SIOP - Selah School District

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Transcript SIOP - Selah School District

Review Homework
Share (with your tablemates) what your favorite
movie is and why
2. The person with the movie that was
________________, will begin sharing first and
then will follow in a clockwise manner
3. Share what strategy you used and how it went.
4. Listen carefully as you may be asked to share what
your group mates have said!
Today’s Learning Targets:
 Content Objective: (WHAT)
You will be able to understand at least 2 strategies that
you can use to support students as you build their
background knowledge
 Language Objective: (HOW)
You will be able to share (speak) about how you want
to implement at least one of today’s strategies
Building Background’s Sub Components
Concepts linked to student’s backgrounds
To correct their misconceptions
To plug their learning holes
To further develop relationships
Links between past learning and new learning
Making connections (text to self, text to text and
text to world)
Filing information in more than one place in your
brain increases retention of learning
Developing key vocabulary: academic language
Vocabulary Development:
The best bang for your buck!
 Tier 1: common words, nouns, sight words, high-
frequency words and verbs (ones kids SHOULD
already know)
green, Selah, jump, he, was, first
 Tier 2: academic words found in text books but not
often in general conversation (Goldilocks Words)
pictograph, prediction, fact
 Tier 3: uncommon words, rarely found in school
texts except in particular contexts (words kids need
ambiguous, serendipity
Insert Method
 SIOP Book Page #33
 In partners, students read a non-fiction text using a
coding system (use any text)
 Great for increasing “think while you read” skills
 4 easy codes:
1. Check mark for something already known
2. Question mark for something confusing
3. Exclamation mark for something new or surprising
4. Plus for something that is new and interesting
 Pay close attention to students’ markings so you can
address questions and new learning.
Think, Write, Timed Group Pair, Share
 Start with the person who has taught for the least
amount of time in US schools, then continue around
in a clockwise manner.
 For 1 minute, share with you group one way you
could intervene about the questions and new
learnings observed through the Insert Method.
 If the “sharer” has shared all the want to and if there
is additional time, they may be interviewed by the
team. All students are welcome to write all ideas
down. (Accountability?)
4 Corners Vocabulary
 SIOP Book Page #40-41
 This format is used in JC’s ELL program K-4
 Modified by Melissa, Cindy and Renee during GLAD
 The difference is the addition of the “motion”
 Enormous impact on student engagement and
retention of new information
Our Vocabulary Graphic Organizer
picture motion
Alligator I chomped Chewing
on my
or eating
yum yum
Timed Rally Robin (Partners)
 Stand up
 The partner who has the darkest colored hair gets to
share first
 For 45 seconds, share what you liked about the 4
Corners graphic organizer or our ELL version
 Sit down when you are done
Backwards Book Walk- Using a Text Book
 SIOP Book Page # 31
 Use with a non-fiction text with strong text features
and good organization
 Starting from the “whole” and moving to “parts”
 Any configuration works: individual *, pairs, groups,
whole class
 Model this first and teach text features and their
purposes in aiding the reader to better understand
and make meaning of the print
Find SomeoneSole Partners
 Find someone who has shoes that are like yours in
some way
 Share one thing that you liked about the Backwards
Book Walk
 Give your partner a Ketchup Applause (p. 10.15
handout) when you are done:
Students (pretend t0) hold an imaginary bottle of
ketchup upside own in a closed right fist. With their
left hand, they pat the bottom of the bottle to help
the ketchup come out. Each pat makes a deep
clapping sound.
Review Learning Targets…
 Content Objective: (WHAT)
You will be able to understand at least 2 strategies that
you can use to support students as you build their
background knowledge
 Language Objective: (HOW)
You will be able to share (speak) about how you want
to implement at least one of today’s strategies
Think, Pair, Write, Share
 Think about today’s language objective,
share with your table mates what you think
you’ll try in your classroom this week! Feel
free to record your thoughts on the purple
 That’s all folks! See you next time for
Comprehensible Input