Tivoli Directory Integrator

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IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator

Tivoli Directory Integrator

Exercise 2 – Mapping to inetOrgPerson Eddie Hartman

[email protected]


IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator

Exercise 01: CSV to XML



Create AL (CSVtoXML) Add Connector to read CSV

(configure, discover & map)

NOTE: Semi-colon separator (;) XML Document FileSystem Connector

w/ CSV Parser

FileSystem Connector

w/ XML Parser

CSV File 3.


Add Connector to write XML Run AL and view results


IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator

Kernel/component architecture

The kernel provides common, generic functionality for all Connectors. This is where all customization is carried out (like Attribute Maps and scripting).

This is the

AssemblyLine Connector


XML Document CSV File

Each Connector has its own

Connector Interface

that is built to handle a specific protocol, API, transport or format. These are interchangeable, making it fast and easy to point your AssemblyLine at different data sources.


IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator

The Entry object



object is the data carrier in an AssemblyLine.

The primary Entry is the

Work Entry

which is used to move data down the flow.

This object is accessed via the pre-registered script variable called


XML Document CSV File Flat Schema: Entries can hold Attributes.

Attributes can have values.

Attribute_1 value_a value_b Attribute_2 value_c ...

Attribute_n Each Connector has its own local

Java bucket

(called its

Conn Entry

) which is used as a local cache for reads & writes, and which available through the script variable




IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator

AL Lifecycle

- Phase One: Initialization

All Connectors bind to their data sources.

CSV File


IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator

AL Lifecycle

- Phase Two: Cycling (Read)

AL automation powers the first Connector to read from the input file, passing the byte stream through the CSV Parser.

XML Document CSV File

The CSV Parser turns the byte stream into a series of Attributes, each with a single string value.

Attributes are put in the

Conn Entry



IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator

AL Lifecycle

- Phase Two: Cycling (Input Map)

The Input Map of our first Connector specifies which Attributes are to be created in the

Work Entry


XML Document CSV File

The Input Map also specifies how the values of these new

Work Entry

Attributes are copied or computed based on those stored in the

Conn Entry



IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator

AL Lifecycle

- Phase Two: Cycling (Output Map)


Work Entry

is passed to our output Connector, where the Attributes to write are specified in its Output Map.

XML Document CSV File

Attribute values are now copied/computed the opposite direction: from the

Work Entry

to the

Conn Entry



IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator

AL Lifecycle

- Phase Two: Cycling (Write)

The output Connector performs the write operation using the Attributes in its

Conn Entry


XML Document CSV File


IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator

AL Lifecycle

- Phase Two: Cycling (Repeat...)

When the end of the AssemblyLine is reached, AL automation empties the

Work Entry

and passes control back to the start again.

XML Document CSV File

Cycling repeats as long as there is data to process, or until the AL is terminated by command or aborts due to unhandled errors.


IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator

AL Lifecycle

- Phase Three: Shutdown

When the cycle phase stops, the Connectors close their connections.

XML Document CSV File


IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator

Exercise 01: CSV to XML

Address City Department Status FirstName LastName State Title EmployeeNumber Zip XML Document

Simple mapping

CSV File Address City Department Status FirstName LastName State Title EmployeeNumber Zip


IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator

Exercise 02: CSV to XML (inetOrgPerson)

Address City Department Status FirstName LastName State Title EmployeeNumber Zip

Simple mapping

CSV File XML Document l street ou employeeType givenName sn st title uid postalCode cn mail objectClass dn

Advanced mapping 13

IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator

Exercise 02: CSV to XML (Computed values)

cn FirstName + " " + LastName mail


(minus ".", replace " " with ".") + objectClass inetOrgPerson dn "uid=" + uid +


IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator

Exercise 02: CSV to XML (Advanced map)

cn mail objectClass ret.value = conn.getString("FirstName") + " " + conn.getString("LastName"); var mVal = system.trim(conn.getString(" cn ")); mVal = system.remove(".", mVal); ret.value = mVal.replace(' ', '.') + "@ewidgets.com"; ret.value = ["top","person","organizationalPerson", ”inetOrgPerson”]; dn ret.value = "uid=" + conn.getString("uid") + ",ou=employees,o=ewidgets,dc=com";