Transcript Slide 1

Digital Marketing –Search
Engine and Web Marketing
MKTG 437
Scott W. Flexo, Ph.D.
Search Engines
Search is the most important way
users will discover your web site.
Google, Bing, Yahoo are examples
User: Search is the most convenient way
to sift though billions of web pages to find
valuable and relevant information.
Marketer: Unique opportunity to get web
products and services in front online
Google Search Bar
About Search Engine Marketing
In 2013, US businesses spent $22.4
billion dollars on search engine
On average, search engines field more
than 16.9 billion search queries, or
two and a half searches for every
person on earth!
How Search Engines Work
Motto: The better the search
experience for the user - her or she
gets the information they need at
just the right the moment they need
it – the more users will be attracted
to that search engine.
Delivering the Experience
To achieve their goal of information delivery,
search engines need to gather information about
the billions of web pages on the Internet.
Spiders: This is done using automatic programs
called "bots" short for "robots," but also known as
Crawling: These "spiders" automatically crawl
around the Internet following links and gathering
information about the pages they find.
Delivering the Experience
Storage: Once a page has been crawled, the search
engine stores details about the page's content and
links both into and out of it in a massive database
called an Index.
The size of an Index database is proprietary!
Retrieval/Listing: The Index database is organized
in a proprietary way and there is away of finding
and listing information which is also propriety so
that the results for any of hundreds of millions of
search requests can be retrieved instantly and
which is why you get different results from each
search company.
Google - Wallet Search Results (Click Here)
Types of Search Engine Activities
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
"Organic" search listings on the SERP.
This is "free!" Making your web pages easy to
find and crawl so your site is included in
relevant search results.
Pay Per Click (PPC) Search Engine Ads
(aka SEM – Search Engine Marketing)
Bidding and paying for search "Keywords"
which will produce "sponsored" search
results usually next to or underneath or
above the organic search results.
Google - Wallet Search Results (Click Here)
Search Engine Optimization:
Organize for Search Engine Visibility
The most important element in assuring successful web
search is the PAGE TITLE (title tag).
It is used as the clickable headline for listings on the
search engine results page (SERP).
This is the key factor in ranking SERPs.
This is also the first thing a search will produce and a user will
see when they conduct an organic search.
It is used as the Favorites entry.
Use salient words in your titles – not generic ones, in
order to maximize your search engine mktg.
Enter Flexo Partners Research into your search bar and see
what you get.
Search Engine Optimization:
Organize for Search Engine Visibility
Other Key Elements to Search
Engine Maximization
 Web Page Content
 Links (At Site/Other Sites)
 Words in Links
 Reputation
Video: How to Maximize SEO!
Issues in PPC or
Search Engine Marketing
Dilemma Which Should You Bid On:
Short-Tail Words are generic terms
that are more likely to be used in a
search, but produce generic results
vs., Wallet versus Skinny Wallet
Long Tail Words which are specific
terms that less likely to be used in a
search but produce more specific
Issues in PPC or
Search Engine Marketing
Pay Per Click Optimization
Key Word Research – Short v Long
Well Crafted Copy – Direct and Targeted
A/B Testing – Test Different Versions
Bid Management – Pay Attention to $ Paid
Landing Page Content – Must Be Relevant
Call to Action – Tell Customer What To Do
Measure Results – Test, Measure, Tweak,
Google Ad Words
Video: 7 Steps in PPC Advertising
Sample Web Display Ad
Types of Display Ads
Traditional Banner Display Ad
Side-Bar Display Ad
Pop-Up Display Ad
Types of Display Ad Content
A static ad does not change when you look
at it - it is a single image.
An animated ad uses several different
images to give the appearance of motion;
they are usually in GIF format.
A rich media ad consists of audio or video,
or involves some programming with Java to
create a very interactive ad.
Rich Media
What Do Consumers Want in Display Ads?
Banner Ad Measures
Clicks: The amount of clicks a display ad received
Impressions: The number of times the display ad
has been seen by visitors
CTR: A click-through rate is the ratio between clicks
and impressions
Cost Per Sale: This is the amount spent per sale
and the figure is dependent on the cost of the
product or service itself that is advertised
Conversions: An HTML conversion tag is placed on
the website (or landing page) and tracks the amount
of conversions that have occurred which could be an
action like a registration or a purchase.
Impressions vs. Click
Seeing is Important Too!
Research by comScore has shown that two-thirds of Internet
users do not click on any display ads over the course of a
month and that only 16% of Internet users account for 80% of
all clicks. It also showed that the viewers who click tend to be
younger and less affluent than the people who don’t.
Social Communities:
Earned Media
Brand messages distributed in social communities
without direct cost to the company and (often)
without direct control. Starbucks Tweets
Gained when people share positive brand opinions and branded
content in their social community
Influence attributed to earned media is the most influential form of
marketing and advertising. Tweets Per Day Twitter Leaders
Word of Mouth (WOM): Passing along of opinions
about brands in the social network.
Influence Impressions: Innocuous comments in the social network
remind and reinforce brands – "On my way to Starbucks..." Estimated
256 billion every year – can spread!
Influence Posts: Publishing brand relevant content in the social
community. Opinion leader blog posts is one example.
Minority Product Content
A minority of people generate 80% of the impressions.
Take a look at the graphic below. 6.2% of the online adults
generate 80% of the influence impressions. 13.4% of the online
adults generate 80% of the influence posts. We call two groups
Mass Connectors and Mass Mavens.
Two Segments Produce 80% of
Online Content
Mass Connectors (6.2%), who create a
great number of impressions about brands and
services in social networks, like Twitter and
Mass Mavens (13.4%), who create and
share content about products and services in
other social channels such as YouTube, blogs,
forums, or ratings and review sites.
Social Communities
Marketing and Earned Media
User Generated Content Campaign or
Participatory Advertising: Brands invite
consumers to engage and interact and create
sharable content about the brand.
Build Brand Personas: Brands create social brand
personas (social brands) in the social community that
participate in the conversation just like a person.
Brand Fans: Someone that is enthusiastic about a brand.
Social Branding Explained
The biggest question you need to ask yourself before
you create your campaign is ‘why would people want to
spread this?’ It needs to have the qualities necessary for
success, such as:
Make It a Fun Activity
Delivering humor
Giving someone an ego boast
Being incredibly useful (or resourceful)
Causing controversy
Seeding A Web Campaign
Playing on a memory
Being dramatic
Seeding a Web Campaign
Being provocative (but SFW)
Evoking a smile
Sparking emotional engagement of some sort
Providing satisfaction of social engagement/social capital needs
Primer on Search Marketing
More on Search Engine Marketing in "Big
Skinny Case Study"
Learning Activities
Go To PPC link – Write down 5 of the
elements of PPC advertising (you choose)
Go To SEO link – Write down 5 of the
elements of SEO advertising (you choose).
Go to BLOG – Read the blog posts, select 2
and write a brief summary of each (in your
own words).