Transcript Slajd 1

AUTHOR: Łukasz Przywarty 171018
Table of contents
1. Introduction
2. Recognition process
Face detection
Feature extraction
Face recognition
3. Application example
4. Summary
5. Literature
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Information Security
Access security (OS, data bases)
Data privacy (e.g. medical records)
User authentication (trading, on line banking)
Access management
Secure access authentication (restricted facilities)
Permission based systems
Access log or audit trails
Person identification (national IDs, Passports,
voter registrations, driver licenses)
Automated identity verification (border controls)
Law Enforcement
Video surveillance
Suspect identification
Suspect tracking (investigation)
Simulated aging
Forensic Reconstruction of faces from remains
Personal security
Home video surveillance systems
Expression interpretation (driver monitoring system)
Entertainment - Leisure
Home video game systems
Photo camera applications
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Since when?
1960’s – semi-automated system: required the administrator to locate face
coordinates; computer used this for recognition
1970’s – Goldstein, Harmon, Lesk: vector containing 21 features e.g
eyebrow weight, nose length as the basis to recognize faces (pattern
1986 – Kirby, Sirovich: methods based on PCA (Principal Component
Analysis); goal: represent image in lower dimension without losing much
information; dominant approach in following years
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Pose variations
Observation conditions (angle, light, shadows, reflections etc.)
Facial expression
Facial occulsion: make-up, hair style, accesories
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Recognition process
How to do it?
or verification
How to detect face?
Detection depending on scenario:
Controlled environment – simple edge detection techniques
Color images – skin colors can be used to find faces
Images in motion – e.g blink detection
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Recognition process
How to detect face?
Detection methods:
Knowledge –based methods :
they try to capture our knowledge of faces and translate them into
set of rules (face has two symmetric eyes, the eye area is darker
than the cheeks etc),
facial features could be the distance between eyes or color
intensity difference.
Feature-invariant methods:
algorithms that try to find invariant features of a face despite it’s
angle or position
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Recognition process
How to detect face?
for example: algorithms that detect face-like textures or the color of
human skin.
Template matching
try to define face as a function and find a standard template of all
the faces,
template colud be: face contour, relation between face regions in
terms of brightness and darkness,
limited to faces that are frontal.
Appearance-based methods
statistical analysis.
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Recognition process
How to standarize image?
Histogram modification
Image filtration
Geometrical transformation
Desaturation or color modification
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Division of face recognition systems
Feature-based approach
First, most intuitive idea
First step: localization of points on face images:
eyes centre points
nose start-end points etc.
Next step: measuring:
face, nose width, height etc.
distances between eyes centres, nose and eyes etc.
Accurate points localization
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Division of face recognition systems
Feature-based approach
Used methods:
Geometric Matching
Bunch Graph Matching
Hidden Markov Model Techniques
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Division of face recognition systems
Holistic approach
Whole face analysis
Methods based on:
simple method operating on input image pixels,
direct comparision to a pattern in database,
works if images were taken in almost the same conditions
PCA (Principal Component Analysis ) and eigenfaces concept:
feature dimension reduction (converts two dimensional vectors
into one dimensional vector)
extracts the features of face which vary the most,
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Division of face recognition systems
Holistic approach
problem: image must be the same size and normalized; pose and
illumination variation in not acceptable,
rate od recognition: 95%
LDA (Linear Discriminate Analysis) and Fisherface concept
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Division of face recognition systems
Hybrid approach
Both local feature and whole face
Methods based on:
AAM (Active Appearance Model)
integrated statistical model which combines a model of shape
variation and apperance with new image,
built during a training phase,
compares both whole face shape and pixels brightness around
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Application example
Picasa 3.5
Static images
Luxand FaceSDK
66 feature points
-30-30 degrees head rotation support
49 700 faces per second
Verilook 5.1
Multiface processing
Live face detection
Tolerance to face posture (near 360 degrees)
44 000 faces per second
Multiple samples of same face
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Final word
Despite of 40 years development still unreliable
12% of biometric technologies (2nd place, after print)
Low effectiveness in pilot projects (UK: Newham, USA: Tampa)
Failed trial in airports
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1. E. Bagherian, R. Wirza O.K. Rahmat. „Facial feature extraction for face
a review”
2. C. Iancu, P. Corcoran, G. Costache . „A review of face recognition techniques for
in-camera applications”
3. M. Smiatacz, W. Malina. „Automatic face recognition – methods, problems and
4. K. Ślot. „Rozpoznawanie biometryczne”
5. K. Ślot. „Wybrane zagadnienia biometrii”
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Thank you for your attention!