Transcript Slide 1

Charity Talks
Sayer Vincent
Improving Support Functions
Catherine Johnstone
Our Founder
Chad Varah
Samaritans Journey
 Set up in 1953
 Founded by Chad Varah
 Federated structure with Central Charity as
coordinating body for the 201 Samaritans
branches (separate charities) across UK &
 161 Centres internationally operating under
Befrienders Worldwide (BW)
Vision & Mission
Fewer people die by suicide
To alleviate emotional distress and reduce the
incidence of suicidal feelings and suicidal
What do we do?
 We provide confidential, emotional support by
telephone, email, SMS, letter and personal
 We provide range of outreach services
including prisons, schools, hospitals.
People making their own decisions
Non judgemental
Human contact
 Volunteer led organisation.
 Board of Trustees (15) of whom majority are
active listening volunteers (11).
 Council of Samaritans – 234 members.
 18,750 highly trained volunteers deliver 24
hour services.
 100 paid staff at head office (General Office).
 Range of support volunteers offer support for
non listening duties.
 New Strategy - ‘Taking a lead to reduce suicide
 Published Sept 2008 with go live April 2009
 Took 2 years to develop.
 Real step change for the organisation.
 Passive, below the radar to proactive and wanting to
take a lead.
 Positioning as ‘expert agency’.
Strategy Development
 Federated nature of organisation meant long
time to develop new strategy.
 Key that all branches and volunteers were
consulted and engaged in process.
 Hugely differing views on way forward.
 Consensus decision reached in June 2008.
 Go live date set for 1 April 2009.
 Step change meant back to basics
 Organisation been very modest (below radar)
 Done same thing for decades and cultural change
very challenging.
 Recognised need for new approach.
 New CEO appointed Feb 2009
 1 paid member of staff to 256 volunteers
 Principle that majority of resources go to front line
 Split strategy into phases which happened
 Year 1- getting ready (Fit 4 Purpose)
 Years 2-5 – Making it Happen.
 Year 6 – What next?
 Strategy required a 50% increase in funding
over 5 years.
Keeping focussed - organisational
Identified 6 key outcomes;
 Reach more people.
 Alleviate serious emotional distress.
 Become a knowledgeable organisation.
 Positively impact upon public policy.
 Influence service provision.
 Improve public awareness.
Support Functions
Human Resources
Information Technology
Governance & Compliance
Event Management
Human Resources
Sorted out the job descriptions
Pay and grading review to set baseline
Staff survey
Staff forum
Management Development Programme
Mixed economy
 HR team of 3.75 whole time equivalents;
 1 Director; 1 Head of Team; 1.75 HR
 Supports 100 staff and first stage branch
 Supported by Remuneration Committee;
Mixed economy
 Use experts such as Croners’ to support key
 External payroll;
 Nationally negotiated support contract with
HR Services Partnership (external agency)
for in depth branch level work;
 HR is part of People Programme and joined
with volunteering.
 Use external coaches to support senior staff.
 Finance Team is 12.5 whole time equivalents;
 They manage annual budget of £11m with
oversight of federated budget of £8m;
 The portfolio includes planning; governance &
compliance and IT;
 Supported by Audit & Risk Committee;
Finances – mixed economy
CASS Business School Students.
Audit graduate students for specific projects.
Planning consultant.
Specialised project managers.
Governance experts (external agencies).
Information Technology
 Part of finance team (5 WTE’s);
 Supports telephone/email & SMS helpline
 Manages internal General Office systems;
 Supports website and intranet;
 Supports fundraising systems
Information Technology – mixed
 Offsite support for servers related to
telephone helpline;
 General Office systems all contained within
 Two other providers for email & SMS (soon to
be changed);
 Contract for resilience with external provider
to ensure independence.
Governance & Compliance
 1 WTE person;
 Focus on governance;
 Works with external agency such as
Compass to increase capacity;
 External Auditors (PKF).
 Internal Auditors (Mazaars).
 4 WTE’s aligned to People portfolio;
 Responsible for reception, back office
support; building maintenance; catering;
 Mainly internal function but use external
cleaning agency and electricians, plumbers
and decorators;
 Seeking to relocate offices and using
specialist property company and Director of
another charity who have just relocated.
Event Management
 2 WTE’s;
 Developed own event management systems;
 Use external contractors for signage and
 Use range of external venues with all
contracts being centrally negotiated;
Why has this worked so far..
 Been bold about using proper, tried and
tested management processes but ownership
of different areas held internally;
 Been patient – trial and error;
 Been brave enough to try new things;
 Looked at what others have done to avoid
making same mistakes.
Programme approach
 Corporate Plan 2011 – 2014 so planning on
rolling 3 years;
 Organised ourselves across 5 programmes
and 33 projects;
 Taken time to get to know external providers
of services;
 Been clear about who does what;
 Not been afraid to change provider and test
the market.
Team effort
 Involved trustees in all aspects – really important;
 Review regularly and enhance governance
 Utilise volunteer expertise;
 Make every penny count but don’t be afraid to invest.
Team effort
 Developed a culture of mixed economy;
 Managed capacity issues effectively to avoid
getting behind.
 Invested in time to get to know external
agencies and providers so that they
understand our needs.
 Kept tight parameters on use of external
support to avoid lack of internal expertise.
Samaritans Contact Details