Transcript Chapter 1

Mata Kuliah : Perilaku Organisasional Buku acuan : Gibson, Ivancevich, Donelly (2000). Organization: behavior, structure, process. McGraw-Hill

The study of Organizational Behavior

Organisasi sebagai sistem


kesatuan sosial

yang memiliki

batas yang dapat diidentifikasi



dinyatakan dengan jelas dengan

sistem aktifitas yang terstruktur.

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1. Organisasi merupakan sistem terbuka.

2. Seperangkat elemen-elemen yang saling terkait dan berhubungan yang memperoleh input dari lingkungannya, memproses/transformasikan, dan menghasilkan output pada lingkungan eksternal.

3. Organisasi juga merupakan sistem sosial; bentuk khusus dari sistem terbuka yang mengandalkan pada individu dan kelompok orang-orang yang bekerja bersama dalam cara yang terstruktur dan terkoordinasi.

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The Organizational System 4/28/2020

Sistem Lingkungan Subsistim Nilai-nilai

dan tujuan -Budaya -Pilosofi -Tujuan; Organisasi, Kelompok, Individu

Subsistem Manajerial Subsistem Teknika

-Pengetahuan -Teknik-teknik -Fasilitas -Peralatan

Subsistem Psychosocial

Sikap, Persepsi, Motivasi, Kepemimpinan, Komunikasi, Hub interpersonal Penetapan Tujuan Perencanaan Integrasi SD Pengimplementasian Pengendalian

Subsistem Struktural

Tugas, Aliran pekerjaan, wewenang, aliran informasi, prosedur, aturan MQM 421/Srping 2006 4

Subsistem Teknikal;

Terdiri dari tugas-tugas yang disyaratkan untuk menghasilkan produk atau output organisasi (mis: komputer) 

Subsistem Struktural;

Subsistem Menentukan divisi dari pekerjaan dalam organisasi.

Organisasional chart

merupakan bagian yang integral dari subsistim ini.


Orang-orang dan hub mereka satu sama lainnya menjadi elemen utama.

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Subsistem Manajerial;

Cara-cara formal atau informal yang digunakan manajer untuk menjalankan tugas.

Subsistem Nilai dan Tujuan;

Sifat dan kualitas tujuan merupakan bagian subsistim ini. Penekanan bukan hanya pada reward tetapi pencapaian hasil.

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What is an Organization?

1. Consciously coordinated social unit 2. Composed of two or more people 3. Functions on a continuous basis to achieve a common goal 4. Characterized by formal roles that define the behavior of its members 4/28/2020 MQM 421/Srping 2006 7


The Characteristics of an Organization

People Purpose Structure MQM 421/Srping 2006 8 3

Supervise Others Top Managers Middle Managers First-Line Managers Front-Line Employees

The Levels of an Organization 4/28/2020 MQM 421/Srping 2006

Work on Jobs

9 4

Challenges Facing Organizations






Globalization Changing nature of competition Demographic changes and diversity Lack of interpersonal (people) skills Changing nature of competitive advantage, including innovation 6.




Managing change Changes in the employee – employer relationship, including declining loyalty Increase in the number and severity of work/life conflicts Importance of ethics 4/28/2020 MQM 421/Srping 2006 10

Organizational Behavior

1. The study of human perceptions, attitudes, behavior, and thus performance in organizations 2. Intended to help us predict and control behavior and performance outcomes 3. Behavior is influenced by personal and situational factors 4/28/2020 MQM 421/Srping 2006 11

Contributing Disciplines

Psychology seeks to measure,explain, and change behavior Sociology studies people in relation to their fellow human beings

Social psychology

focuses on the influence of people on one another Political science is the Anthropology is the study of the study of societies behavior of individuals to learn about human and groups within beings and their activities

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a political environment

See Exhibit 1.3, p. 10, for additional detail

Foundations of Organizational Behavior

Psychology Individual Sociology Group Social Psychology Anthropology Political Science

Prentice Hall, 2001


Chapter 1

Study of Organizational Behavior


Understanding Organizational Behavior

Individual Differences Fundamental Consistencies Intuition

Prentice Hall, 2001 Chapter 1

Systematic Study


Basic OB Model, Stage I

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EXHIBIT 3-8 What may happen in traditional objective setting.

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OB follows principles of human behavior – each persons is different. Employee as a unique embodiment Organizations are social systems – authority, status, and power, and people have varying needs Multiple factors shape OB – no one best way to manage Structure and process affect organizational behavior and emergent culture.

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Three Perspectives on effectiveness

Individual effectiveness Group effectiveness Organizational effectiveness 4/28/2020 MQM 421/Srping 2006 18

Causes of effectiveness

Individual effectiveness Causes Ability Knowledge Attitude Motivation Stress 4/28/2020 Group effectiveness Causes Cohesiveness Leadership Structure Status Roles Norms MQM 421/Srping 2006 Organizational effectiveness Causes Environment Technology Strategic Choice Structure Process Culture 19

Three ways to think about effectiveness

1. Goal approach. Emphasize the central role of goal achievement 2. System theory 3. Stakeholders approach 4/28/2020 MQM 421/Srping 2006 20