Become Hot Spot Healthy

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Group Wellness Program
get your goldilocks level
Protein: get your Goldilocks level
• When it comes to protein, it’s important to get it just right. You want
not too much, and not too little, but just the right amount. You also
want to get the right kinds of proteins.
• By the end of this session you should know what you need to eat
when it comes to protein. This could make a significant difference
to your health.
Protein: get your Goldilocks level
get your
Goldilocks level
Protein: get your Goldilocks level
Protein: get your Goldilocks level
Protein: get your Goldilocks level
Protein: get your Goldilocks level
Protein: get your Goldilocks level
Protein: get your Goldilocks level
• These are all examples of protein foods eaten in the Hot Spots,
and we can eat them, too.
• In the Hot Spots, protein foods are eaten at most or all meals. We
should try to do the same. That does NOT mean eat meat at most
Which foods are protein foods?
Dairy products – cheese, milk, yogurt
Seeds (pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax, quinoa, buckwheat).
Buckwheat and quinoa are used like carbs but are really the seed
of a fruit and are good sources of protein.
Which foods are protein foods?
• Beans and peas (e.g., kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils, soy beans)
• In other words, the main high-protein foods are living creatures
and their eggs and milk, and things which come in a pod or shell –
beans, nuts, seeds, lentils.
• In the Hot Spots, the main daily protein sources tend to be fish,
beans, legumes, nuts, seeds and eggs.
• Meat is eaten only once a week or less and it comes from lean,
organic animals which roam the countryside eating a natural diet.
This makes a big difference to the fat content of their flesh.
Why is protein so important for our health?
• We need protein to build and repair cells, to make immune bodies,
and for hormones.
• Protein-rich foods are also good sources of B vitamins which we
need for energy, brain health, and other important functions.
• Eating protein is really important for balancing blood sugar levels.
Balancing blood sugar is key to preventing accelerated aging and
chronic disease.
Why is protein so important for our health?
• Eating too much starch and too little protein can also cause
problems with weight. This is because a high-starch diet causes
insulin to instruct cells to store fuel as fat rather than burning it.
• Eating protein also lowers levels of ghrelin, the ‘hunger hormone’,
so we know when to stop eating and are less likely to have
High meat diets are NOT the answer
How much protein do we need?
• The US Recommended Daily Allowance for protein:
– 63 g daily for men
– 50 g for women aged 25 – 50 (more during pregnancy and lactation)
• To make an exact calculation, we need 0.8g daily per kg of
bodyweight, which works out to 48g daily for a person weighing
132 lbs.
• Hot Spot people eat around 50g daily on average.
• The average North American eats too much protein -approximately 150g daily.
– This also tends to be unhealthy protein which is high in fat – mainly meat and
– Eating this amount of rich protein can lead to acidity, inflammatory conditions,
and excessive amounts of harmful putrefactive bacteria (the type that causes
meat to rot) in the gut.
How much protein do we need?
• As a rough guide try including at each meal one or more of these:
A moderate-sized piece of fish
An egg or two
A cup of beans
A cup of dhal
A handful of nuts and seeds
A cup of quinoa
A few pieces of tofu
Some live plain yogurt
Eat red meat no more than once a week, and poultry (chicken or turkey)
around once or twice a week
• Fish: try baked, in fish pie, fish cakes, grilled, curried. Avoid deepfrying.
• Beans: try black bean tortillas, bean wraps, casseroles and soups.
Add cooked or canned beans to a salad.
• Nuts and seeds: eat them fresh and raw, preferably straight from
the shell. Add seeds to salads. You can gently heat seeds in a little
soy sauce but try to limit heating as much as possible as this
damages their ‘good’ fats.
• Scrambled eggs, poached eggs, omelet, pancake made with eggs,
quiche, egg-fried rice, boiled eggs, egg mayo
• Meat – choose lean cuts and boil or stew, then skim the fat off. Eat
with plenty of vegetables to provide fiber to get things moving
down the colon, as meat can cause constipation and the vegetables
will help offset the acidity of the meat.
• Chicken/turkey – make casseroles or roasts once a week and use
the leftovers to flavor soups and other vegetable-based meals or
add to salads or sandwiches.
Example day
• Breakfast:
– Yogurt and mango smoothie with Essentials and ground flax
– Peanut butter on toast
• Mid-morning snack:
– Handful of pumpkin and sunflower seeds, piece of fruit
• Lunch:
– Bean and tuna salad with quinoa, avocado and gently roasted sesame seeds
• Mid-afternoon snack:
– Carrot dipped in hummus
• Dinner:
– Stir-fried chicken, broccoli, zucchini, green beans, lemon and garlic with
brown rice
Protein content of different foods
100g serving
cheddar cheese
mixed nuts
kidney beans
1 cup milk
amount of protein provided (g)
Protein content of different foods
100g serving
2 tbsp. peanut butter
Greek cow’s milk yogurt
1 egg
low-fat yogurt
1 baked potato
brown rice
1 slice brown bread
amount of protein provided (g)
Get your complete proteins
• We need to eat complete proteins every day.
• Complete proteins contain eight ‘essential amino acids’.
• Proteins from animals, birds, fish, and the eggs and milk they
provide contain all eight essential amino acids.
• Most plant proteins do not contain all eight. However, mixing plant
proteins such as nuts or beans with whole grains does provide all
eight essential amino acids.
• Avocado, soy, quinoa and millet are all plant foods containing all
eight essential amino acids. These are excellent additions to the
• For example: a black bean tortilla with avocado provides all eight
amino acids and a good dose of protein to the Nicoyans. For the
Okinawans it’s fish and tofu. In Hunza, it’s whole
wheat chapatti with dhal.
Protein as part of a balanced diet
• Remember, these proteins foods fit with a diet containing plenty of
fruit, vegetables and whole grains. You also need the right fats –
you’ll learn about this important part of the diet in a future lesson,
and about how the right fats can help you slim!
• Once you have all of those things straight, you have the basic Hot
Spot way of eating to help you be a healthy weight and avoid
chronic disease.
Red meat
Red meat
• In the Longevity Hot Spots meat is in limited supply and it is lean,
organic, and free range. It is therefore lower in saturated fat,
higher in good fats, and does not contain added hormones or other
• Meat is enjoyed perhaps once a week or on special occasions.
Red meat
Red meat
Red meat
• Meat is a great source of protein, B vitamins, and minerals.
• However, eating too much meat causes acidity, inflammation,
constipation, a toxic environment in the colon, and other problems.
• The studies are now conclusive that eating too much red meat can
raise mortality rates and significantly increase the risk of cancer.
The Adventist study in Loma Linda showed that eating meat
increases the risk of colon and ovarian cancers by 65 percent.
• Pork is sometimes thought of as red meat and sometimes as white.
• Pork is a favorite in Bama, Okinawa, Nicoya, Campodimele, Symi,
and Sardinia. A local saying in Okinawa is ‘everything but the
• ‘Longevity pork’ is eaten in Bama.
• Pork is an excellent source of proline and glycine, which help keep
connective tissue strong and elastic. In the Hot Spots it has the
further advantage of coming from pigs eating a nutrient-rich diet
of root vegetables.
• If you want to eat pork, look for lean, organic cuts and enjoy it as
a special treat. In the Mediterranean Hot Spots, hams and salamis
do not contain the cancer-causing nitrites and nitrates which are
added to ours. Look for good-quality brands cured only with salt.
White meat
• White meat = chicken and turkey
• White meat is generally thought to be a healthful alternative to
red meat. A 2009 National Cancer Institute study of half a million
people from the US found that, while red meat raised the risk of
mortality, a raised intake of white meat was associated with a
slightly reduced risk of death.
• Remember that there may be other factors to consider, such as
white meat eaters having a more healthy diet and lifestyle overall,
so it does not prove that eating a lot of white meat is good for
White meat
• White meat has health advantages and disadvantages. It is a
good source of protein, B vitamins, and other nutrients including
Coenzyme Q10 which is good for heart muscle. Cooking the
carcass to make soup provides hyaluronic acid which is used to
make collagen to keep our skin youthful and elastic.
• On the other hand, white meat is still meat and eating too much
can create acidity, inflammation, and constipation.
• In the Hot Spots it is good quality, organic, free range, and fed on
a natural diet. It is eaten only around once a week. This is the best
way to get the most advantages and least disadvantages.
• Eggs are a complete protein.
• Egg yolks are a good source of the valuable minerals iron and
• Egg yolks contain the eye-protective antioxidants lutein and
• Eggs contain lecithin, which helps us to digest fats.
• Contrary to popular belief, eggs do not raise levels of ‘bad’
cholesterol in the body or increase the risk of heart disease for the
majority of people. The exception to this rule is people with Type II
diabetes and ‘responders’ – people for whom eating dietary
cholesterol has a marked impact on blood cholesterol; they may
need to limit egg intake.
• Eating eggs in excess may cause constipation; if that is true for
you, limit consumption to around 3 eggs weekly and make sure you
eat plenty of plant fiber.
• Some people are allergic to eggs which may cause problems such
as psoriasis or eczema – if you suspect you have a problem, try
excluding them from your diet for two weeks, then eat some eggs
and watch for symptoms over the next three days.
Hot spot tips for eating eggs:
• Use free range, organic eggs for higher nutrient content and better
• Eggs from grass-fed hens or eggs labeled ‘omega-3 rich’ will
contain higher levels of beneficial omega 3 fats than other eggs.
• Poaching, boiling or scrambling preserves nutrients better than
Dairy products
• Home-made organic dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, butter
and milk are eaten in most of the Hot Spots.
• They are eaten in small quantities and are from lean, organic
animals – usually goats, sheep, and sometimes yaks. They are
usually unpasteurized.
• Modern dairy products are higher in saturated fats, are unlikely to
contain beneficial bacteria, and usually contain hormones, dioxins,
and other harmful chemicals.
Dairy products
Dairy products
Dairy products – benefits
• Dairy is a complete protein, containing all eight essential amino
• Dairy is high in calcium – however, this may not be absorbed by
the body when we eat it (see below).
• Fermented dairy products such as yogurt and soured cream
contain beneficial bacteria which we need for digestive tract
Dairy products
Dairy products – drawbacks
• Dairy, especially when it comes from battery-farmed animals, is
high in saturated fat which can lead to excess estrogen,
inflammation, high cholesterol levels and weight gain.
• Dairy products contain growth factors which are associated with
inappropriate cell proliferation and cancer. Breast and prostate
cancer rates are highest in countries which consume the most dairy,
and some experts believe there may be a link. Breast cancer rates
are extremely low in non-dairy consuming countries such as
Thailand and Japan.
Dairy products
Dairy products – drawbacks
• Dairy is acid-forming, which can lead to loss of calcium from the
bones. Osteoporosis levels are highest in dairy-eating countries.
The Harvard University’s Nurses’ Health Study, which followed
78,000 women over 12 years, found that those consuming most
calcium from dairy foods had more broken bones than those who
rarely drank milk.
• Non-organic dairy products usually contain hormones and
antibiotics as well as highly toxic dioxins. Many people are allergic
to or intolerant of dairy products, especially people of
Mediterranean or Asian origin. Symptoms include constipation,
mucus, diarrhea, and gas, eczema, respiratory problems such as
asthma, and gastrointestinal problems.
• Fishing is a way of life in several Hot Spots.
• In Okinawa, Bama, Symi, Nicoya and Campodimele, fresh fish is
often eaten.
• Fish is an excellent source of protein while being low in saturated
fats so is a good alternative to meat.
Pollutants in Fish
• Our seas are polluted!
• Fish can contain mercury, PCBs, and dioxins.
• The bigger the fish, the more chance it has had to accumulate these
in its flesh.
• However, research indicates that the benefits of eating fish,
especially oily fish, outweigh the risks. Oily fish are mackerel,
salmon, herring, anchovies, sardines and to a lesser extent tuna.
Restrict your intake of larger fish such as shark, tuna and swordfish.
• Eating fish regularly (around twice weekly) has been found to cut
the risk of heart disease by over a third and to reduce total
mortality by 17 percent, according to a 2006 article in the Journal
of the American Medical Association.
Pollutants in Fish
• The benefits of eating fish are put down largely to the omega 3
fats present and seem to reduce the risk of a wide range of illness
including childhood asthma, dementia, diabetes, inflammatory
conditions, heart disease, depression and cancer.
• Try to eat fish which is sustainably sourced, since our fishing
methods are destroying our oceans! Look for canned tuna which
has been caught by pole and line methods.
• Shellfish are a good source of protein and zinc, but farmed
shellfish can be very high in pollutants, so check your sources.
• Legumes = beans and peas (e.g., kidney beans, chick peas and
• Legumes are a staple in the Longevity Hot Spots.
• They are nutritious, filling, versatile and inexpensive!
• Legumes are a great source of protein but, unlike meat, they do
not contain saturated fat. When combined with whole grains they
are a source of all eight essential amino acids.
• Legumes are high in insoluble fiber which seems to lower the risk of
colon cancer: the Adventist Study conducted in the Hot Spot Loma
Linda showed that legume-eaters appear to reduce their risk of
getting colon cancer by 30 to 40 percent.
• Legumes are a rich source of antioxidant flavonoids, B vitamins,
and minerals such as zinc, calcium and magnesium.
• Legumes contain phytoestrogens, weak forms of estrogen which can
help balance hormones and are thought to soften the effects of the
menopause and possibly reduce the risk of breast cancer.
• Okinawans eat 3 ounces daily of soy products – tofu, miso,
tempeh, soy sauce.
• Soy is thought to be possibly linked to the low breast cancer rate
among Asian women. This is attributed to the phytoestrogen content
of soy which may help balance estrogen levels in women.
• Soy is a complete protein, providing all eight essential amino acids
our bodies need daily.
• Soy contains immune-boosting plant sterols.
• Soy contains both omega 3 and 6 essential fats.
• Soy is good for heart health as it contains compounds which protect
blood vessels.
• Soy contains both magnesium and calcium, for heart, muscle and
bone health.
There’s soy, and then there’s soy
• The mass-produced, processed soy and soy-based TVP now
available in ready meals, meat substitutes and energy bars is not
very digestible, contains trypsin which inhibits protein absorption,
and is often made from GM soy.
• Soy milk is slightly less indigestible but may still cause problems,
especially if used in excess.
• Studies have also shown that soy supplements and processed soy
products promote breast tumor growth in laboratory animals.
• Soy is one of the top eight allergenic foods. This may not be the
case with traditional fermented soy products.
• Avoid modern processed soy products and go for traditional,
fermented soy products such as good-quality tofu, tamari soy
sauce, tempeh, and miso. Soy yogurt is also a fermented product –
look for GM-free brands.
Nuts and seeds
• Eating nuts and seeds can have a big impact on health.
• Nuts and seeds are popular in the Longevity Hot Spots – usually
straight from the tree.
• Nuts and seeds are an excellent source of protein, fiber, vitamins
and minerals.
• Nuts and seeds are rich in heart-protective vitamin E, calcium and
magnesium; Seventh Day Adventists who eat nuts five times weekly
have a 31 percent lower risk of getting heart disease than those
not eating them.
• Nuts and seeds contain omega 6 essential fats. Walnuts, hemp
seeds and flax seeds also contain omega 3 fats. Both these fats
are crucial for good health!
• Brazil nuts are high in selenium, a powerful anti-cancer antioxidant
Nuts and seeds – what to know
• Nuts can go rancid quickly due to their content of polyunsaturated
fats, so buy the freshest you can find – preferably still in their
shells. Keep them in an airtight container in a cool dry place to
preserve freshness.
• Make sure to choose unsalted, raw nuts rather than salted, roasted
• Nuts are fairly high in calories, but contain nutrients which are
good for metabolism and should not cause weight gain, especially
when included as part of the Hot Spot Diet.
• Some nuts, especially peanuts, can be powerful allergens.
Vitamin B12 – caution for vegans
• Meat – red or white, fish, eggs, and dairy products contain vitamin
B12, which is essential for health, especially of the brain and
nervous system.
• There are very few vegetable sources of B12.
• Vegan sources of vitamin B12 include chlorella (contained in Akea
Essentials), miso, seaweed, and fortified foods such as cereals and
spreads. Vitamin B12 is also produced by ‘friendly’ gut bacteria.
Some vegans may need to take supplements in order to to avoid
health problems.
This week, try to eat a healthy
protein with every meal.
no man is an island