Exploratory Study of Attitudes and Communication Behavior

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Exploratory Study of Attitudes and
Behavior of Providers in Youth
Friendly Clinics in Egypt
population council
Dr. Hala Eldamanhoury
• A series of YFCs has been established between
2004-2008 . Today there is a total of 30 clinics
• According to MOHP policies, YFC providers
are not allowed to give physical
examinations to unmarried youth. They can
only provide information and counseling.
• Despite the need for youth SRH services, there
is evidence that those clinics are underutilized
Goal and Objectives
• To investigate the reasons underlying low
utilization of YFCs, with a focus on:
• Investigating communication behavior of
providers in YFCs in relation to sensitive
• Examining providers’ attitudes towards
providing SRH services to youth.
• Identifying personal and institutional
factors that may interfere with SRH
Study design
Qualitative study, applied a mixed methods
approach, in- depth interviews and debriefing
meetings with mystery clients
Study sample
10 YFCs (6 NGO and 4 MOH clinics).
20 in-depth interviews with a purposive sample of
providers (two providers per clinic)
Aim of the in-depth interviews :
• background characteristics,
• previous training and experiences,
• perceptions of different sensitive youth sexual
problems and reproductive health issues,
• and perceptions of barriers to utilization of
youth services
Two mystery clients were recruited (one male
and one female), to approach the clinics as youth
seeking RH services.
Male MC: 25 years old male seeking advice for
protection against STIs, in the discussion
he has had sex with several women in the past
six months.
Female MC: 24 years old unmarried female,
positive pregnancy test. She is afraid of revealing
this pregnancy to her parents for fear of
youth mystery clients will provide
reports of
• interpersonal communication between
themselves and providers in the 10 sample
• provider’s time with client,
• rapport building by provider,
• privacy for counseling during visit,
• ease and content of communication between
client and provider
Communication behavior of providers
as regard sensitive SRH issues
• Very few cases come to the clinics, one case /
week or less.
• Reasons: Inability to realize the importance of
these clinics, stigma, going to pharmacies and
private clinics
• As reported by 5 providers from both MOH and
NGO clinics:
“Youth with sensitive SRH issues, usually go to
private clinics not to these centers for seeking
more help and more privacy and confidentiality".
Most common complaints of the clients:
• Female clients:
menstruation, premarital concerns, infections, , breast
complaints, sexual harassment and masturbation
Virginity checks, termination of pregnancy, contraception.
‫ فا‬،‫"بنت جت هنا وقالت أنا بقعد العب في نفسي لحد ما أحس إن أنا أثرت‬
“‫عايزة حاجة تخليني أبطل‬
A girl came to me saying she “plays with herself” until she is
fully aroused …I want something to make me stop this!”
• Male clients:
how to avoid sexual desire and masturbation, semen
discharge and nocturnal emissions STIs or HIV/AIDS.
Reaction of providers to the
presented problem by MCs
• All the providers gave their personal opinion on what the
client should do, were judgmental and referred to religious
• 10 providers asked the male client about symptoms and
signs of STIs
• The Female was advised to get married to the partner and
to keep the pregnancy
• The counseling sessions were different between male and
female clients.
Privacy for counseling the sensitive issues as
perceived by mystery clients
• Privacy and confidentiality were
breached in many facilities.
• No separate room for counseling
• Communicating the information
that the clients gave about
him/herself to others.
‫”زرت المكان ولم اجد الدكتورة وقابلتني اإلخصائية االجتماعية وحكيت لها‬
‫ وعندما عدت اتفاجئت ان ناس كثير‬،‫ وأعطتني موعد لمقابلة الدكتورة‬،‫حالتي‬
‫ قعدتني وقالت لزميلتها هو ده اللي انا حكيتلكم عن‬،‫عارفيني وعارفين حالتي‬
male M "‫حالته!! كان صوتها واطي بس انا سمعت‬
“I came to the clinic and didn’t find the doctor. I told the social
worker about my concerns – then I was shocked later that
everyone knew my story the next time I was there! They
were talking in low voice – but I heard”
‫ وقالتله تعالي يافالن اعرفك‬،‫ دخل ابنها األودة وفتح الباب فجأة‬،‫"اثناء المقابلة‬
‫علي (واشارت الي) وهو بيشتكي من حاجات كثير وخايف يكون جاله أي‬
"‫امراض منقولة جنسيا عشان ليه عالقات جنسية متعددة‬
”during the interview, her son came into the room – so she said hey
– come and join us (she pointed to me and said) see this guy – he
has so many complaints but is worried he might have contracted
HIV because he has multiple sexual relations.”
How providers see the youth clients
• Providers translate their roles as advocates and instructors, rather than
reproductive health care providers.
• The majority of providers refused to introduce help as regard the sensitive
‫• "يعني وهى مش متزوجة طبعآ انا ال مش هديها يعني انا كده باشجعها انا اقولها مثال خدي وسيلة‬
!!‫ اشجعها على الرذيلة وال اعمل ايه‬...‫اهى وامشي براحتك هنا مكتب تنظيم اسرة حكومي محترم‬
• “Do you think, I have to give contraceptive method to an unmarried girle!!
So I am encouraging her to be sinful, this is a respectable governmental FP
• Few Others have more pragmatic attitudes,
‫• لو بنت عندها عالقة ومحتاجة وسيلة لتنظيم االسرة عشان تمنع حمل غير مرغوب فيه؟) وهللا‬
‫ على أساس إن أنتي بردك ما‬،‫ وننصحها‬،‫احنا بنتكلم معاها وبنشوف هى بتعمل كده ليه‬
.“‫ كده هتخشي في حرمانية اكبر‬،،‫توصليهاش انها تحمل وبعد كده تدوري ان انتي تسقطيها‬
Providers’ opinions about youth SRH needs
• Youth need SRH services to know about
pubertal changes, counseling and reassurance
to deal with worries and wrong beliefs.
‫" عادي مش البنت ليها جهاز تناسلي زي أي واحدة البنت زي‬
" ‫ دي عرضة لإللتهابات ودي عرضة لإللتهابات‬،‫الست‬
• “It is normal, The girl has a genital system like
any Female, so if this will get infections, the
girl will be exposed to infection too.”
• General disapproval of adolescent pre-marital sexual
‫هل ده اللي بتسموه امان؟‬- ‫ ده حرام‬، ?!!‫• ”يعني انا اوفر له عازل عشان مايتعديشن ده صح‬
‫ آجي في عيادة‬، ‫ انما انا ما اسهلش استخدامه‬،‫األمان اننا نمشي بشرع ربنا والشباب عارفينه‬
!‫صديقة للشباب واقول خد واقي‬
“‫أل طبعآ‬
do you mean to tell me I should provide him with condoms! Do you call
this safety?? This is sinful.. Safety is to follow God’s shara3.. I will never
make it easy for him.
‫• " احيانآ فيه بنات جم واتكلموا عن ممارسة العادات الغلط " عرفناها ان الحاجة دي حرام وانها لما‬
‫تالقي نفسها حاجة زي كده قلنالها قومي اتوضي واستحمي خدي دش بارد حاولي على اد ما‬
.“‫تقدري اتقربي من ربنا بالصالة مثال اصبري بكرة يجي سنك وهتتجوزي‬
• Some girls showed up telling us about bad practices. We
told them “you should wash and pray when this happens –
or take cold showers – try as much as possible to be close to
God with prayers. Eventually, time will come and you will
be married.”
Conflicts in managing those asking for termination of
• 3 providers had conflicts in introducing help for termination
of pregnancy they believe that this is non religious and
illegal, but they relied on ‘an ethics of justice’
• 17 followed the legal roles and the clinic protocols in
different ways
"I didn't face any conflict; I do the things that I am convinced
with, and not haram.”
‫• " الحاالت اللي عايزة تصليح غشاء البكارة او تسقط سواء متجوزة وال أل‬
‫بتيجي كثير بأقول لها روحي بعيد عني وبفكرها بالدين هما عارفين اسامي‬
”‫الناس المتخصصة في الحاجات دي وستين حد يشور عليهم‬
Those asking for hymenoraphy, or abortion whether •
married or not, are many, I say to them go away!! I remind
them about the religion, They know where they can find the
providers of these things and many others could guide
Experience of the mystery clients with
the providers attitude
• MCs described provider as unsupportive, positive attitude in 3
visits of the male and 2with the female.
‫ وصوت الدكتور كان عالي جدا وبيقول كده حرام اللي انت‬،‫"كنا قاعدين في الريسيبشن‬
“‫عملته ده غلط في حق نفسك ولم يحاول ان يناقش او يصاحبني هو زعق من األول‬
“While I was in the waiting room, the doctor came and talked to me
loudly, this is” haram” it is a big mistake, and he didn’t try to discuss or
be friendly”
‫• "حصل عالقة بيني وبين خطيبي وانا حامل وعايزة انزله عشان لسه مش هنتجوز‬
‫ اه؛ ال؛ احنا هنا مش بنعمل الحاجات دي وال أي‬:)‫ االخصائية (تغيرت نظرتها‬، ‫دلوقتي‬
‫حد من الدكاترة بتوعنا يقدر يعمل لك حاجة وبعدين عيادات الشباب مش بتاعت كده‬
“my fiancée and I had sex. Now I’m pregnant. I want to abort.. The
social worker looked at me differently.. She said “oh no.. We don’t
do these things here.. Youth clinics are not for these things.”
Institutional factors
• Mystery clients had difficulty locating YFCs
‫"اعالنات كثيرة جدآ موجودة علي سور المستشفي عن صحة الشباب واألمراض المنقولة‬
‫ تفائلت لما لقيت كل اليفت دي وقابلت األمن وسألته عن العيادة اللي تبعها‬،‫جنسيآ‬
‫اليفت دي قال ما اعرفش روح الصحة اإلنجابية واسأل ولما رحت قالولي روح الفحص‬
” ‫قبل الزواج‬
“A lot of ads are hung all over the hospital walls, about youth and
sexually transmitted diseases. I got optimistic … when I asked the
guard about the clinic that provides these services, he said I don’t
know, you may go to the RH clinic. But when I went, they said you
may go to pre-marital examination clinic. “
Institutional factors
• Interviewed providers received many
trainings; but the majority of these trainings
were not on sexual or reproductive health of
youth related topics.
• Registration was incomplete in most clinics.
Majority of the providers said that they only
have forms for married women seeking family
planning or for those coming for premarital
Institutional factors
• Providers stated that there were no written
guidelines rather they recognized some
because of their long work experience.
• A nurse in an NGO clinic outside Cairo said: “If
there is a protocol or policy to certain cases I
would follow and this will facilitate our work. ”
• Many barriers in meeting the needs of unmarried young,
not only because of the provider's negative attitudes
• Providers of SRHSs are located at a critical intersection
between the norms and values and the reality of
adolescent premarital sex
• Providers showed a rather pragmatic attitude towards
some reproductive health issues,
• What is contradicting, however, is that about 70% of
providers have approved of contraceptive use by sexually
active males, but the situation was different with females
• Lack of seriousness of the providers &negative
attitudes represent a major obstacle in clinics
utilization as well as the institutional factors
• Providers are ill-equipped to address
adolescent sexual and reproductive health
• Improving quality of services in YFCs is an
urgent need
Challenges and study limitations
• Obtaining permits from officials
• Recruiting and training of mystery clients
• Due to the small number of YFCS in Egypt
there is a limited population for the study.
• Studies on attitudes are not easily
conducted and indicators to measure
attitudes and perform the analysis need larger
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