Transcript Document

Ученица 9 класса
Шавернева Анжела
Воспанова Ж. Н.
Jazz is an original American musical art
form, originating around the early 1920s in
New Orleans, rooted in Western music
technique and theory, and is marked by the
profound cultural contributions of African
Americans. Jazz is often difficult to define,
but improvisation is unquestionably a key ,
element of the form
Elements which contributed to
jazz were the rhythms of Western
Africa, European harmony, and
religious music of black American
About 1900 also, the "blues" craze
began. The form originated from
Negro spirituals, and made use of a
blend of major and minor harmony,
and non-tempered scale intervals.
The subsequent history of jazz has
embraced a diversity of styles, e.g. Dixiel land, from 1912, which borrowed
elements from both ragtime and blues
and made a feature of group
improvisation led by the trumpeter
The 1930s coincided with the style known as
"swing". One major development in the
emergence of the swing era was a rhythmic
change that smoothed the two-beat rhythms of
the New Orleans style into a more flowing
four beats.
In the late 1950s "free jazz" (or "avangard jazz")
crystallized. This style, while rooted in "bebop"
typically uses less compositional material and
allows performers more freedom in what they
choose to play.
Nowadays the stylistic diversity of jazz shows no
sign of diminishing. It absorbs influences from
such disparate sources as world music and avant
garde classical music, including African rhythm
and traditional structure, serialism, and the
extensive use of chromatic scale.
The influence of jazz on so-called "serious music"
has been widespread and beneficial. Claude
Debussy, Maurice Ravel, Igor Stravinsky, Alban
Berg, George Gershwin and Leonard Bernstein
used jazz in their compositions.
After silence that which comes nearest to
expressing the inexpressible
(A. Huxley)