University of Colorado System Replacement Projects

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University of Colorado’s System
Replacement Projects
Student Information System
Degree Audit System
Revision 2 1/25/2007
Current System
• Has been in place since 1988 (since early
’90’s for degree audit).
• Core system of record for Admissions,
Advising, Student Records, Student Billing
and Receivables, Financial Aid.
• 4,000 faculty/staff/administrators use it.
• Over 60,000 students use it.
Why does it need replacing?
• Our current SIS is 20 years old and uses outdated technology.
• The needs and expectations of our students, faculty, and staff have
changed considerably over the last two decades. This was
confirmed during various demonstrations and town halls that we’ve
held over the last few years.
• Vendor support for our current system ends in 2009.
• Due to retirements and evolving technology, fewer people have the
programming skills needed to keep the current system running. The
university faces a significant risk of SIS failing or being out of
compliance beyond 2009.
Objectives of the new systems
• Provide a system that substantially improves
service to students, faculty, staff and other users
taking into account growing service demand and
stable or shrinking staffing and fiscal budgets.
• Implement one integrated University system of
record for student and program data but yet
allow for flexibility to meet campus and
academic unit needs.
• Improve the quality and timeliness of the data
that is stored and empower end-users with
access to tools for data analysis.
Principles of the Project
• Formal project management structure – includes
project teams, advisory & steering committees,
• Inclusive governance – faculty, staff and
students as well as campus administrators and
• Decision making at multiple levels.
• Open and effective communications.
• Balance between technology replacement and
business improvement.
What is Degree Audit?
• Tool that can assist students, faculty and
advisors in:
– Measuring progress towards degree.
– Tracking student coursework towards individual
requirements (MAPS, Core, major, minor, etc.)
– Storing course equivalencies (to course level, core
area, individual course) in tables, both from inside
and outside of CU, especially for known “feeder’
– Provide support for automated graduation checkout.
– Can provide course demand analysis.
– Assist in recruiting and retaining top academic
transfer students.
Who can use degree audit?
• Enrolled students to track progress towards
degree and requirements and can get advice on
changing majors through “what if” audits.
• Prospective transfer students could use this to
see if their courses from other institutions would
be accepted.
• Faculty and Professional advisors can use this
to advise and eliminate unnecessary paper work
to track progress towards requirements and
degree. It could also perform an automated
graduation checkout.
Degree Audit Timeline
• RFP sent – September 2006
• RFP due – Early October 2006
• Scripted demo – October 31 –
November 2
• Evaluation team arrives at vendor decision
in November 2006.
• Contract signing in process, January 07.
• Project begins January 2007.
What is the Student Information
• Tracks student data from the prospect
stage all of the way through graduation or
last attendance at any CU institution or
• Also tracks course, faculty and room
scheduling data.
• Hundreds of thousands of student records,
primarily 1988 and beyond.
Student Data Includes:
• Student bio-demo
• Student &
contact info.
• Stops/Probation info.
• Program info
• Enrollment
Academic History
Transfer Credit
Admissions data
Financial Aid data
Student employment
• Billing data
• Progress to Degree
Faculty/Course/Room Data
• Inventory of all
courses offered,
primarily since 1988
• Characteristics of the
course – lec/lab/rec,
etc., core content, cr.
hrs, enrollment
history, etc.
• Courses offered each
• Course catalog
• Instructor Data
• Classroom Inventory
• Specific classroom
request for term
• Assigned classroom
• Ad hoc classroom
Who can use the Student
Information System?
• All students use it at least one time each
semester (when they register and pay their bills),
and most likely many, many times through
CUConnect or ChooseCU portals. Financial aid
award notification, bills, degree audits,
schedules, grades and address changes are all
SIS data.
• All faculty with portal or web access for their
class rosters, view degree audits, get reports of
students like grade sheets or other reports.
• Approximately 4,000 staff members who view
and update SIS on a daily basis.
SIS Replacement Timeline
RFP sent early September.
RFP is returned by late October.
Scripted demos occurred.
Decision made on vendor early January
SIS Replacement Timeline (cont.)
• Fit/gap analysis in February through May
• Contract signing in May 2007.
• Project begins July 2007.
Implementation Timeline
Go Live Dates!
Degree Audit - 2007
Admissions and Course – Summer 2009
Financial Aid – January 2010
Student Records/Registration (for Fall
2010 registration) – Spring 2010
• Student Billing – Summer 2010
Chosen Vendors
• Degree Audit –
– DARS/DARwin (Degree Audit Reporting
System from Miami University of Ohio)
• SIS Replacement – Oracle Campus Solutions
Project Scope
• Admissions, recruitment, Customer
Relationship Management
• Degree Audit/graduation checkout/transfer
• Course and classroom scheduling
• Course inventory
• Student Registration and Records
• Financial Aid/Student Employment
Project Scope (cont.)
• Billing and Receivables System
• Data on course instructors and teaching
• Academic Advising
• Workflow and automation tools to enhance
• Self-service functionality for students,
faculty, staff and others.
Project Scope (cont.)
• Data warehousing and reporting.
• Interfaces to other internal and external
systems, to be defined in a later phase of
the project.
• Implementation of portal strategy, either by
integration with existing portal
implementations or through the vendor
provided portal.
Possibly in Scope
• Document Imaging/Management
• Better integration with or incorporation of
campus shadow systems
Not in Scope
Learning Management System
Housing Management System
Library Management System
fsaAtlas for SEVIS compliance
But integration with all will be required.
What can a new system do for us?
Easier to use/more efficient
- Ability to query much
more data in the system
- A more user friendly
system, so training
should be easier
- Ability for faculty and staff
to view what students are
- Easier to audit data.
• Significant improvement
in communications to
students through:
– Ability to set-up
communication plans.
– Automation of manual
processes today.
– More efficient means to
track correspondence.
– Potential for cell phone
messaging, easier
web/portal updates, pod
casting and blogs.
What could a new system do for us?
For students • XML generated e-mails and
PDF’s to allow better
• Student tracking of in-progress
grades through instructor
• Course planner that allows
students to integrate their plan
with registration for the
semester or into the future.
• Conditional drop/add
• Ability for prospective students
to view what courses might
transfer in to CU.
• Ability for students (as well as
advisors and faculty) to get
separate degree audits for
courses still needed and
courses completed.
• Ability for the audit to find the
shortest path to fill the greatest
number of degree
• Greater workflow in the portal
which will require less running
• Ability to register from the
schedule planner.
What can a new system do for us?
• Electronic gradebook
• Web-based grading
• On-line prerequisite
checking at registration.
• Better notification to the
student if they are
repeating a course they
have already completed.
• Student photo rosters for
classes or advisees.
• Use of workflow for
processes such as
change of grade, course
proposal, late drop and
add, etc.
• Ability to predefine a
template of courses
students can take based
upon major requirements,
then link into registration.
What can a new system do for us?
Core Student offices
• Create new fields and
define new data elements
within core offices.
• Ability to schedule batch
jobs daily without UMS
• Expiration dates on stops.
• Improved user security to
view or update student
• Electronic transcript
process using XML or
PDF processing.
• Integration with a
common imaging system.
• Ability to store multiple
• Multiple GPA’s can be
What can a new system do for us?
Billing/Financial Aid • More control over how
tuition and fees are
• Greater flexibility and
automation of billing.
• True non-student
interaction on payments,
account detail, refunds)
through self-service.
• Easier and more accurate
setup of tuition and fee
parms, finance charges,
billing, stops, refunds.
• Ability to award financial
aid according to more
complex rules and
automate processing for
more complex programs.
• True third party billing
Project Budget
• Current estimated budget is $47.5 M, which
includes internal reallocation of funds of $1.9
million. Budget will be finalized next spring.
This budget is very comparable to similar
projects at large research universities.
$20.0 M Project Staffing
$12.5 M Hardware and Software
$11.8 M Vendor Consultants
$1.5 M Degree Audit System
$1.2 M Project Operations
$.5 M Gap Fit Analysis
Project Funding
• To date, the President has committed about $22 M from
his initiative funds towards funding the project.
• Additionally, President Brown has a strong preference of
providing additional initiative funds to further support the
project, but needs to balance the project needs with
other competing needs in the university.
• Given that, other funding options, which include use of
student fees and/or additional campus funding, are being
• Over the course of the next several months, the Vice
Presidents, campus CFO’s and the President’s
Executive Team (including the Chancellors) will evaluate
the options, leading up to a presentation and
recommendation to the Regents in the Spring of 2007.
We are not alone…
• Other institutions implementing or recently
implemented new student systems:
• Colorado – Colorado State University,
community college system, University of
Northern Colorado (all implementing Banner)
• AAU Institutions – Illinois (Banner), Indiana
(Oracle), USC, UC Santa Barbara, Cal-Berkeley
(Various), U-Chicago (Matrix), North Carolina,
Ohio State (Oracle), Missouri (Oracle), Virginia
(Oracle), Kansas State (Oracle)
Why Oracle over Sungard?
• Profound functional differences between the
• Oracle one or two generations ahead
• Strong areas included: student self-service,
prerequisite checking, concurrent registration,
enrollment management and overall flexibility
• Strong Higher Education user group with
universities like CU
• Significantly lower price than Sungard
Evaluation Committee Quotes
• “Simply put, Oracle seems a better fit for a multiinstitution environment such as ours. In the
written requirements, and particularly in the
demos, Sungard seemed to require substantial
customization for even basic cross-institution
functionality (e.g., viewing academic history from
all campuses on a single screen). While
Sungard’s customizations could eventually meet
these needs, it is hard to see how this could
result in a better product than one, such as
Oracle, that handles this core requirement much
more natively.”
Evaluation Committee Quotes
• “The Academic Administrator & Faculty work team is
confident that the functionality provided by the
Oracle/Peoplesoft product best fits the complex needs of
the CU system.”
• “Oracle offers greater flexibility and functionality in the
definition of the academic structure itself, particularly in
the variety of academic outcomes (majors, minors,
certificates, etc.) that can be defined. Oracle also
handles associations of outcomes with responsible units
(colleges, departments) more flexibly. Potentially
stronger integration with the HR and GL systems also
gives Oracle an edge.”
Different from the ASP Project in
Significant Ways
The Administrative Streamlining Project (ASP) was launched in1996 to
reengineer the university’s financial and HR processes, and
implement Peoplesoft Finance and HRMS software. The focus was
on reengineering with the system as a tool to accomplish that goal
• Grassroots desire for replacement of SIS. SIS Replacement much
more campus-driven.
• Replacing old technology; improving business processes, not topdown reengineering from CU System Office.
• If desired, an individual campus, school or department may decide
to take advantage of new capabilities to reorganize how their work is
done. We will seek ways to take advantage of the new system to
improve services and be more efficient and effective
Different from ASP, cont’d
• Inclusive project governance, open
decision making, open communication
• Wide range of participation from university
• Major “Fit/Gap” process before
implementation “No surprises” is our goal.
Keep in Mind
 The functionality of the software will
necessitate some changes in how we do
our jobs. Software implementation is
never easy! We should expect to have
some difficulties along the way.
Overview Demos in February
• On each campus – if you haven’t seen the
software yet, please come see it. Location
and date TBA.
• Project Team
– Dave Makowski, Asst. VP for
Computing and Information
Systems –303-492-9156,
[email protected]
– Trish Pottersmith, Director,
SIS Systems Development –
[email protected]
• Campus Project Liaisons
– Boulder – Barb Todd,
[email protected],
– Colorado Springs – Steve
Ellis, [email protected], 719-2623375
– Denver – Teri Burleson,
[email protected], 303556-2734 or Kaye Orten,
[email protected], 303556-6153
– HSC – Ingrid eschholz,
[email protected], 303315-4352