Transcript Document

UN Charter
• Art 55: With a view to the creation of conditions
of stability and well-being which are necessary
for peaceful and friendly relations among nations
based on respect for the principle of equal rights
and self-determination of peoples, the United
Nations shall promote:
– …c. universal respect for, and observance of, human
rights and fundamental freedoms for all without
distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.
• Article 56: All Members pledge themselves to
take joint and separate action in co-operation
with the Organization for the achievement of the
purposes set forth in Article 55.
UN Resolution 60/251
• the Council shall be responsible for promoting
universal respect for the protection of all human
rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without
distinction of any kind and in a fair and equal manner
• the Council should address situations of violations of
human rights, including gross and systematic
violations, and make recommendations thereon.
• Contribute, through dialogue and cooperation,
towards the prevention of human rights violations
and respond promptly to human rights emergencies
Complaint Procedure
• In accordance with established practice the action
taken in respect of a particular situation should be one
of the following options:
(a) To discontinue considering the situation when further
consideration or action is not warranted;
(b) To keep the situation under review and request the State
concerned to provide further information within a
reasonable period of time;
(c) To keep the situation under review and appoint an
independent and highly qualified expert to monitor the
situation and report back to the Council;
(d) To discontinue reviewing the matter under the
confidential complaint procedure in order to take up public
consideration of the same;
(e) To recommend to OHCHR to provide technical
cooperation, capacity-building assistance or advisory services
to the State concerned.
• China regretted that the USA rejected a number of
recommendations, including those related to the
ratification of core human rights treaties. It noted that:
no thorough investigations of the civilians’ killing in
Iraq and Afghanistan were conducted; Guantanamo
Bay prison had not been closed; no measures were
taken against the extensive use of force by law
enforcement agencies and the discrimination against
minorities persisted. China stated that the USA should
take effective measures to promote and protect human
rights, and should hold constructive dialogue and
cooperate with other countries to jointly advance
human rights.
Canada UPR (2009)
The Islamic Republic of Iran made reference to concerns raised by the
treaty bodies and in stakeholders’ submissions, including on continued
cases of violation of human rights in Canada, as well as the growing
discriminatory treatment of indigenous people, aboriginal women,
migrants, Muslims, Arabs and Afro-Canadians. Iran noted that, since
September 2001, Canada’s Muslim and Arab communities had
continuously felt victimized. It made reference to concerns about serious
acts of violence against Aboriginal women and urged Canada to examine
its failure to investigate cases of missing and murdered Aboriginal women.
Iran also noted that Canada placed barriers to refugee and migrant family
reunification, and recommended that Canada address the root causes of
various forms of discriminations in the country, ensure effective access to
justice, establish means of redress and protection of the rights of ethnic
minorities and indigenous people and Aboriginals, and revisit its decision
with regard to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
Canada UPR (2009)
• The United States of America appreciated Canada’s efforts
to settle Aboriginal land claims, with a view to accelerating
the process. It also welcomed the attention paid to
recommendations to review the effectiveness of its antitrafficking laws and to coordinate law enforcement efforts
among national, provincial and State authorities, and
requested more information in this regard. It commended
Canada’s acknowledgement of civil society concerns and
appreciated its efforts to build on these constructive
relationships, consulting them on universal periodic review
follow-up activities. It noted that Canada had been a model
member of the Council, demonstrating deep commitment
to the protection and promotion of human rights.
China UPR
Amnesty International believed that the Chinese authorities had
undermined the value of the country’s universal periodic review by
rejecting a large number of recommendations covering a broad range
of human rights, and had seriously undermined the credibility of the
review outcome by manipulating the contributions of civil society to
the process. It urged the Government to reconsider the
recommendations that had not enjoyed China’s support, including
regularly publishing figures on the death penalty; ending the death
penalty and administrative detention, persecution for exercising rights
to freedom of expression, association and assembly, repression of
national ethnic minorities, including Tibetans and Uighurs, and
persecution of other religious practitioners; and implementing the
2008 recommendations of the Committee against Torture and ratifying
the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Amnesty
International was concerned about Macao’s national security law,
which could be used to imprison individuals for exercising their rights
to freedom of expression and association.
China UPR
• Pakistan highlighted the fact that China, in spite of being
the most populous country in the world, was realizing
many of the Millennium Development Goals ahead of
time, and that these best practices should be replicated
by other States. It noted that China, as a responsible
global power, had always looked after the rights and
interests of the developing world, the acknowledgement
of which had been reflected in the statements made
during the review. China’s acceptance of a range of
recommendations made in the fields of civil, political,
economic, social and cultural rights and the establishment
of an inter-agency working group to systematically analyse
and implement these recommendations reflected the
seriousness that it attached to human rights. Pakistan
noted the promulgation of China’s first national human
rights plan of action and the new plan on the
pharmaceutical and health-care system.