TTI’s Stages of Growth Strategist Training Program

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TTI’s Stages of Growth
Strategist Training
Presented In Partnership
FlashPoint! & TTI Success Insights
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
“The Stages of Growth
does for an organization what a
benchmark does for a job.”
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• Understand the philosophy of the
Stages of Growth
• Understand and be able to facilitate the
X-Ray process
• Understand how the X-Ray leads to
additional consulting and TTI
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• Overview
• Stages of Growth
• Non-Negotiable Rules
• 27 Challenges
• X-Ray Process
• Client Interactions
• Marketing
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Training Format
• Educate of philosophy
• Build language
• Describe the workshop process
• Walk you through a workshop
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Training Materials
1. Training Presentation
2. Resource Materials
3. Sample Reports
4. Marketing
5. Education
6. X-Ray Facilitation
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Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Research & Concepts
6 years, 650 CEOs
Entrepreneurial business formula for success
No one taking risk out of running small business (SBA
defines as company < 500 employees)
No one identifying things owners could predict
No one helping owners focus on right things at right
No one helping owners adapt to needs of company
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Three Key Issues Why Companies Fail
• Don’t have sustainable profit model
• Aren’t able to create work community that
produces high level of staff satisfaction
• Don’t have model to understand/predict
organizational growth
Bottom Line - Most companies operate in
state of ‘figuring it out as they go’
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The Business Architect
When an entrepreneur starts a company, they
automatically become a “Business Architect”
They are designing and constructing a “Building of Business Activity”
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Growth Brings Change
As the business grows, the rules begin to change.
The Business Architect can’t grow the company any longer by simply doing more of the
same thing. Unfortunately there are few if any models to follow.
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Failure Rate is High
The challenge is so significant
that 80% of all new businesses fail in the first 5 years.
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Only 20% Survive the First Five Years
80% of the remaining businesses fail in
the next five years
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Three Unavoidable Zones
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Healthy Company Movement
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Unhealthy Company Movement
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Troubled Company Movement
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Three Modes of Movement
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Understanding the Stages of Growth
• Force of nature that pushes company
forward – succeed or fail
• The path experienced entrepreneur
walks between utter chaos &
• Ability to shift/adjust to various rules of
different stages of company growth
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7 Stages of Growth
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The Stages of Growth Model
Copyright 2006 James Fischer
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Stage 1 - Start Up
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Stage 2 - Ramp Up
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Stage 3 - Delegation
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Stage 4 - Professional
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Stage 5 - Integration
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Stage 6 - Strategic
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Stage 7 - Visionary
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Quick Facts
• Companies that don’t delegate authority
& responsibility during Stage 3 increase
chances for failure within 3 years by up
to 80%
• Companies that regularly allow staff to
author/contribute/monitor business
vision have 60% less turnover than
those that plan/strategize from top down
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Questions to Ask a CEO
What if he/she could identify critical issues
in advance?
What if he/she had better tools for better
decision making?
What if there was a model to show the
best steps to take next?
What if this model could focus the
company on driving profits, developing
people and improving processes?
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Navigating the Growth Curve
• Getting focused on right things at right time
• Learn to predict how growth will impact
• Getting clear on what’s required of leader
as they adapt to needs of company in
current stage of growth
The ‘business architect’ can’t grow the
company any longer by simply doing more
of the same thing.
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Three Speeds of Growth
• Cruiser Company
• Developer Company
• Accelerator Company
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Cruiser Company
Slow pace, low amount of chaos
Could spend three – ten years in any stage
Momentum is low
Complexity factor is low
Growth is driven by market demand
Tends to be a mature company
Don’t drive ahead of their headlights
New product to market cycle is twelve months to two
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Developer Company
Moderate amount of chaos
Time in developer speed is six months to one
and a half years
Momentum is moderate
Complexity factor is moderate
Growth is driven by market demand
Patterns aren’t predictable but are measurable
New product to market cycle is six – twelve
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Accelerator Company
Extremely high levels of chaos
Time in stage is three to six months
Rapid growth, high momentum and complexity
Nature of an accelerator company is explosive and chaotic
Growth is driven by competing market forces and outside
Patterns are rapid, difficult to measure and not predictable
Product design is quick paced
New product to market cycle is three months to nine
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Application Check-in & FAQ
Why does the employee count only go up to 500
What does it mean to be destabilized by chaos?
How can this model make sense for a service
company as well as a manufacturing company?
Do independent contractors count toward the
total employee count?
Did the research address venture capital and
the possibility of blowing right through Stages 1,
2, and 3?
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The Rules of the
Stages of Growth
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Positioning Hooks
1. The movement from one stage of
growth to another begins as soon as
you land in any stage of growth
2. What you don’t get done in a specific
stage of growth does not go away
3. Time will make a difference
4. If you aren’t growing, you are dying
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Movement from Stage to Stage
The movement from one stage of
growth to another begins as soon as
you land in any stage of growth
• Stages of Growth Matrix is a
• Preparation for the next stage begins
as you enter the current stage
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Stage Challenges Don’t Go Away
What you don’t get done in a specific
stage of growth. . .
. . . Does Not Go Away
They will surface in a future stage
This is the price to pay for rapid growth
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Time Will Make a Difference
• The time at each stage of growth
makes a difference
• If five years or more in one stage,
look ahead to the challenges of the
stages ahead to continue to operate
in a proactive way
• Don’t rest on your laurels
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If You Aren’t Growing You Are
• Something has to continue to grow
and change in your organization to
keep it fresh
• Stagnation will not allow you to be
successful in an ever-changing
competitive world
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Stage 1 - Start Up
1 - 10
To Envision a company where none, likely existed before and to transform that
vision into a living reality. Passion and Guts are the fuel. Flexibility and
Resourcefulness keep the ship afloat.
Key Objectives:
Don’t worry about getting a Bulls-Eye, just hit the target!
Perfection is not the issue.
Generating enough revenue to make it through the first year or two is the goal.
Required Skill Base:
1. The ability to identify one or more market opportunities.
2. The ability to construct a skeletal business plan.
3. The ability to raise sufficient capital.
4. The ability to provide a product or service.
5. The ability to see what needs to be done and then do it.
6. The ability to wear all the hats.
Management Mode:
Trial and Error is the name of the game.
Under the best of conditions it is extremely high.
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Stage 2 - Ramp Up
11 - 19
Survival is not the issue. Growth is now paramount. The company needs to
support higher sales levels of what it already has and generate a positive cash
Key Objectives:
Get the sales in the door!
Hire people to help.
Generate a profit.
Required Skill Base:
1. The ability to manage sales.
2. The ability to motivate a small staff to move mountains.
3. The ability to keep an eye on quality and customer service.
4. The ability to address cost issues
5. The ability to see the need to manage growth & wear most of the hats.
Management Mode:
Trial and Error continue.
In the scurry of rapid growth, management fails to check key indicators, cash
flow gets very thin and disaster is right around the corner.
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Stage 3 - Delegation
20 - 34
The company has grown beyond CEO/Owner’s span of control. The juggling
act must stop. Control must be delegated.
Key Objectives:
Create supervisory staff and give them decision making training and authority.
Required Skill Base:
1. The awareness to assign enough supervisors.
2. The ability to delegate authority and train for that authority.
3. The ability to manage, orchestrate and empower the supervisors.
4. The ability to address cost issues.
5. The ability to see the need & manage the growth.
6. The ability to pass around most of the hats.
Management Mode:
Trial and Error is still evident.
The company misses great opportunities and loses momentum due to
employee disengagement and a slow decision making process.
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Stage 4 - Professional
35 - 57
The complexity of the company requires advanced operational and managerial
systems. The Leadership must invest in training before it is needed.
Competitive forces are very intense.
Key Objectives:
Bring on professional managers, create management systems, maintain market
Required Skill Base:
1. The awareness to recognize a need for managerial sophistication.
2. The ability to release control to even more competent supervisors.
3. The willingness to commit to new management systems & to manage growth.
4. The ability to see personal management deficiencies and train for them plus
wear very few hats.
Management Mode:
Trial and Error doesn’t cut it anymore. Hiring more employees and supervisors
will not suffice.
CEO risks losing firm by saving money on talent.
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Stage 5 - Integration
58 - 95
Get the whole firm acting together so that it can operate from a position of
Key Objectives:
Integrating all key companies in the firm so the right hand knows what the left
hand is doing.
Required Skill Base:
1. The awareness to set into motion the design of a business plan with detailed
2. The ability to manage a competent team of professionals.
3. The ability to address Human Resource issues with regard to the team.
4. The ability to see the need to manage growth.
5. The ability to wear just one hat - Chief Executive.
Management Mode:
Decisions are made according to plan.
Without integration, the size and complexity of the firm will not allow the
company to attain efficiencies of scale. Competition will eat the company for
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Stage 6 - Strategic
96 - 160
Move from an annual planning perspective to a MULTI YEAR strategic
Key Objectives:
Bring on a Board of Directors, develop a larger strategic market orientation.
Required Skill Base:
1. The awareness to set into motion the longer view.
2. The ability to personally develop a strategic orientation.
3. The willingness to really discover the vision of the company.
4. The ability to see the large picture in the market place.
5. The ability to wear one hat - Chief Executive Officer
Management Mode:
Major decisions are made with the help of the board of directors.
The risk of not seeing the larger strategic picture could cause the too little too
late syndrome.
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Stage 7 - Visionary
161 - 500
Identify new burgeoning opportunities, foster exploration, develop action plans
and assign the resources to manifest those plans.
Key Objectives:
Create a corporate culture that supports entrepreneurial endeavors.
Required Skill Base:
1. To recapture the same spirit necessary in Stage 1.
2. To operationalize the entrepreneurial spirit in the ranks.
3. To identify emerging markets and emerging technology.
4. Get out from underneath the strategic and operational challenges & to identify
and carve out both new opportunities and fields of endeavors.
5. To be able to act as steward of the culture and the company vision.
Management Mode:
Go back throughout the company lighting fires of inspiration, innovation and the
spirit of reaching out to new territories. Be relentless in allowing mistakes in the
pursuit of new endeavors.
The phrase “You can tame a wild duck but you can’t make a tame duck wild” is
appropriate. Management’s efforts to professionalize the company often crush
the entrepreneurial spirit so necessary to not be left behind by other newer
entrepreneurial firms.
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Application Check-in & FAQ
• How do I make the Stages of Growth
make sense to my staff?
• I’m a Stage 3 company based on the
number of employees, but I feel like we
are a Stage 4, why?
• Do I have to grow?
• Do the Stages of Growth work with
divisions and departments? If so, how?
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Transition Zones and
Three Gates of Focus
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Positioning Hooks
• A business, like nature, will move
through chaos zones as it grows
• These transition zones help prepare you
for the next stage of growth
• Expect a high level of confusion from
staff as you work through each transition
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Transition Zones
Between each stage there are defined transition zones
Phase of chaos that organization moves through to
prepare for next stage
Nature must go through chaos before it evolves
(caterpillar-butterfly, tadpole-frog): chaotic transition
periods guaranteed & expected in nature
Human beings tend to navigate toward equilibrium - it is
Static conditions in business (or nature) indicate a form
of imminent change/death
Some chaos is critical as companies move between the
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Transition Zones
Copyright 2006 James Fischer
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Flood Zone
Transition requires bearing up to an
increase in the QUANTITY of activity
Flood Zones occur between stages
1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6
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How to Handle a Flood Zone
• CEO needs to alert staff the level of
activity will increase
• CEO must work with managers to
identify how to deal with increase & not
assume it will be dealt with
• CEO should start using language of
growth in critical meetings
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Using Transition Zones to Understand
Business - Flood Zone
Adding people too quickly because workload
Throws company into a new stage without
proper preparation
Employees become frustrated, performance
erodes, profits dwindle, clients leave
Systems ignored due to fast pace of delivery
Best defense: tapping into intelligence of
employees, engaging in consistent
communications regarding issues
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Wind Tunnel
Transition requires letting go of
methodologies that no longer work &
acquiring methods that do work.
Wind Tunnels occur between stages
2 and 3, 4 and 5, 6 and 7
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How to Handle a Wind Tunnel
• CEO must evaluate current
methodologies & determine how
effective they are
• CEO can’t assume current
methodologies work – must ask
questions that raise issues
• CEO should use language of growth
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Using Transitions Zones to Understand a
Business - Wind Tunnel
Fast pace trumps systems & people default to
what’s known vs what needs to be done
Leaders blame people for issues that are systemcreated problems
Employees become frustrated, performance is
impacted, profits erode and client’s leave
With profits down, leaders don’t invest in new
systems/tools to streamline operations, they hold
onto methodologies that no longer work
Best defense: tap into intelligence of employees &
engage them in communications regarding issues
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Three Gates of Focus
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Creating a Language of Growth
Every issue within growing enterprise can be
understood/communicated through one or more
Help find root cause/core issue by identifying
primary contributing gate
Use of common language to engage staff
Look for clarification, ask: “Is this a profit,
people or process issue?”
Align focus on right gate to gain most traction
If you can identify problem, you can fix it
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Focus is Always a Challenge
• The 7 Stages of Growth direct CEO to
focus on right things at right time
• With three Gates of Focus, CEO can
address researched areas that create
biggest challenges at each stage
• No other model is this specific when
helping CEO decipher issues that create
obstacles to growth
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Is it a People problem or a Process problem?
• With three Gates of Focus, CEO able to
address areas that create biggest
challenges at each stage
• It can be easier to blame individuals
instead of digging deeper to see if problem
is profit or process issue
• No other model is this specific when it
comes to helping CEO decipher issues that
create obstacles to growth
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Diagnosis - People or Process?
• CEO can spin wheels to figure out
exactly what problem is
• Understanding the Gates of Focus allow
CEO to drill down quicker, ask pertinent
questions & get to resolution quicker
• If you can identify a problem, you can fix
a problem
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Profit Gate
Predicting Growth by maximizing and Anticipating
Capacity Issues
Sales capacity
Marketing capacity
Facilities capacity
Fulfillment capacity
Capital availability
Production capacity
Product development capacity
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People Gate
Building Competency and Innovation through
Conscious Development of People
Hiring and training
Vision/Core values
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Process Gate
Transforming Complexity into Clarity through
Sales processes
Marketing processes
Financial processes
Customer service processes
Operational processes
Management processes
Risk management processes
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The Three Gates by Stage of Growth
Stage 1
1 - 10
Stage 2
11 - 19
Stage 3
20 - 34
Stage 4
35 - 57
Stage 5
58 - 95
Stage 6
196 - 160
Stage 7
161 - 500
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Application Check-in & FAQ
• What are the Stages of Growth and why
do I, as a business owner, care about it?
• How can I get my managers to be more
involved in understanding this model?
• How can I not keep Profit as my priority in
every stage of growth?
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Builder/Protector Ratio
Three Faces
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What are Hidden Agents?
Hidden agents are invisible CEOs
Hidden agents lie beneath surface of
Easy for CEO to misinterpret symptoms of growth
and misdiagnose
Hidden agents provide CEO with language to
identify critical issues that create obstacles to
Understanding hidden agents can get to root
cause of problem faster
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What are Hidden Agents?
• Builder/Protector Ratio
• Modality
• Three Faces of a Leader
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Builder Mindset
Create new ideas
Takes on new initiatives
Finds ways to expand revenue & profits
Challenges way things are done
Risk tolerant & highly supportive of growth
Highly confident
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Protector Mindset
• Cautious and slow paced
• Risk adverse
• May not feel confident in company’s
financial strength
• Suspicious of new markets
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Why is Builder/Protector important?
• Too much Protector, company could stall
• Too much Builder, company could fail
• Moving too slow/fast will make
management more difficult
• Top executive will struggle to gain buy-in
• Also called Confidence/Caution Ratio
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B/P Ratio by Stage of Growth
Stage 1
1 - 10
Stage 2
11 - 19
Stage 3
20 - 34
Stage 4
35 - 57
Stage 5
58 - 95
Stage 6
196 - 160
Stage 7
161 - 500
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Leadership Modality
• It's a Presence
• It’s the Degree of Influence
• Dominant – to be directive
• Supportive – to serve as a foundation
• Facilitative – to make easier
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How is Modality a Hidden Agent?
• CEO must 1st understand role that
Modality plays in how to lead company
• Using wrong modality for current stage of
growth may suffer from lack of direction
(Dominant) or lack of cohesiveness
• Hidden agent is subtle but powerful
indicator that needs to be understood
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What does Dominant look like?
In a CEO
I know where we need to go and I need your help in
getting us there.
In a Manager
I understand how this division impacts the overall
company and I need your help in delivering.
In Staff
We know the company is relying on us to step up and
drive the company’s vision and we know how to do
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What does Facilitative look like?
In a CEO
How would you handle that situation?
In a Manager
How can I help you be better prepared to handle
In Staff
As individuals we can work together more
effectively by better understanding the larger
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What does Supportive look like?
In a Manager
What can I do to help?
In Staff:
What can we do to help?
Should never take on a Supportive Modality
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Modality and the Stages of Growth
Stage 1
1 - 10
Stage 2
11 - 19
Stage 3
20 - 34
Stage 4
35 - 57
Stage 5
58 - 95
Stage 6
196 - 160
Stage 7
161 - 500
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Three Faces of a Leader
Amount of time spent using each Face
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The Three Faces Defined
makes sure company knows where it wants to go
understand importance of growing company through
managing the work and the people
understands need to immerse themselves in the work
the company produces to capture necessary
processes to deliver the work & meet client’s needs
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Helping a CEO See Today’s
Visionary – can take most insignificant situation and
turn into opportunity
Manager – creates order & focuses on
systems/procedures to make company run well,
emotionally intelligent, dedicated to helping people
Specialist – is action oriented & detail focused
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It’s a Blend
Visionary --- Manager --- Specialist
All three critical throughout the growing
Model percentage blend for each stage
Three Faces help leader understand where
to focus for their stage
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Three Faces by Stage of Growth
Stage 1
1 - 10
Stage 2
11 - 19
Stage 3
20 - 34
Stage 4
35 - 57
Stage 5
58 - 95
Stage 6
196 - 160
Stage 7
161 - 500
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Application Check-in & FAQ
How can I apply the Builder/Protector Ratio
concept to a division or a department if I
have more than 500 employees?
Why is the Builder/Protector Ratio 1:1 in
Stage 3?
How would a CEO create a Facilitative
How does a CEO explain Dominant,
Facilitative and Supportive Modalities to
Managers and Employees?
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27 Challenges
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Critical Challenges
• Research uncovered 27 challenges
• The importance is naming the challenges:
• Culture resistant to change
• Difficulty diagnosing problems
• Organization uniformed about growth
• Business owners struggle to identify issues
• Tool to help CEO identify issues by name &
understand which deserve attention in every
stage of growth
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Questions to Ask a CEO
What if you could create an awareness in your
company of the top five issues to focus on?
What if you could create a language of growth
that engages every single employee in your
What if you could understand why certain
things are happening right now?
What if you could have headlights into your
future and help improve your performance?
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Why the 27 Challenges are Called Hidden Agents
• Difficult to identify obstacles to growth
• They lie beneath surface
• Because they are hidden, we can
misinterpret symptoms & misdiagnose
• If you can identify hidden agents, you
can understand which may be creating
obstacles to growth
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The Importance of the 27 Challenges
Forces CEO to put words to top five critical issues
Provides opportunity for CEO to see how ‘team’
defines top challenges
Forces discussion to align company goals & objectives
CEO builds confidence as proactively tackles critical
Forces deeper discussion on how to address top five
CEO works with leadership to address more strategic
issues once everyone agrees to problems
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Engaging a CEO with 27 Challenges
• Ask CEO to give you example of impact
of one of those challenges
• Ask questions – what does the CEO deal
with daily that makes world difficult
• The 27 Challenges exercise (on
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Challenges by Stage of Growth
Stage 1
1 - 10
Stage 2
11 - 19
Stage 3
20 - 34
Stage 4
35 - 57
Stage 5
58 - 95
Stage 6
196 - 160
Stage 7
161 - 500
Cash Flow
Hiring Quality
Staff Buy-in
Weak Project
Expand Sales
Staff Buy-in
Products Not
Not Seen
New Staff
Slow Product
& Getting to
by Chaos
Slow Product
Development &
Getting to
Expand Sales
Cash Flow
Unclear Core
Limited Capital
to Grow
Expand Sales
Limited Capital
to Grow
Cost of Lost
Business/Profit Business/Profi Business/Profi
t Design
t Design
Resistant to
Uninformed of Staff Training
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Hiring Quality
Changes too
Prioritized for a Reason
• The challenges listed by Stage of Growth
to help CEO focus on right things at right
• Companies with unsustainable profitability
chase after issues as they appear
• Taking stock of challenges every six
months is key for companies to stay alert
to changing environment
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Challenge One
Inadequate Profits
Profits are inadequate to grow the company
Does company understand where it makes
the most money
Does the company have a profit plan
Has the company set up its profit design
Are prices competitive; is pricing structure
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Challenge Two
Business/Profit Design
Need for an improved profit design
Has the company evaluated it’s ability to be
Does the company work from a defined profit
Does the company understand how customer
intelligence impacts profitability
Does the company have a well developed
sales process
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Challenge Three
Customer Migration
Customers are migrating away from
your products or services
Is there a customer intelligence plan for staying
ahead of your customer’s needs
Does the company understand it’s customer’s
Is customer service a part of your performance plan
Do you reward employees for exceptional customer
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Challenge Four
Cash Flow
Continual cash flow challenges
Does the company have a profit plan
Does the company monitor cash flow
Does the company have an operational plan
Does the company have a marketing plan
Does the CEO pay attention to financials
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Challenge Five
Limited Capital
Limited capital available to grow
Has the company identified its capital needs
Does the company have a profit plan
Does the company have an investment plan
Has the company identified potential
investment sources
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Challenge Six
Employee Turnover
Does the company have a management
development program
Does the company have an aggressive
training program
Does the company have a communications
Is employee input sought and listened to
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Challenge Seven
Hiring Quality Staff
Does the company have clearly identified
roles and responsibilities
Does the company have a well-defined hiring
Does the company recognize quality in the
people they are hiring
Has the company defined what makes an
exceptional employee
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Challenge Eight
Staff Morale
Staff morale and voltage challenges
Are employees recognized for their contributions
Is there a performance management plan in place
Are managers conducting one-on-ones with each
direct report
Do employees feel empowered to make critical
decisions that involve customers
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Challenge Nine
Flexible Planning
Need for a flexible planning model
Does the company understand how they plan to grow
Do they have a six month short term plan especially if
they are in crisis mode
Does the company evaluate it’s strategic planning
concepts regularly and make adjustments
Is there a feedback loop to identify improvements in
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Challenge Ten
Staff Buy In
Need to have better staff buy in
Is there a strong vision, mission that is written down
Have core values been identified
Does the leadership of the company walk the talk
Are managers conducting regular one-on-ones with
their direct reports
Do employees have a say in how problems get
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Challenge Eleven
Project Management
Project management and resource coordination
Are processes captured, written down and reviewed
Are these processes being followed
If processes are in place are they working
Has the company identified key success indicators
and are they being tracked and measured
Is there a project management template
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Challenge Twelve
Communication Gap
Leadership/staff communication gap
Is there a written down vision and mission
Are there well defined core values
Is there a communication plan
Is there performance measures that people are
held accountable to
Do managers conduct one-on-ones with direct
reports weekly
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Challenge Thirteen
New Staff Orientation
What do new employees need to know
Is this budgeted for and updated regularly
Is the history of the company a part of
Is the CEO a part of this program
Is there a well defined plan to include critical
training aspects for each job
Are all managers involved at some level
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Challenge Fourteen
Staff Training
How much money is designated each year
Is there a plan that identifies what training is
critical for each employee and why
Does it include skill training as well as training
on critical aspects of the company
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Challenge Fifteen
Unclear Values
Unclear values throughout the organization
Have values been articulated and defined
Are values incorporated into all aspects of the
company, including processes and procedures
Does the CEO refer to the company’s values
Are employees recognized when they emulate
the values of the company
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Challenge Sixteen
Cost of Lost Expertise
Dealing with the cost of lost expertise or
knowledge when employees leave
Is there a defined process for capturing
intellectual capital
Are processes identified and followed
Is collaboration encouraged and rewarded
How are employees rewarded for new knowledge
gained and shared
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Challenge Seventeen
Chaotic Periods
Chaotic periods destabilize the company
Has the CEO articulated a clear vision
Do people understand how their job fits into the
overall vision
Does the leadership have a clearly defined
communication plan
Does the company operate with a profit plan
Is the value proposition of the business clear
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Challenge Eighteen
Growth Plans
Organization needs to understand how the company
will grow in the future
Is there a growth plan and has it been communicated to
every employee
Has a company health survey been done in the last year
to ascertain how employees feel about the company
Does the CEO communicate on a regular basis the
goals of the company
Does the CEO share challenges the company is facing
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Challenge Nineteen
Staff Satisfaction
Impact that staff satisfaction has on the company’s
Does the company operate with a profit plan
Do employees understand how their job impacts
Happy people = Happy profits
Does the CEO understand the role emotional
intelligence plays in employee satisfaction
Can employees impact customer satisfaction
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Challenge Twenty
Resistant to Change
Company culture is generally resistant to change
Is there a builder-like mindset in alignment with the
protector-like mindset
Do managers meet one-on-one with direct reports
Does the CEO address the company once a month
to share insights
Do employees feel comfortable bringing up different
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Challenge Twenty-One
Market Change
The marketplace and your customers change
too quickly
Does the company challenge all assumptions
regularly about their customers
Is there an intentional approach to customer
Has the company maintained a flexible
approach to change
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Challenge Twenty-Two
Anticipating Problems
Difficulty forecasting problem areas before
they surface
Does the company operate from a profit plan
Do managers get rewarded for employee
Does the CEO meet one-on-one weekly with all
direct reports to create a dialogue and
encourage active and critical feedback
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Challenge Twenty-Three
Problems Diagnosis
Difficulty diagnosing the real problems or
obstacles to growth
Can the company articulate and define its problems
Is the company intentional in its willingness to uncover
Does the CEO encourage dialogue around difficult
Is the CEO open to advice from outside sources
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Challenge Twenty-Four
New Product Development
Too slow getting new products/services to market
Are assumptions being made about how work
processes get done
Do managers encourage employees to look for
areas of improvement
Do all employees understand the bigger picture as
to on time delivery
Does the company share successes
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Challenge Twenty-Five
Systems Development
Not able to quickly get systems and
procedures in place as company grows
Does the company have a plan for growth
Are assumptions being made about what
systems and procedures work
Does scattered thinking drive decisions
Is it clear what a good system or an effective
procedure looks like
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Challenge Twenty-Six
Marketing Position
Weak product/service development and
differentiation in market
Does the company have a clear growth strategy
Does the company understand how their
product/service solves their customer’s problem
Is the company clear about it’s strengths and
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Challenge Twenty-Seven
Expanding Sales
Challenge expanding sales
Does the company have a strong lead
generation process
Is there a defined and proven sales process
Does the company understand how it solves a
customer’s problem
Can the company deliver on its promise
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Application Check-in & FAQ
What does it mean when a CEOs challenges don’t
line up with their current stage of growth?
“I don’t see my challenge on this list.”
Explain why Staff Buy-In is the top challenge for
Stage 6.
What should a CEO do if several of their
challenges are two stages of growth behind or
ahead of their current stage of growth?
Identify three things a CEO could do today to focus
on the challenge Leadership/Staff Communication
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Leadership Styles &
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Leadership Styles
• Leaders create resonance in
organization by ensuring that entire
leadership fabric is laced with
emotionally intelligent leadership
• Developing new leadership style means
changing how one operates with people
• Leadership development must be
strategic priority
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Leadership Profile Facts
• How people feel about working at a
company can account for 20–30% of
business performance
• Leaders have more trouble than anyone
else when receiving candid feedback,
particularly about how they are doing as
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Leadership Profile Facts
• Good moods in leaders lower voluntary
• For every 1% improvement in employee
service climate, there’s a 2%
improvement in revenue
• Happy people = Happy profits
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Visionary Leadership Style
Visionary leaders frame collective task in terms
of grander vision
Drives emotional climate of organization upward
Provides direction but allows freedom to decide
how to get there
Engages people by giving them bigger picture,
core values, vision, mission
Helps people see how their work fits into grander
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Coaching Leadership Style
Communicate belief in people’s potentials and an
expectation they can do their best
Least used but most effective of all styles
Helps people identify unique strengths and realize
Encourage development of long term goals/aspirations
Good at delegating, giving employees stretch goals not
just tasks
Will not be as effective working with people who are
not motivated
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Affiliative Leadership Style
Build loyalty & performance by recognizing
employees as people, less emphasis on
accomplishing tasks/goals
Represents collaborative competence in action
Promotes harmony & friendly interactions
Focus on emotional needs of employee
Do not use alone due to focus on praise, hard to
address poor performance
Most effective when used with Visionary Style
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Democratic Leadership Style
• Builds on teamwork, listening and conflict
management skills
• Most effective when leader is not sure
about direction to take, needs input
• Great listeners
• Work as team member, not from top
down perspective
• Builds trust
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Pacesetting Leadership Style
• Drive for excellence & holds high
performance standards
• Use sparingly
• Interpreted by staff as pushing too hard
• Expecting people to ‘just know what to do’
leaves staff confused
• Staff don’t feel trust
• Morale suffers
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Commanding Leadership Style
• Exert forceful direction to get better results
• Use with caution – one of two dissonant
• Leaders demand compliance
• Focus on weaknesses
• Least effective of all styles
• May be helpful in a crisis situation
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Leadership Competencies - Personal and Social
Personal Competencies
determine how we handle ourselves
Social Competencies
determine how we manage relationships
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Why Competencies are Important
• 18 total Leadership Competencies in
this model; 12 critical for leader to
• CEO needs to understand how
competencies affect ability to run
successful company
• CEO can align their competencies to
take company to next stage
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
12 of the 18 Really Count!
1. Self confidence
2. Initiative
3. Achievement
4. Adaptability
5. Transparency
6. Empathy
7. Organizational Awareness
8. Inspirational Leadership
9. Teamwork
10. Developing Others
11. Influence
12. Change Catalyst
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Competencies by Stage of Growth
Stage 1
1 - 10
Stage 2
11 - 19
Stage 3
20 - 34
Stage 4
35 - 57
Stage 5
58 - 95
Stage 6
196 - 160
Stage 7
161 - 500
Emotional Self Accurate Self
Accurate Self
Teamwork &
Teamwork &
Teamwork &
Teamwork &
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Application Check-in & FAQ
• Name the Resonant Styles and the
Dissonant Styles
• Coaching Style is the most effective of all
Styles. When would a Coaching Style
NOT be effective?
• The Affiliative Style in Stage 6 should be
used in conjunction with what other Style
to be effective?
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Non-Negotiable Rules
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Rules of the Road
• Focus on and name problem
• CEO discovers specific areas for improvement
• Management team understands where they are
in stage of growth
Provides benchmark of progress – can
quantify/measure progress
Creates dialogue around real issues
Clarifies what’s not being focused on
Where most issues from X-Ray come from
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Digging Deep into Hidden Agents
• Non-negotiable
leadership rules are
one of the hidden
• Brings out issues that
get overlooked
• No better tool to
generate discussion &
promote alignment
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 1 NNRs
1. Generate, track and preserve cash
2. Focus 80% of your resources on selling the two – three
offerings with the best margins
3. Hire, first, for how the person fits in with the team and
second, for how competent they are
4. Waste no time trying to stabilize company – embrace
chaos – command the team and inspire the employees
5. Establish a company-wide performance mindset,
feedback loop and employee development through
regular one-on-one meetings
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 1 - Rule One
Generate, track and preserve cash
Does company uses daily simple Flash
Sheet or key health indicator report to
track critical data
Does company uses simple budget & six
– eight week rolling cash flow system to
manage cash
Is there focus on getting new customers
& increasing both transaction value &
frequency to build top line revenue
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 1 - Rule Two
Focus 80% of resources on two – three
offering with best margins
Does company organize/focus 80% of
marketing, sales and customer service
resources on top three offerings
Is company’s product/service ‘production
output’ (how work gets done) organized &
do they track results
Does financial reporting tell what Cost of
Goods + Gross Margins are on all
product/services sold
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 1 - Rule Three
Hire first for fit, then skill
• Is there written, clear profile of criteria of
good company fit for new employees
• Are there written roles and
responsibilities for all staffing positions
• Does company have an established
interview process to screen all new
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 1 - Rule Four
Don’t waste time stabilizing,
embrace chaos
• Are leaders setting company’s priorities &
clearly communicating to staff
• Do leaders insure team has clear mission,
set of instructions and practical goals
• Are leaders making sure employees are
aware of company vision
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 1 - Rule Five
Performance mindset, feedback loop and
employee development through
one-on-one meetings
Are there clear, agreed upon performance
expectations with every employee
Is there an effective, organized template
for employee skill development
Do leaders consistently gather/give
feedback in regular one-on-one meetings
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 2 NNRs
1. Sell absolutely every day
2. Develop 3 employees to be responsible,
accountable and proactive
3. Create daily, weekly and monthly key
4. Communicate all directions in writing
5. Drive small action teams to hit goals
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 2 - Rule One
Sell absolutely every day
• Does company organize its schedule to
sell everyday
• Is there effective sales process
• Does company use contact
management system to effectively follow
up with prospects
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Stage 2 - Rule Two
Develop 3 employees to be responsible,
accountable and proactive
Are there clearly defined roles and
responsibilities with three manager
Are leaders meeting weekly one-on-one with
direct reports to show commitment to
performance-based goals
Are employees rewarded when proactively
demonstrate signs of leadership
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Stage 2 - Rule Three
Create a key indicator flash instrument
•Are leaders determining key health
indicators for each department
•Is there an organized system in place to
collect key indicators from staff
•Does company have daily, weekly &
monthly flash sheet system report to
review performance
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 2 - Rule Four
Communicate any and all direction in writing
Is there effective communication template
with priority level, purpose, objectives and
directions that leaders
Do leaders have retrieval system for written
directions to help keep information at
everyone’s finger tips
Are leaders using a written communication
template during work reviews
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 2 - Rule Five
Drive small action teams to hit goals
• Are leaders encouraging team goals that
set clear/agreed upon action steps that
support company’s vision & mission
• Do leaders encourage, model & teach
how to organize/facilitate crisp, actionoriented team meetings
• Are leaders reviewing team action lists
and delegating tasks and due dates
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 3 NNRs
1. Release control to capable supervisors
and lead them
2. Create advanced financial reporting and
projection systems
3. Instill a team-based mindset
4. Overhaul the business model
5. Strengthen all communications
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 3 - Rule One
Release control to capable supervisors and lead
Has company appointed management team
and do they meet once a week to review
company flash sheet and action list
Are leaders delegating, tracking and reviewing
specific authority and responsibility to each
manager at team meetings
Is company working on developing, securing,
and expanding company-wide daily flash sheet
key indicator system
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 3 - Rule Two
Create an advanced financial reporting and
projection system
• Organize all P+L reporting based on
revenue groups
• Develop budget cash flow system by
revenue groups
• Create a three level hierarchy of financial
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Stage 3 - Rule Three
Instill a team-based mindset
• Has leadership established companywide values
• Are there clear roles, rules and
responsibilities for all team members
• Do leaders reward and acknowledge
team performance at company meetings
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Stage 3 - Rule Four
Overhaul the business model
Has leadership challenged all assumptions
regarding vision, mission, goals, objectives &
Has leadership challenged all assumptions
about customer, competition, market and
company’s offering
Has management reorganized/rewired
company’s resources to meet new business
design conclusions
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 3 - Rule Five
Without fail, clarify and strengthen any and all
communication with your employees
Do leaders clearly communicate goals and
direction of company to all employees
Do leaders establish and demonstrate
company’s core guiding values, preferably
with input from employees
Are leaders reinforcing and supporting
effective one-on-one supervisor/employee
monthly meeting
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Stage 4 NNRs
1. Hire or effectively train professional managers who
are responsible, accountable and proactive
2. Create strong, high-performing, competitive
departments that are confident and capable, focused
on serving internal and external customers
3. Allocate 5 – 10% of gross revenue to identification,
acquisition and implementation of new systems
4. Identify and set in place with management team the
company’s core Master Processes
5. Establish a strict company project management
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 4 - Rule One
Hire or train managers
• Has company defined clear roles and
responsibilities for all department
manager positions
• Does CEO meet weekly to support
department manager’s commitment to
reach goals
• Are managers rewarded when they
demonstrate proactive signs of leadership
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 4 - Rule Two
Create performance-driven departments
Has each department established clear,
measurable goals/objectives that are in
employee score card system
Does each department hold weekly
department meetings centered around key
health indices of department
Do managers establish budgets, get budgets
approved and manage department’s budget
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 4 - Rule Three
Allocate 5 – 10% of gross revenue to new
• Has company identified key systems
required to sustain enterprise health and
improved performance
• Is there a plan in place to research and
acquire key systems
• Is company prepared to organize/execute
implementation of key systems
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 4 - Rule Four
Identify and set in place with management team
the company’s core Master Processes
Has company identified top 10-15 Master
Processes needed to create/sustain company’s
Has management designed, documented and
refined Top 10-15 Master Processes
Is there process to implement and/or make
necessary improvements to Top 10-15 Master
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 4 - Rule Five
Establish a strict company project
management template
Is there a plan to research/design a clear
consistent process to manage internal
Does company train all management staff on
project management template
Does management team communicate and
train all staff on project management
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 5 NNRS
1. Integrate the management team into an interdependent execution-focused leadership unit –
focus on company goals
2. Overhaul the profit design
3. Establish a one year operational business plan
4. Establish a fully integrated 'living budget' by
revenue group and by department
5. Allocate 5% of employee salaries for training
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 5 - Rule One
Integrate the management team
Has company researched/designed a
comprehensive leadership team decisionmaking process
Does CEO facilitate leadership’s
comprehensive understanding of company's
detailed flash sheet/scorecard
Is company focused on unifying team by coauthoring team mission & five clear leadership
team goals
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 5 - Rule Two
Overhaul the business model
Does company challenge all assumptions
regarding vision, mission, goals, objectives
and strategies of company
Does company challenge all assumptions
about customer, competition, market and
company's offerings
Is there a plan to reorganize/rewire company
resources to meet new business design
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 5 - Rule Three
Establish one year operational business
• Leadership team authors company
strategies and initiatives
• Each leader provides operational input
from their area of responsibility
• A tactical plan is organized and
integrated with company's budget
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Stage 5 - Rule Four
Establish a fully integrated 'living budget' by
revenue group and by department
Has CEO developed comprehensive budget
template by revenue group & department
Is company utilizing budget process to help
create a one year business planning process
Is there a process to review budget
assumptions and actual results at every
monthly leadership team meeting
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 5 - Rule Five
Allocate 5% of employee's salary for
• Is there an organized annual purpose and
objectives of employee training to fit
needs of current company business plan
• Does company communicate staff training
opportunities to all employees
• Has company established staff training as
part of employee scorecard
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 6 NNRs
1. Without fail, establish two – three day new staff
2. Generate a three-year living business plan/model
(address strategic, operational, people considerations)
3. Implement an organizational health survey once a year
and establish one to two company-wide one-day
unifying events a year
4. Push financial reporting to another level throughout the
5. Without fail, secure one-on-one supervisor/employee
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 6 - Rule One
Without fail, establish a two to three day new
staff orientation program
Has company developed two-day new staff
orientation program to include core values,
master processes, cultural norms, rev. groups
Is there plan in place to test new staff
orientation program with pilot employee group
Send all employees through orientation to
create orientation program benchmark
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 6 - Rule Two
Generate a three year living business plan/model
(address strategic, operational, people considerations
Has leadership researched three-year forward view
of customers, competitors, markets, offerings,
capacity, etc.
Has leadership organized planning process based on
three-year operational, strategic & people
Is tactical plan integrated with budget which includes
detailed departmental budgets & revenue projections
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 6 - Rule Three
Implement an organizational health survey once a
year and establish one to two company-wide oneday unifying events a year
Has company implemented comprehensive
organizational survey to assess anonymous
employee company perspective
Are there plans to organize/execute an allemployee unifying event
Based on survey, identify the ten most pressing
issues, frame into initiatives & communicate to
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 6 - Rule Four
Push financial reporting to another level
throughout company
Has company established integrated accounts
payable/receivable systems
Are there integrated financial reporting
systems for all revenue groups, cost of goods,
product performance, gross profit
Has company established three level (data
entry, summary roll up and master sheet level)
P&L and balance sheet reporting
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 6 - Rule Five
Without fail, secure regular one-on-one
supervisor/employee meetings
Is company securing & reinforcing monthly
supervisor/employee one-on-one meetings
Are managers securing & reinforcing
feedback/performance phases in one-on-one
meeting template
Are managers securing & reinforcing employee
development in one-on-one meeting template
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 7 NNRs
1. Overhaul business model
2. Get to know something about every
3. Sell everyday
4. Create a company-wide leadership
succession plan
5. Generate, track and preserve cash
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 7 - Rule One
Overhaul business model to optimize direction
and margins
Has company challenged all assumptions
regarding vision, mission, goals, objectives &
Has company challenged all assumptions
about customer, competition, market and
company offerings
Reorganize/rewire company resources to meet
new conclusions
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 7 - Rule Two
Get to know a little something about every
• Does CEO regularly walk through
• Are employee names organized by
division/department into CEO employee
data management system
• Does CEO contribute to company
newsletter 'employee stories' column
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Stage 7 - Rule Three
Sell every day
• Do managers and leaders organize time to
sell everyday
• Is there an effective sales follow-up process
• Does company utilize a contact management
system to effectively track all communication
with customers
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Stage 7 - Rule Four
Set up an enterprise management/leadership
succession system
Have managers identified one - two
candidates for each leadership/management
Has company identified clear,
comprehensive scope of all
management/leadership positions
Has system been set in place to review
development of all candidates for each level
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 7 - Rule Five
Generate, track and preserve cash
• Does management team review company
Flash Sheet/Key Indicators daily
• Are key people monitoring progress to
date with Budget/Cash Flow system
• Are leaders focused on meeting customers
& increasing transaction value & frequency
to build top line revenue
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Positioning Hooks of NNRs
• Bubbles up ‘in-your-face’ issues
• Uncovers differences between CEO and
management team perceptions
• Forces discussion – challenging to
manage – rubber meets the road
• Provides measurable progress
• Unique way to look at issues
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Application Check-in &
• What happens when a rule goes against
established “culture”?
• What is the best way to build commitment
to the rules?
• How much time is too much time on any
one rule?
• Do you provide the CEO or leadership
team with a choice?
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
The X-Ray Process
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
What is an X-Ray?
Internal Strategic Alignment Tool:
Provides an internalized view of issues that
are creating obstacles to growth
1. Provides CEO ability to identify issues by NAME once identified, it can be solved
2. Creates organized, focused strategic approach addressing each internal/external issue until resolved
3. CEO cannot gloss over issues - forces issues to
surface, stops from sabotaging efforts to improve
4. Forces difficult discussions to surface - encourages
management team to work together
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
What is an X-Ray?
A tool to help do three things for a CEO:
1.Calibrate their growth
• Help CEO understand where they are in their growth cycle
• Help get focused on critical issues creating obstacles to
2.Alignment of a management team
• Provides effective tool to get key people on same page
3.Brings order to chaos
• Especially during difficult times (internally/externally driven)
– uncovers critical information that eludes CEO & adds to
chaos because problems not identified – forces CEO to
address root cause of issue
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
An X-Ray Helps a CEO. . .
Get clear on root cause of organizational
Realize an effective & proven model for
Obtain alignment & buy-in on critical
people, process & profit issues
Weather chaos that comes with growth
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
18 CEO Statements on the X-Ray
1. Focus on the right things at the right time;
2. Predict how growth will impact their organization and
3. Adapt their leadership skills as their company grows
4. Introduces the 7 Stages of Growth concepts which
immediately clarifies areas of specific focus
5. Removes the guesswork for a CEO – provides a
laser-like focus on what they need to do today
6. Identifies issues that didn’t get addressed in a
previous stage of growth and puts focus on these
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
18 CEO Statements on the X-Ray
7. Provides an opportunity to focus on critical internal issues
that get glossed over in the midst of rapid growth
8. Expands the knowledge of key executive leaders in terms of
how company’s grow and what role they can play in that
9. Will improve executive decision making by uncovering faulty
assumptions about company behavior
10. Focuses resources/energy on the right things at the right
11. Accurately predict 6 – 18 months into a company’s future
12. Helps a CEO to adapt their abilities and skills to the unique
needs of their company in its current stage of growth
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
18 CEO Statements on the X-Ray
13. Can supercharge a company’s immune system by staying
ahead of critical issues
14. Will improve a CEOs ability to recognize and address
organizational trauma before it takes hold
15. Allows a CEO to become a proactive leader by confidently
preparing their staff to focus on the right issues at the right
16. Identifies issues a CEO needs to be getting ready for as their
company grows
17. Through use of assessments, allows participants in the X-Ray
to identify their own issues – allows each person to be heard
18. Provides a consensus driven process that forces discussion
on critical issues – issues that have been hidden from view
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
1. Understanding the 7 Stages of Growth
James Fischer’s research identified 7 Stages of Growth
that entrepreneurial companies move through.
Complexity increases as a company grows and that
complexity is created by adding people. The 7 Stages of
Growth provides a leader with insight into focusing on
the right things at the right time, predicting how
growth will impact the company and helping the leader
adapt their leadership skills as the company grows.
The first part of the
Growth X-Ray involves
diagnosing the issues
that are creating
obstacles to growth,
specific to a company’s
stage of growth.
The Second part of the
Growth X-Ray focuses on
treatment by achieving
alignment on priority
initiatives to address the
top 6 – 8 issues and to
identify and set
4. The Non-Negotiable Rules
The third layer of alignment – identifying the
deep and stage-specific issues that must be
addressed in order to effectively and profitably
move to the next stage of growth.
5. Strategic Alignment & Critical Initiatives
Addressing all critical issues raised during the
assessment and discovery process. Then evaluating how
they impact the strategic focus of the company. Finally,
through consensus, develop the top initiatives that will
address critical growth issues not addressed in past
stages of growth as well as issues facing the company in
its current stage of growth.
2. The 27 Challenges & 27 Strengths
The first layer of alignment – identifying and
agreeing to a company’s top 5 challenges and
strengths for their current stage of growth.
3. The Builder/Protector Ratio
The second layer of alignment – identifying the
company’s ability to balance Confidence with
Caution in order to walk the fine line between
chaos and equilibrium as a company grows.
6. Intentional Communications
Recognizing the critical role communication
plays in a company’s growth and creating a
two-step approach that defines who needs to
know what, when and how those messages
will be distributed.
7. Creating a Language of Growth
Knowing that a company moves through different stages of growth and the areas of impact are “normal” takes the
fear out of growth. Taking the mystery out of running a business helps each and every person feel like
participating in critical discussions. Being able to express challenges and issues in everyday language makes
everyone feel like a valuable stakeholder, broadening their understanding of how their work impacts the company
and recognizing that their contribution improves a company’s bottom line.
What is the X-Ray?
Diagnosis & Alignment (Day 1)
Understanding 7 Stages of Growth
27 Challenges and/or Strengths
Builder/Protector Ratio
Non-Negotiable Rules
Treatment (Day 2+)
Strategic Alignment & Critical Initiatives
Intentional Communication
Creating a Language of Growth
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
1st Step of Alignment - Education
20 Revelations
The research
Explain 7 Stages of Growth
Identify current Stage of Growth
Four Rules of the Stages of Growth
Explain Hidden Agents
Wind Tunnel, Flood Zone
Three Gates of Focus
Three Faces of a Leader
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
2nd Step of Alignment - 27 Challenges
• Go over results of assessment
• Identify Top Five Strengths & discuss
• Identify Top Five Challenges & discuss
• List Top Five Challenges on flip chart –
identifying topics to use in creating
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
27 Challenges Report
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
3rd Layer of Alignment - Builder/Protector
Explain B/P and engage in discussion
about builders/protectors
Review results of assessment
Go over individual questions for B/P
Review categories for B/P
List areas of concern on flip chart –
identifying topics to use in creating
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
4th Layer of Alignment - NNRs
• Review results of assessments, starting
with earliest stage
• Generate discussion around each
Leadership Rule based on questions &
• List areas of concern on flip chart –
identifying topics to use in creating
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
NNRs Report
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Strategic Alignment & Critical Initiatives
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5th Step of Alignment - Initiatives
• Every facilitated session has
• Define specific initiatives based on topics
• The role of facilitator is to guide
participants through step to create
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End Goal - Complete Buy-in
• In a One-Day X-Ray
- Can create initiatives, can’t spend
much time creating sub-sets of To
Dos or assign owners
• In a Two-Day X-Ray
- Can spend first day getting ready for
initiatives and second day create
action plan
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
6th Step - Intentional Communication Plan
• Critical to provide information about XRay session to the rest of the company
– and how
• Goal is to help identify key messages
that gets communicated
• Schedule check ins with CEO to see
how well this went
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
The Ten Step Approach
1. Determine WHAT information to communicate
2. Determine HOW to communicate
3. Design PROGRAM for consistent, intentional communications
4. Develop PROTOCOL for all meetings
5. Determine what information to TRANSFER to people in company
6. Determine how to CAPTURE and transfer information
7. Determine what CEO knows that others need to know
8. Determine what MANAGERS/SUPERVISORS know that others
need to know
9. Determine what STAFF know that others need to know
10. Determine what INDIVIDUAL TEAMS know that others need to
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
7th Step of Alignment - Language of Growth
World’s greatest change agent
Seed change by shifting/transforming language of
workplace community
Identify what language the team can utilize to start
shifting how people view growth
Start with three Gates of Focus
Coach team in how to bring Gates into one-onones, company meetings, division meetings
Start slow, educate & involve all employees in
understanding their Stage of Growth
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Final Step - Capture Take-Aways
Capture ten take-aways each participant walked
away with
Share these with group and discuss
Include in follow up report
Make recommendations for follow-up work based
on initiatives & take aways
Use take-aways as marketing benefit statements
Review in follow up X-Rays to help measure
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
The Follow-up Report to Client
Review the process
Identify areas of focus
Identify top initiatives
Identify other initiatives that need attention
Make recommendations
Add follow-up program
Call in 30 days - evaluate progress
90 day follow-up to rewire & ignite progress
Six - twelve month X-Ray to evaluate progress
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Your X-Ray
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The X-Ray Process
• Client orders X-Ray
• Request X-Ray via TTI online order form
• Have each member of leadership team
complete X-Ray assessments (27
Challenges, B/P, NNRs current & two prior stages)
• Prepare X-Ray materials (binders, map)
• Meet with CEO prior to workshop
• Facilitate two-day workshop (slides to follow)
• Follow-up Initiatives
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
CEO Interview Packet
• Before X-Ray workshop
• Core Data
• Modalities
• 3 Faces
• 3 Gates
• Leadership Competency Assessment
• Leadership Style Assessment
• Once this is done, the map can be filled in
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Your Sample X-Ray Workshop
• Slides for taking company through XRay
• Sample based on a Stage 1 company
(Replace with correct stage for client)
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Sample Company
Stage X
Stages of Growth X-Ray™
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Cracking the Code to Your
Company’s Growth
“Give a business owner a business plan, help
them for a month. Teach a business owner
the tools to grow their business, help them for
a lifetime.”
-Laurie Taylor-President, FlashPoint!
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Would You Like a Crystal
How prepared are
you to predict how
growth will impact
your company?
What if you could
identify growth
issues before they
set in?
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
What Needs to be Done, When?
• Can’t do it all
• Who knows best
• Can look like a game
of chance
• Easy to react to who’s
buttons are being
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
The 7 Stages of Entrepreneurial Growth
Copyright 2006 James Fischer
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
The Rules that Govern the 7 Stages of Growth
• Movement from one stage of growth to
another begins as soon as you land in
any stage
• What you don’t get done in a specific
stage of growth does not go away
• Time will make a difference
• If you aren’t growing, you are dying
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 1
1 - 10 employees
Still trying to figure it out
It’s chaotic
Hire for fit not skill
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Stage 2
11-19 Employees
Focus is on growth, not
Moving beyond owner’s
span of control
Starting to delineate
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 3
20 - 34 employees
CEO must start releasing
Staff buy-in is #1 challenge
Staff will leave if not given
roles and responsibilities
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 4
35 - 57 employees
Hire professional managers
who have been there done
Build confidence in
Too big to rely on faulty
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Stage 5
58 - 95 employees
Focus back on company
Getting managers to ‘play
well together’
Training is critical for all
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 6
96 - 160 Employees
Perspective needs to shift
as you are now on radar
of other competitors
Emotionally aware
leaders do well
Culture and core values
are key
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 7
161 - 500 employees
Cruise liner not a speed
Lose sight of target and
competitors will eat you
for lunch
CEO must ignite fires of
inspiration to avoid
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
The 7 Stages of Entrepreneurial Growth
Copyright 2006 James Fischer
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Flood Zone
Transition requires bearing up to an
increase in the QUANTITY of activity
Flood Zones occur between stages
1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Wind Tunnel
Transition requires letting go of
methodologies that no longer work &
acquiring methods that do work.
Wind Tunnels occur between stages
2 and 3, 4 and 5, 6 and 7
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Outcomes from Understanding Your
Company’s Stage of Growth
Gain clarity of where company is today and why
company may be experiencing specific growth
Alignment of management team allows issues to be
identified and addressed sooner
Look behind, examine today and look ahead to see
what’s creating obstacles to growth
Help create a language of growth that will resonate
with every single person in the company
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Three Gates of Focus
Profit/Revenue Gate
Predicting growth by maximizing and anticipating profit and
revenue, protection and capacity issues
People Gate
Building competency and innovation through the conscious
development of people
Process Gate
Transforming complexity into clarity through systems
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Three Gates of Focus
Stage 1
1 - 10
Stage 2
11 - 19
Stage 3
20 - 34
Stage 4
35 - 57
Stage 5
58 - 95
Stage 6
196 - 160
Stage 7
161 - 500
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Hidden Agents
• These are agents that lie beneath the
surface of your company and create
obstacles to a company’s growth
• On the surface, the issue looked much
different than what it really was
• The ability to address what was going on
didn't seem to identify the real cause
• These become constrictors if left alone
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
27 Challenges - Alignment. Engagement.
Forces a company to put words to their
critical top five issues
Provides an opportunity to see how the
leadership team defines the company’s top
Forces a discussion that moves the company
toward alignment of goals and objectives
Allows the leadership team to build
confidence as they proactively tackle critical
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Five Primary Challenges
Stage 1
1 - 10
Stage 2
11 - 19
Stage 3
20 - 34
Stage 4
35 - 57
Stage 5
58 - 95
Stage 6
196 - 160
Stage 7
161 - 500
Cash Flow
Hiring Quality
Staff Buy-in
Weak Project
Expand Sales
Staff Buy-in
Products Not
Not Seen
New Staff
Slow Product
& Getting to
by Chaos
Slow Product
Development &
Getting to
Expand Sales
Cash Flow
Unclear Core
Limited Capital
to Grow
Expand Sales
Limited Capital
to Grow
Cost of Lost
Business/Profit Business/Profi Business/Profi
t Design
t Design
Resistant to
Uninformed of Staff Training
2014 TTI Success Insights
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Agreement with FlashPoint!
Hiring Quality
Changes too
Defining & Learning the Language
Builders: A Builder mindset creates new
Protectors: A Protector mindset is cautions
ideas and takes on new initiatives, finds
and prefers to slow things down. They are
ways to expand the revenue and
profitability of the enterprise. They are risk risk averse and highly suspicious of growth
tolerant an highly supportive of growth
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Builder/Protector Ratios
Stage 1
1 - 10
Stage 2
11 - 19
Stage 3
20 - 34
Stage 4
35 - 57
Stage 5
58 - 95
Stage 6
196 - 160
Stage 7
161 - 500
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Performance Modality
Dominant - To be directive or demanding - To
Supportive - To serve as a foundation - To
Facilitative - To make easier - To Ask
Modality is a ‘presence’ in the company NOT a
leadership style or the capacity to assert
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Modality and Stage of Growth
Stage 1
1 - 10
Stage 2
11 - 19
Stage 3
20 - 34
Stage 4
35 - 57
Stage 5
58 - 95
Stage 6
196 - 160
Stage 7
161 - 500
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
What are the Three Faces - What Face are You
Wearing Today?
Visionary: Can take the most insignificant
situation and turn it into an opportunity.
Manager: Creates order and focuses on
the pragmatic systems and procedures
that make the company run well.
Specialist: Is action oriented and detail
focused driven to complete tasks and
centers on results, not ideas.
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Three Faces of a Leader
Stage 1
1 - 10
Stage 2
11 - 19
Stage 3
20 - 34
Stage 4
35 - 57
Stage 5
58 - 95
Stage 6
196 - 160
Stage 7
161 - 500
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Non Negotiable Leadership Rules
Purpose is focus and putting a
name to a problem
Forces a CEO to look at more
specific areas that need
Creates conversation around
critical issues
Provides a benchmark of progress
- can help quantify and measure
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 1 NNRs
1. Generate, track and preserve cash
2. Focus 80% of your resources on selling the two
– three offerings with the best margins
3. Hire, first, for how the person fits in with the
team and second, for how competent they are
4. Waste no time trying to stabilize company –
embrace chaos – command the team and
inspire the employees
5. Establish a company-wide performance mindset,
feedback loop and employee development
through regular one-on-one meetings
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Let’s Look Beneath the Surface!
“A coach is someone who tells you
what you don’t want to hear, who
has you see what you don’t want to
see, so you can be who you have
always known you could be.”
-Tom Landry
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27 Challenges Exercise
What is
the Value?
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Top Business Strengths & Challenges for VAA
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
What is Your B/P Ratio?
What’s going
on in the
business of
Value Added
• Ratio
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Non-Negotiable Rules
• Stage 1
- What do we need to focus on?
• Stage 2
- What’s ahead of us?
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Day 2
• Identify Initiatives
• Create Action Plans
• Develop Communication Plan
• Capture Take Aways
• Plan follow-up meetings
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Identifying Critical Initiatives
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Create Action Plans
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Know Where to Focus
Tune in to what your
company is telling you!
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Create Communication Plan
• What do we want to share about this
• How do we want to share it?
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The Ten Step Approach
1. Determine WHAT information to communicate
2. Determine HOW to communicate
3. Design PROGRAM for consistent, intentional communications
4. Develop PROTOCOL for all meetings
5. Determine what information to TRANSFER to people in company
6. Determine how to CAPTURE and transfer information
7. Determine what CEO knows that others need to know
8. Determine what MANAGERS/SUPERVISORS know that others
need to know
9. Determine what STAFF know that others need to know
10. Determine what INDIVIDUAL TEAMS know that others need to
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Capture Take-Aways
• Write down ten ideas you will walk away
with from today’s session
• Share these with each other as you
begin to understand how growth is
impacting you
• Remember to take time to THINK about
your business
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Plan for Follow-up Meetings
• Measure progress on initiatives
• Foster use of growth language
• 30-day meeting
• 90-day meeting
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Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Thank you!
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When Workshop is Completed
• Report observations/findings from
• Include initiatives, take-aways,
• Schedule 30-day & 90-day follow up
• Submit proposal for new initiatives
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Follow-up Initiatives
• The majority of solutions for 27
Challenges include TTI tools
• The X-Ray workshop should lead to
future consulting that will use additional
TTI tools
• Should generate additional assessment
work through follow up initiatives
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Client Interactions
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Tips & Tricks for Pre-work
• Assess all members of team (TMHD)
• Complete one-on-ones & triads
• Prepare team wheels for workshop
• Meet with CEO for approximately two
hours day before X-Ray
• Have map printed and mounted
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After debrief, go through Stages of Growth
Matrix and workshop agenda
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Session Binders
• Client Specific Presentation
• Group Wheels
• X-Ray Results
- CEO will have all NNRs
- Team members will have their own
• Initiatives
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CEO Meeting
• Conduct one-on-one
• Provide team level feedback from oneon-ones
• Complete CEO interview packet
• Review results of X-Ray
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Room Setup
• “V” Shape (CEO not at center)
• Projector
• Flip Charts
- SWOT, Rocks, Quick Fixes,
Communications, Parking Lot
• Team Wheel Posters: Behaviors &
• Large Note Cards & Note Pads
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Client Specific Presentation
• Complete, editable slide deck
• Plus this slide deck, editable
• Give copyright credit through licensing
• Please review Compliance document
on dropbox
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Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Marketing Resources
• Case Studies
• Marketing Exercises
• Marketing Presentations
• Sample Proposal
• Press Release Template
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
7 Stages of Growth Provides:
The 7 Stages of Growth
Enterprise Development model
identifies different stages of
entrepreneurial growth and helps a CEO:
Focus on the right things at the right time;
Predict how growth will impact their
organization and
Adapt their leadership skills as their
company grows
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Positioning Statement
• You know how hard it is to identify and
isolate the exact cause of a problem –
whether it’s a sales issue or a sales
person issue – or a sales process issue?
• We work with CEOs to help them get to
the root of a problem, identify it and then
resolve it in order to help improve
productivity, performance and
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Positioning Statement
Do you feel overwhelmed by the number of experts
who believe they can tell you what your company’s
problems are?
We can help any organization quickly identify their
issues if we know three things:
how many employees you have today
how many employees you had one year ago
how many employees you expect to have in 12
Once we know the answers to these questions, we
can narrow your area of chaos, get issues identified
quicker which allows you to get to resolution faster.
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Positioning Statement
You know how sometimes it’s easy to feel
you are spinning your wheels, not meeting
your goals as it relates to growing your
We help CEOs understand the fundamental
growth issues based on their stage of growth
so they can attack issues BEFORE they
appear, allowing a company to literally
forecast what they will need to do next.
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Positioning Statement
The 7 Stages of Growth …..
Introduces the concepts, based on where a
company is in its growth cycle, which
immediately clarifies areas of specific focus
Takes out the guesswork for a CEO –
provides a laser-like focus on what they need
to do today
Identifies issues that didn’t get addressed in a
previous stage of growth and puts focus on
these issues
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Positioning Statement
The 7 Stages of Growth ….
Provides an opportunity to focus on critical
internal issues that get glossed over in the
midst of rapid growth
Expands the knowledge of key executive
leaders in terms of how company’s grow and
what role they can play in that growth
Will improve executive decision making by
uncovering faulty assumptions about
company behavior
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Positioning Statement
• The 7 Stages of Growth ……
• Focuses resources/energy on the right
things at the right time
• Accurately predict 6 – 18 months into a
company’s future
• Helps a CEO to adapt their abilities and
skills to the unique needs of their
company in its current stage of growth
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Positioning Statement
The 7 Stages of Growth ….
Can supercharge a company’s immune
system by staying ahead of critical issues
Will improve a CEOs ability to recognize
and address organizational trauma before it
takes hold
Allows a CEO to become a proactive leader
by confidently preparing their staff to focus
on the right issues at the right time
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Engaging a CEO
What if you could create an awareness in your
company of the top five issues to focus on?
What if you could create a language of growth that
engages every single employee in your company?
What if you could help your management team
understand why certain things are happening right
What if you could give your company headlights
into the future and help improve performance,
productivity and profitability?
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Pain Questions to Ask
Are you tired of not being able to forecast
problems before they occur?
Are you frustrated with your leadership team
and their ability to make decisions?
Are you struggling to sustain profitability?
Are you tired of the never-ending cash flow
Do you wish you could get a better handle on
when to hire that next employee?
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Pain Questions to Ask
Are you sick of feeling as if your company is out
of control?
Are you continually frustrated with employees
who simply fail to follow processes?
Are you wishing you had more time every day to
work on your business?
Do you get tired of reading books that don’t
provide answers, just more questions?
Are you frustrated with your ability to take your
company to the next level of growth?
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Pain Questions to Ask
Does your company adapt quickly to customer
Are your internal systems and procedures
Can your internal systems and procedures be
quickly changed when needed?
Is your company’s sales strategy fully adaptable to
challenging sales environments?
Is your company the clear competitive pricing
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Pain Questions to Ask
Does your company command the strongest
quality of products or services in the market?
Does your company command the strongest
customer service position in the market?
Does your company command the strongest
new products in the market?
Is your company the clear volume leader in the
Does your company have a strong sales team?
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Pain Questions to Ask
Does your company have an extraordinarily
devoted staff?
Is your company unified around core values,
vision and mission?
Does the leadership of your company earn the
respect of all employees?
Are your company’s growth strategies supported
by every employee?
Can your company respond immediately to
customer requests or complaints?
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Application Check-in
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
The Details
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Let’s Dig into the Materials
1. Training Presentation
2. 27 Challengers
Facilitator’s Guide
3. Purchasing & Education
4. Sample Reports
5. Client Presentations
6. Marketing Resources
7. Education Resources
8. X-Ray Facilitation
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Training Incentives
Two Free X-Rays
90 day expiration
Each X-Ray includes 30-minute
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
X-Ray Order Process
Complete Online Order Form:
Company Name
Stage of Company
Send out Assessment Links
TTI Creates Reports
Consultation on Assessment Results
TTI Sends Reports & Map pdf via Dropbox
Complete X-Ray Workshop
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Stage 1 to Stage 3
Wholesale $695.00
Suggested Retail $7,500.00
Stage 4 to Stage 7
Wholesale $895.00
Suggested Retail $12,000.00
Business Services Delivery Available
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Ongoing VAA Commitments
• Two-year Recertification Training
• LinkedIn Strategist Sub-Group
• Ongoing Training/Group Discussions
As Needed
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Application Check-in
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!
Thank You!!
Copyright 2014 TTI Success Insights under Licensing Agreement with FlashPoint!