Transcript Document

National Science
Council of Academic Deans
Research Education Institutions
Donald E. Thompson
Acting Assistant Director
NSF Directorate for Education
and Human Resources
October 11, 2005
Monterey, California
NSF’s Unique Purpose…
In partnership with the S&E community,
NSF identifies and invests in
emerging areas of research
and education that offer
exceptional promise
to advance knowledge
EHR Mandate:
To Strengthen S&E Education
1950 NSF Act.
To achieve excellence in U.S. science and
engineering education at all levels and in all
settings, and to ensure the development of a
diverse and well-prepared workforce of
scientists, engineers, mathematicians,
technicians, and educators; and a wellinformed citizenry.
EHR Mission Is Unique to NSF
Develop the Next Generation of Science and
Engineering Professionals
Make investments at the K-12, undergraduate,
and graduate levels, through three strategies:
Attracting and retaining U.S. students to
science and engineering;
Improving the quality of the preparation of
scientists and engineers; and
Broadening participation in science and
engineering fields.
What Are EHR’s Investment Strategies
To Achieve The Mission?
 Support R&D that advances the
knowledge essential for a robust
and challenging S&E education
 Integrate research and education
across the Foundation and with
other federal agencies.
 Attract more U.S. students to S&E
and retain them in the enterprise
 Broaden participation in S&E
4th-graders at GlenallenElementary in Silver Spring, Maryland, examine
Leaves for micro-organisms. Their teacher was a 2001 PAESMT awardee
To Support our Investment Strategies,
EHR Has Been….
Investing in the creation of models and
methods that can improve STEM education and
be adapted and adopted by a wide variety of
Developing a vibrant education research
community that will support excellence in
STEM education.
Broadening participation (individuals,
geographic regions, types of institutions) in all
STEM fields.
To Support our Investment Strategies,
EHR Has Been…. [cont.]
Developing the technological, scientific, and
quantitative literacy of all Americans so they
can exercise responsible citizenship.
Leading the integration of research and
education, including partnerships between EHR
and other NSF directorates to connect education
scholarship with fundamental S&E research so
that each may amplify the other.
NSF Outcomes Must Be
We need to settle on
what works in
science education.
Then we need to
figure out why it
How Does EHR See Its Broader Impact?
We build communities of learners and
practitioners, expanding the base of people who
interact among themselves and with NSF.
We make investments with a view to long-term
sustainability of the enterprise.
We support intellectual developments that
energize the field toward innovation.
Where is the Emphasis for FY 2006?
Undergraduate and graduate preparation of S&E
Innovative curricula/materials for undergraduate S&E
Increase the technological, scientific, and
quantitative literacy of all Americans
Broaden participation (individuals, geographic
regions, types of institutions) and close the
achievement gaps.
Human and Social Dynamics
International programs
Highlighting Connections Between
Research and Education
Integration of research and education is
part of a solution to broader questions
Attracting and Retaining students to the
S&E enterprise
Producing scientists and engineers who can
contribute to the nation’s prosperity.
Integrating Research and Education:
An EHR Tool for Achieving its Special Mission
Support projects that create lasting bonds between
education and science communities, moving beyond
research and education as side-by-side activities.
Support long-term collaborative work, moving away
from episodes of cooperation.
Support projects that establish horizontal connections
between and among
 disciplinary scientists
 scientists studying learning and teaching, and
 education researchers.
Integration of Research & Education:
Using the Tool: What Are Some Expectations ?
 Meaningful collaboration among science and
education communities creates a lasting nexus
between discovery & innovation and teaching &
 Continue EHR’s unique contributions to
broadening participation demographically, as
well as geographically, and institutionally.
 Create rigorous evaluation measures and
models that enable us to understand what works
and, most importantly, why it works.
EHR Programs With Integration of
Research and Education Components
Advanced Technological Education
Alliances for Graduate Education & the Professoriate
Centers for Learning and Teaching
Centers of Research Excellence in Science & Technology
Computer Science, Engineering, & Mathematics Scholarships
Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement
Evaluative Research and Evaluation Capacity Building
Federal Cyber Service: Scholarship for Service
Graduate Research Fellowships
EHR Programs With Integration of
Research and Education Components
Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education
Historically Black Colleges & Universities Undergrad.
Information Technology Experiences for Students & Teachers
Instructional Materials Development
Integrative Graduate Education and Research Training
Interagency Education Research Initiative
Louis Stokes’ Alliances for Minority Participation
Math and Science Partnership
Nanoscale Science & Engineering Education
EHR Programs With Integration of
Research and Education Components
NSF Director’s Award for Distinguished Teaching Scholars
Research in Disabilities Education
Research on Gender in Science & Engineering
Research on Learning and Education
Robert Noyce Scholarship Program
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent
Teacher Professional Continuum
Tribal Colleges and Universities
EHR Programs That Integrate Research and Education
Research on Learning and Education (ROLE)
Established in 2000, ROLE supports basic and applied
research that seeks to advance knowledge across many
topics and, importantly, make substantive connections
between and among fields that include:
The biological basis of human learning;
Behavioral, cognitive, affective, and social aspects of
STEM learning;
STEM learning in formal and informal education
STEM policy research and the diffusion of innovations.
Research Directorate Programs with
STEM Education Elements
Arctic Research & Education
Centers for Ocean Science Education Excellence
Developing Global Scientists and Engineers
Discovery Corps Fellowship Program
East Asia & Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate
Enhancing Math Sciences Workforce in the 21st Century
Geosciences Education Program
Dept.-level Reform of Undergrad. Engineering Educ.
Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Minority Postdoc Research Fellowships,Bio, Soc, Behav, Eco.
MPS Distinguished Int’l Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Research Directorate Programs with
STEM Education Elements
MPS Internships in Public Science Education
Nanoscale Science & Engineering Education
NSF Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoc Fellowships
Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in the Geosciences
Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute
Partnerships for International Research & Education
Partnerships for Research and Education in Materials
Postdoctoral Fellowships in Polar Regions Research
Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biological Informatics
Research Experiences for Teachers
Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Undergraduate Mentoring in Environmental Biology
Undergraduate Research Centers
Undergraduate Research Centers (URCs)
The URC program aims to support the
establishment and evaluation of new models in the
chemical sciences and allied disciplines that will:
expand collaborations;
broaden undergraduate research opportunities with
emphasis on the participation of first and second year
students; and
enhance capacity and infrastructure in support of and
commitment to excellence in undergraduate education.
Integration of Research and Education
A Brief Sample of Some of the Outcomes
Attracting and Retaining Students to S&E
In 2004, nearly 50,000 students have taken courses developed
through the Advanced Technological Education program, and over
21,000 high school and community college students have
attended ATE workshops.
Interagency Education Research Initiative (IERI) projects are
operating in over 40 states affecting over 250,000 students and
involving more than 17,000 teachers.
FY02 to FY04 Noyce Scholarship awards are projected to produce
@1,700 new science and math teachers for high-need school
The projects supported by the Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program (STEP) have projected
that, by the end of the five-year grant period, they will be
positioned to graduate an additional 1640 STEM majors annually
beyond the numbers they were previously graduating before the
Integration of Research and Education
A Brief Sample of Some of the Outcomes [continued]
Improving the Quality of Preparation of S&E Professionals
Over 2,350 doctoral students and 2,400 faculty in 76
universities have participated in IGERT-sponsored
interdisciplinary collaborations since the program’s inception.
The 48 funded MSP partnerships (which include representatives
from @150 institutions of higher education) are expected to
reach over 140,000 teachers of K-12 math and science, and
directly impact the instruction of 4.25 million students.
Almost 5000 graduate students have been supported under the
NSF Graduate Teaching Fellowships in K-12 Education since
Since its inception in 2000, the Federal Cyber Service:
Scholarships for Service (SFS) program has provided more than
540 student scholarships. Approximately 245 of these students
have completed their studies and more than 85% of the SFS
graduates are currently working in the Federal information
assurance (IA) workforce.
Integration of Research and Education
A Brief Sample of Some of the Outcomes [continued]
Broadening Participation
Since the inception of the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority
Participation (LSAMP), approximately 220,000 underrepresented
minority students at LSAMP institutions have earned
baccalaureate degrees in STEM fields. In 1996, LSAMP
institutions produced 16,750 minority STEM baccalaureates; in
1998, the number increased to 20,500; and in 2003, it increased
to 23,000.
HBCU-UP has supported the development of STEM programs at
59 Historically Black Colleges and Universities since 1998 – 57%
of the 103 HBCUs in the Nation. The HBCU-UP program
currently impacts over 27,000 African American STEM students.