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Overview of DFID
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
An Overview Of DFID
 Potted history of DFID
 Structure of DFID
 Where the CSCF Fits In
 DFID Country Offices
 Policy Division
 DFID Funding Departments
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Potted History of DFID
 1929: UK Government recognised responsibility for developing its
 1970: Overseas Development Administration (ODA) formed
 1997: The Department for international Development – headed by a
Secretary of State with Cabinet rank
 1997: White Paper, “Eliminating World Poverty – A Challenge for the
21st Century”
 2000: White Paper, “Making Globalisation Work for the Worlds Poor”
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
 Achieve universal primary education
 Promote gender equality and empower women
 Reduce child mortality
 Improve maternal health
 Combat HIV and AIDS, malaria and other diseases
 Ensure environmental sustainability
 Develop a global partnership for development
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
DFID Structure: Leadership
Hilary Benn MP
Secretary of State for International Development
Gareth Thomas MP
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State
Suma Chakrabarti
Permanent Secretary
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
DFID Structure: Organogram
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Where Does CSCF Fit In
Director General for Corporate performance and Knowledge Sharing
Mark Lowcock
Knowledge and Communications Division
Joy Hutcheon
Information and Civil Society Department
Mike Green
Civil Society Team
Guy Mustard
Civil Society Challenge Fund
Eilidh Simpson
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
DFID Country Offices
 Country desks were based in London Office
 Development Divisions were opened in-country
 Number of Development Divisions increased over the years
 Eventually Development Divisions broken down into Country Offices
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Previous Development Divisions
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Current Overseas Offices
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Role of DFID Country Office
 Wherever DFID has a country office we will also have a sizeable
country programme.
 Country Programme – the amount of DFID support allocated to be
spent in that country
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Roles & Responsibilities of the Overseas Office
 Head of Office
 (Usually a Senior Civil Servant)
 Country Programme Manager
 Advisory Staff
 Health, Education, Social Development, etc
 Team of Admin staff
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Policy Division
 Previous Structure of Policy Division
 When it changed / Why it changed
 Current Structure of Policy Division
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Structure of Policy Division
 Central team
 Development Effectiveness
 Governance and Social Development
 Human Development
 Growth and Investment
 Sustainable Development
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Role of Policy Division
 Not a funding department
 Develop new Policy
 Apply and disseminate existing knowledge
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
DFID Funding Departments
 DFID Country Offices
 Information & Civil Society Department (ICSD)
 Central Research Department (CRD)
 Conflict & Humanitarian Affairs Department (CHAD)
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
DFID Expenditure Through UK CSO’s 2003/04
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Development Awareness Fund (DAF)
 Introduced to help build support in the UK for international
 Aims to raise public awareness of international development issues
 To develop a global dimension in the school curriculum
 £10,000 – £100,000 over maximum 3 years
 Annual budget of £6.5m (70% goes to Formal education sector)
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Strategic Grant Agreement (SGA)
 Introduced in 2002
 To enable wider civil society in the UK to make a contribution to
international development
 Up to £300,000 up to a maximum 3 years
 Annual budget £1.2 million
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Project Partnership Agreement (PPA)
 Set up in 2000 to replace Block Grants
 Current Annual Budget of £54m
 Strategic Funding – not linked to projects
 PPAs last for 6 years – funding for 3 years
 18 CSOs currently have PPAs - e.g. Oxfam, ADD, VSO and Helpage
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Central Research Department
 Long term research initiatives
 Cut across individual countries or regions
 Must be clear opportunity and mechanisms for research to have a
significant impact on poverty
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
DFID Website
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Useful Information On The Website
 List of countries who receive funding from DFID
 Country profiles
 Country/Regional Assistance Plans
 DFID publications
 Speeches/Press Releases
 Sign up to free fortnightly e-bulletin
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
CSCF Pages of the Website
 CSCF Guidelines
 List of CSCF Funded Projects
 Funding round deadlines
 Reporting Guidelines
 Payment of Funds section
 Annual Audited Accounts requirements
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
History of CSCF
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Where Did It All Start?
 Joint Funding Scheme
 Open only to UK registered NGOs
 Provided funding up to £250,000
 Required additional funding – normally 50:50 support
 Funded service delivery
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
What Changed?
 Consulted civil society sector in 1999
 CSCF born in 2000
 Opened to all Civil Society ie any not for profit organisations
 Initial budget of £10m
 Funded on a 50 / 50 basis
 Initially concentrated on rights based approach
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Where Are We Now?
 DFID’s main central channel of support to UK based Civil Society
 Almost 300 projects supported
 Projects can receive funding for up to 5 years
 Can fund projects up to £500,000
 Willing to consider 100% funding
 One funding round per year
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Recent Changes
 Budget increased to £14m
 Widened criteria
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Meet the Civil Society
Challenge Fund Team
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Guy Mustard
Head of Civil Society Team
Eilidh Simpson
CSCF Programme Manager
Steve Nally
CSCF Deputy Programme Manager
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Project Officers
Pauline Scott
William Taylor
Karen Feechan
Colin McGinty
Maggie Di Maio
Robert Morrison
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Project Assistants
Anneliese Gannon
Janette Kirk
Jim Galloway
Trisha Richardson
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Head of Civil Society Team
 Responsibility for the whole Civil Society team
 Senior Management responsibility for teams managing PPAs and coordination and coherence team
 Consults with Ministerial team to agrees and set out CSCF policy
 Chairs the CSCF decision making team
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
CSCF Programme Manager
 Overall management responsibility for the CSCF
 Overall management responsibility for the sectorial PPA agencies
 Advising and setting policy
 Ensuring policy is implemented
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
CSCF Deputy Programme Manager
 Day to day management responsibility of the CSCF Team
 Day to day management of the CSCF
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Project Officer
 Responsibility for portfolio of Civil Society Organisations
 Responsibility for day to day management of CSCF projects
 Liaise with External Consultants on CSCF funding decisions and
Project Completion and Evaluation Reports
 On-going development of CSCF processes
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Project Assistant
 General support to Project Officer
 Monitor the application processes and receipt of reports
 Discussion on team policy
 Payment of funds
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
The Application Process
Concept Note
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Concept Note: Process
 Applicant submits concept note to [email protected]
 Concept note passed to Consultants
 Applicant receives decision letter containing feedback
 Can submit 1 every 4 weeks
 No official deadline for concept notes
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Concept Note: Format
 3 sides of A4 in length
 Font size to be no smaller than Arial 12
 Series of set questions to be answered
 Must include 1st column of the logframe
 New applicants must send Articles of Association and Accounts
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Concept Note: Content
 Section A
 Applicant details
 Applicant background
 Section B
 Project details
 Project background
 Project approach
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Concept Note: What We Look For
 Is the applicant based in the UK?
 Is the applicant new to DFID?
 Does the applicant have a track record in this activity?
 Are the applicant’s goals consistent with the Challenge Fund?
 Does the applicant have the capacity to manage the level of
 Does the concept note meet the basic challenge fund criteria?
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Concept Note: Basic Criteria
 Rights based approach (RBA)
 Advocacy, empowerment, capacity building
 Participation, inclusion, fulfilling obligations
 Innovative Service Delivery
 Must include a key component of RBA
 Service Delivery in a Difficult Environment
 Must include an element of RBA
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Concept Note: What is a Difficult Environment?
 Where government service provision is small or non-existent
 Areas not reached by government services and unlikely to be
reached in the foreseeable future
 Post conflict environments, particularly where systems have been
 Communities whose lifestyle does not conform to a universal service
delivery system
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Concept Note: Venn Diagram
1st Assessment
3rd Assessment
Advocacy &
Service Delivery
A = Accept
Service Delivery in
Difficult Environment
2nd Assessment
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Concept Note: Decision
 Successful applicants will receive
 Invitation to submit a full proposal
 Feedback on concept note
 Details of how to submit
 Unsuccessful applicants will receive
 Letter confirming decision
 Feedback on concept note
 Details of next steps
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Concept Notes: Common Problems
 Too long
 Added value of UK organisation – lack of convincing arguement
 Project partnerships – not detailed or explained adequately
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
The Application Process
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Proposal: Process
 Applicant submits proposal to [email protected]
 Proposal passed to DFID Overseas Offices, Country Desks and Policy
 Also passed to Consultants
 Consultants approach applicants with questions
 Decision meetings
 Applicant receives decision letter containing feedback
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Proposal: Format
 10 sides of A4 in length
 Font size to be no smaller than Arial 12
 A more detailed set of questions to be answered
 Must include a fully completed log frame and budget
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Proposal: Content (1)
 Section I: Basic Data Sheet / Summary
 Applicant Details and basic project information
 Section II: Project Rationale
 What problem the project will address and why
 Section III: Project Approach
 How the project will address the problem
 Section IV: Project Management and Implementation
 Who is involved and who does what
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Proposal: Content (2)
 Section V: Project Monitoring, Learning and Dissemination
 Reporting mechanisms and sharing experience
 Section VI: Risks
 Potential problems and how you intend to deal with them
 Section VII: Project Budget
 Detailed breakdown of cost
 Section VIII: Log Frame
 Fully completed log frame
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Proposal: What We Look For (1)
 Approach
 RBA or Service Delivery
 Poverty eradication
 Targeting the poorest
 Inclusion, participation, fulfilling obligations
 Coherence with DFID strategy
 Country Assistance Plans
 Link to MDGs
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Proposal: What We Look For (2)
 Feasibility
 Clear, achievable objectives, which contribute to the project's goals
 Explanation as to how achievement will be assessed
 Lesson learning & sharing
 Clear focus on learning showing that lessons learned will be effectively
 Show how the approaches could be adapted in similar situations
 Sustainability
 Show how financial and institutional sustainability will be secured
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Proposal: What We Look For (3)
 Partnership
 Demonstrate the role of southern partner
 Show added value of UK based organisation
 Cross cutting issues
 Gender, Disability and HIV/AIDS
 Completed log frame
 Accurate budget
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Proposal: Log Frame (1)
 Clear, concise and accessible statement of all of the key components
of a project
 Clarifies how the project is expected to work and what it is going to
 Identifies the main factors related to the success of the project
 Provides a basis for monitoring and evaluation
 The framework should develop and change as the project develops.
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Proposal: Log Frame (2)
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Proposal: Budget
 Must be in DFID financial years
 Must be in pounds sterling
 Majority of expenditure should be on project activities
 Monitoring & evaluation
 UK Administration Costs
 No unacceptable expenditure
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Proposal: Decisions (1)
DFID colleagues in country offices/desks/policy teams provide assessments
Consultants pool these assessments with their own and make overall
CSCF team review assessments
CSCF team meet with consultants
CSCF team draft list of projects to fund passed to Head of CSD
CSCF team meet with Head of CSD – funded projects agreed
List of funded projects sent to Secretary of State for information
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Proposal: Decisions (2)
 Successful applicants will receive
 Provisional offer of support
 Unsuccessful applicants will receive
 Letter confirming decision
 Feedback on proposal
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Proposals: Common Problems
 Too Long
 Illogical Frameworks
 Lack of knowledge of other work in project area
 Lack of clarity on added value of UK organisation
 Project partnerships not in place or poorly explained
 Arguement on sustainability not convincing
 Poverty targeting questionable
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
2004 Funding Round
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
2004 Funding Round
388 Concept Notes
170 Proposals
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Geographical Split
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Some Interesting Facts
 170 proposals were submitted by 117 different CSOs
 85 CSOs had only 1 proposal under consideration
 34 CSOs had a CSCF under consideration for the first time
 6 organisations had 4 separate proposals being considered
 Only Just World Partners had more than 4 proposals – they had 5
 We considered proposals covering 75 different countries
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
What We Funded
 How many projects did we fund
 54 projects out of 170
 How much money did we allocate
 Our budget is £14m
 We already had commitments of £9.24m
 This left us with £4.76m to allocate
 We actually agreed £7.01m
 How does this compare to Comic Relief and Big Lottery
 Using their accounting system we have agreed £22.57m in new support
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Rights Based or Service Delivery?
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
(British Overseas NGOs for Development)
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
What Is The Function of BOND?
 Performance: BOND seeks to improve the quality of UK NGOs
performance in International Development
 Advocacy: A central point where member organisations have a
common view and would benefit from having a common voice
 Training & Learning: BOND promotes workshops that support
both members and NGOs in meeting their development needs
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Useful Information on BOND Website
 Directory of Members and NGO Networks
 Guide to Funding
 Information on Events
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
 DFID was instrumental in setting up BOND
 DFID has a Strategic Agreement with BOND
 Each year DFID gives a presentation to BOND on the results of the
CSCF funding round
1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA