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Manajemen Proyek dan
Strategi Kepemimpinan
Jurusan Teknik Elektro
Universitas Udayana
September 2011
• Manajemen?
– Manajer?
• Proyek?
• Strategi?
• Kepemimpinan?
Manajemen proyek?
Strategi kepemimpinan?,
Proyek gagal?
Proyek sukses?
Proyek Telekomunikasi / TIK (Teknologi
Informasi Komunikasi)
• Team work?
• Project Management Lifecycle?
• “A Project is a temporary endeavour
undertaken to create a unique product or
• Temporary endeavor
– Starting and Ending phase
– Transition phase
– Time line
• Unique product/service
– Installing a LAN for company A can be a
project. Installing a similar LAN for company B
is another project.
– There are obvious similarities between these
two projects, so it is likely that much of the
planning can be reused.
– Different locations, may be different times,
different users, using different equipment.
– Probably the project teams will be composed
of different people.
• Projects are generally established for one
of two reasons
• an opportunity for the company
– It could be an opportunity to get into a new
market, to offer a better service to customers,
to introduce a new capability, etc. This could
be an enhancement, or something brand-new.
But an opportunity exists to do something
better or to do something different.
• to solve a problem
– Possibly some equipment is not meeting
service requirements, or some process is not
as efficient as desired, or does not produce
the customer satisfaction it should.
– Maybe someone just cut a major backbone
fibre, which now has to be repaired. Or the
data collected by the billing system is not
consistent with the billing in the networkprovisioning database.
Project success
• Complete on time.
• Complete within budget.
• Meet the defined project scope goals.
Project failure
• Failure to define scope
• Scope creep On every project
– people encounter some suggestions for
additions or changes to the project. If these
occur before the planning is finished, they can
be built into the design.
– However, these suggestions and requests
continue to arrive throughout the project.
• Unreasonable or unrealistic
• Insufficient funding
• Failure to accept full accountability
– The project is destined for trouble all the way
if not everyone understands what their
responsibilities are, and what they are
accountable for. In addition to understanding,
the PM needs to ensure that he or she has
their commitment to these as well.
• Insufficient resources. Resources
could be people, space, money,
equipment, skills, etc.
– The team may lack some expertise or
knowledge. If so, the quality is liable to suffer,
and working with less than optimal people
generally increases the time durations as well.
• Not learning from past failures.
– Learning from past mistakes can save
huge amounts of time and money – if people
just take the trouble to do so.
– In a mature organization, there is a
recognition that failure will occur from time to
• Time pressures pushing people too
– People often start doing their work too fast,
not leaving enough time to do things properly.
– Of course, this will impact the quality, and
probably also increase the overall time
requirements, as additional work will be
required to correct the inevitable mistakes, or
forgotten activities.
• Lack of proper planning
– Good Project Management, most of these are
related to planning. So there are many
different aspects of the project that require
good planning.
• Not identifying decision makers
– This is a mistake that can easily happen.
Most project teams do identify their key
• To kill projects, don’t communicate
– If we want to keep the project vibrant, we
need to decide what communications need to
happen, and when, and then ensure that they
do happen.
– Creating and distributing the appropriate
documentation is mission critical.
• Lack of professional environment or
lack of professionalism on the team
– This can make the working environment
unpleasant for many people.
• Losing resources
• Project Management is the application of
knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to
project activities to meet project
• Leadership—the process of influencing
individuals or groups to accomplish an
organizational goal or mission
• Management—the process of planning,
organizing, directing and controlling a
project or activity
• Leadership theories
– A theory or model is worthless unless it
can be applied in the real world
• Leadership strategies are based on a
thorough analysis of the current situation
and an informed view of the future
• The strategy then provides a series of
recommendations to close the gap
between the current situation and desired
• There are a number of obstacles which
inhibit creativity.
– 1 Negativity
– 2 Fear of failure
– 3 Lack of quality thinking time
– 4 Over-conformance with rules and
– 5 Making assumptions
– 6 Applying too much logic
– 7 Thinking you are not creative
• Creative thinker: produces new and original ideas
• Innovator: brings new products/services to the
market or changes existing ones
• Inventor: produces new and commercial ideas
• Entrepreneur: conceives or receives ideas and
translates them into business reality to exploit a market
• opportunity
• Intrapreneur: responsible for innovation within an
• Champion: determination and commitment to
implement an idea
• Sponsor: backs an idea and helps remove obstacles
• Successful businesses run on innovation
and change and effective innovation
• 1 a blend of new ideas
• 2 the ability to get things done
• 3 sound commercial sense
• 4 customer focus; and
• 5 a conducive organisational climate.
• A survey of successful chief executives on the
attributes most valuable at top levels of
management indicated the following in order of
A leader must:
1 Give direction
2 Provide inspiration
3 Build teams
4 Set an example
5 Be accepted.
Internet Inventor
• Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee
– Tim Berners-Lee was the man leading the
development of the World Wide Web (with
help of course), the defining of HTML
(hypertext markup language) used to create
web pages, HTTP (HyperText Transfer
Protocol) and URLs (Universal Resource
Locators). All of those developments took
place between 1989 and 1991.
• Facebook was invented by Harvard computer science
student Mark Zuckerberg, along with classmates
Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes.
• The website was originally and briefly called Facemash.
• Mark Zuckerberg was a second year student, when he
wrote the software for the Facemash website. Perhaps, it
was Zuckerberg's sophomoric sense of humor that led
him to create the site as a type of "hot or not" game for
Harvard students, where website visitors could compare
two student photos side-by-side and let viewers decide
who was "hot" and who was "not".
• Mark Zuckerberg put his skills to good use by hacking
into Harvard's security network and where he copied the
student ID images used by the dormitories and used
them to populate his Facemash website.
born May 14, 1984
• his personal interests as "openness, making
things that help people connect and share
what's important to them, revolutions,
information flow, minimalism“
• We had books called Face Books, which
included the names and pictures of everyone
who lived in the student dorms. At first, he built a
site and placed two pictures, or pictures of two
males and two females. Visitors to the site had
to choose who was "hotter" and according to the
votes there would be a ranking
• The site went up over a weekend, but by
Monday morning the college shut it down
because its popularity had overwhelmed
Harvard's server and prevented students from
accessing the Internet. In addition, many
students complained that their photos were
being used without permission. Zuckerberg
apologized publicly, and the student paper ran
articles stating that his site was "completely
• Around the time of Facemash, however,
students were requesting that the
university develop an internal website that
would include similar photos and contact
details. According to Hasit, "Mark heard
these pleas and decided that if the
university won't do something about it, he
will, and he would build a site that would
be even better than what the university
had planned
• YouTube Inventor - Steve Chen
• Steve Chen was born in 1978 in Taiwan
and immigrated to the United States when
he was 15.
• He was educated at the University of
Illinois and and after graduation found
employment at PayPal, where he met his
fellow YouTube co-inventors and cofounders Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim.
Currently, Steve Chen serves as the Chief
Technology Officer at YouTube.