests
And the wedding was the best!
• http://multiki.arjlover.net/info/skazka.o.m.c
• «Сказка о мертвой и семи богатырях»