Pi Gamma Mu 2009-2010 Service Projects

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Pi Gamma
2009-2010 Service Projects
Ceremony Food
Food Drive for the Claymont
Community Center
• This past year
changed to
requiring service
– Change driven by
many campus
– Service hours
allowed BETA
Chapter members
to select a cause
of their choice
– Each contributed
10 hours
Cheryl Yard
• Easter Seals
Volley Ball
Lisa Marich
• Helping prepare and serve dinner at the Annual Friends Meeting chicken
pot-pie supper
• I will be making a difference in my community by lending a helping hand
by donating 2 cakes, rolling dough in the AM and then setting tables,
greeting guests, serving, cleaning up and prepare to sit with the
committee to plan for next year's event!
• This donation of time and energy means so much to so many in the
community and beyond. Since it is held on the same day as the Historic
Homes Tour we generally seat around 200 guests each seating (there are 4
seatings and take outs are continual all day).
• The next service project will be the Spring Fling to be held in early May at
a school in the community in which I live. This annual event invites
parents and children to enjoy an evening filled with food, fun, games,
bouncies, a petting zoo and prizes. We hold this event to raise money for
new items around our school. Last year we raised enough $ to purchase
new risers for our chorus!
Ryan Brinker
I wanted to update everyone on my service
project. I figured I would use my experience in
life and the field of psychology so far to aid
those in need of support through simply
talking with them.
I've had the opportunity over the past few
months to visit with support groups at the
Delaware Psychiatric Center, Gaudenzia
House, Meadow Wood Hospital, and the
Salvation Army to speak with patients who
need consoling in order to give back to society
as well as gain experience for my future.
Although there is no absolute start or finish to
this type of service project, the rewards and
help I feel that I'm carrying is invaluable. This
has only been about 4 or 5 hours of volunteer
time, and I'm sure to continue as each
opportunity arises.
Mary Stewart
This Christmas for my service project my entire
family and extended family did not give one
another any gifts.
Instead we all put how ever much money we could
afford into an envelope and anonymously placed
the envelopes in a jar.
In another jar we each wrote down which charity
we would like to give the money to in our family
name. At the end of the night we picked out a
charity from the jar.
We donated around three thousand dollars to the
Red Cross. With the earth quake in Haiti, red cross
was a great choice because we were confident that
the money was going somewhere it was needed. It
worked out well and at the end of the Christmas
season none of us missed giving and receiving gifts
because it was rewarding helping others in need.
Ethel Vieira
On March 19, 2010 I had the pleasure of volunteering (4
hours) at the Guardian Angel Childcare Center in
Wilmington, DE. This facility is run by the Ministry of
Caring and provides quality childcare for low income and
homeless families. My daughter who is in the 8th grade
was working on her service project for school and asked
me if I would like to come and volunteer as well. We
spent the day reading, and singing and caring for some
extraordinary children. The experience was exhilarating
for me as well as my daughter. We are planning to go
back and volunteer again in the near future.
My upcoming service project will benefit the Bayard
House in Wilmington (a residential facility serving young
pregnant women). I would love to personally volunteer
in the facility(currently in the process of arranging this);
however after getting some ideas from their website, I
have decided to throw a “baby shower” at my home and
invite family and friends to donate baby items that can
be donated to the Bayard House….
Margaret Yaeger
Here is an update on my service projects efforts. Due to my hectic
schedule I have not been able to commit to a large, on-going
project, but I have been able to help different groups at various
In November and December I helped the Social Concerns
Committee at my church (St. John the Apostle in Milford) with their
annual food and gifts drive. We collected turkeys and nonperishable food items and prepared holiday food boxes for more
than 50 families. We also collected and distributed clothing and
toys to these families for Christmas.
I also belong the St. Joseph Columbiettes (a religious women's
service organization). As a group we have held various fundraisers
and we were able to donate $100 each to six different non-profit
groups in December. We also prepared and served a reception for
our 10th grade confirmation class in January.
In March I volunteered at Calvary Methodist Church in
Milford. They serve a free lunch every Saturday and they have a
free clothing closet which is open two Saturdays per month. I
worked in the clothing closet for a couple of hours, helping to fold
and bag clothes after people had made their selections. Many of
them were so grateful and it was very rewarding to be able to
provide clothing to people who were in great need.
I will continue to look for other service opportunities. I will be
finished my classes at the end of this month and I look forward to
having more time available to volunteer.
Donna Roye
• Hello! On Friday, May 7,
I am cooking dinner at
the Ronald McDonald
House in Wilmington
with a group of my coworkers. To make it a
special evening, we are
doing a baseball-themed
dinner and serving
"stadium" foods.
Katelyn Baker
• For my service project I dedicated over 10 hours of volunteer time to my
brother's wrestling team. A lot of the kids on the team do not have
enough money to get wrestling gear or travel to various tournaments. The
team has fundraisers and frequently run concession stands in order to
help benefit the team and help the kids be able to participate in the sport.
I know a lot of kids on the team and since a lot of the parents don't
participate in raising money, I decided to try and help them out. I helped
set up and run three concession stands that each lasted three hours. I also
stood outside of a local grocery store with the wrestlers to ask for
donations from customers walking out. I enjoyed volunteering because it
was nice to help out others.
Johanna Bishop
This year I have decided to donate my time
to serve as my community's civic association
president. I really don't have the time to do
this, but, since you all are doing such a great
job donating your time, and you are all such
busy people as well, I was inspired to do the
same! So far it's been a challenge-- we've
had a record breaking winter and so
managing snow removal from the
neighborhood has been a big item on the
agenda, and now the entrance sign to the
neighborhood has been stolen and the
remaining wall that holds the entrance sign
has been vandalized! Of course, all of this
comes on top of calls from neighbors about
this, that, and the other...on the plus side, I
am getting to know my neighbors better and
find many of them really interesting people!
Guess there are many ways of giving back to
society and this is one of them! :)
Christina Arkainno
• In about 3 weeks, I'll be leaving for
Waveland, Mississippi to volunteer a
week at the Christian Life Center
(reconstruction, while isn't so intense
anymore, is still occurring due to
Hurricane Katrina). The current project
that the center is working on will include
the community's Thrift Store. I'm not
sure yet what my assignment will be, but
they are doing some reconstructing. I
may also volunteer time in the kitchen
for cooking and cleanup or assist the
prayer team and hit the community to
offer support! I hope everyone is doing
well :).
Cynthia Carbonetti
Finishing up my last semester at Wilmington University and
applying to grad school has kept my life insanely busy. However,
after next week is over, I plan to start helping out at Nativity
Prep. This is a school for young boys in the city of
Wilmington. They are enrolled in catholic middle school and there
tuition is free, it is offered to low income families in the city of
Wilmington. The students that are enrolled here are faced with
rigorous course work in order to prepare them for catholic high
school. In the evenings there is an opportunity to volunteer and
help the students with their homework. I have volunteered here
in the past, and the students are always extremely thankful for any
help and assistance in learning. I have gone in the past, and the
teachers and priests are extremely thankful as well. It feels great
knowing your helping an organization that is running off of
donations to help these children achieve a higher education.
I also work at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital. There is a
strong need at the hospital for blood donations. They just opened
a clinic where you can walk in and donated blood at any time and
the blood will be used to treat someone here at the
hospital. Working here, we receive units of blood for patients all
the time. Realizing that were are in a shortage and people in need
may not receive the blood they need makes me feel like i need to
do something. I typically pass out from getting my blood drawn,
even just for labs. This is going to be a big personal victory for me
to overcome as well as helping someone in the community!!
Hopefully I don't pass out!!
Stephanie Sczcerba
• Hello...
• On Friday, 5/7, I spent five hours at the
Ronald McDonald House (Wilmington,
DE) prepping, cooking and serving a
meal to the families staying at the
"House." Several of my co-workers were
"guest chefs" with me. We took
advantage of the warm weather and
had a cookout. One of my co-workers,
BJ, brought her cd player and played
Michael Jackson's "Thriller" album. She
danced with some of the children and
taught them to moondance.
• I have volunteered many times at the
House. It gives you a fresh perspective
on just how lucky you are.
Kimberly Edge
Hello everyone!
Well, I finally figured out a great idea for my service project
that fit into my crazy schedule! I was spending so time surfing
the internet to find a project that I could do from home when
my mom told me about a project that she was thinking of
doing. The organization is called ConKerr Cancer. The idea is
to make pillow cases for children who are in the hospital for
cancer treatment. The pillow cases in the hospital are plain
white and it brightens up their room and helps to cheer them
up a little by having a handmade pillow case in colors or
I fell in love with the idea and my grandmother did too! Since
both of us sew, we decided to work on it together. I was able
to complete the project for Pi Gamma Mu, help sick children
to maybe fell a little better, and spend time with my
grandmother! We got a little carried away but it was worth it.
We made a total of 15 pillow cases! I will attach some pictures
of the process. I really enjoyed it and hope to do more in the
If anyone is interested and knows how to sew they are on the
web at www.conkerrcancer.org. It was a fun and flexible way
to do something good for someone. You can even do it in your
pajamas if you wanted!
Latasha Knock-Brinkley
• Tonight, I'll be volunteering (3 hours) at the Blue
Rock's Frawley Stadium for the American Cancer
Society's Annual Relay for Life. I've had the
distinct pleasure of working with them for the
past five years now of volunteering and raising
money for more advance research and cancer
awareness programs. This event runs all night into
the next day!! It's truly an awesome fun filled
event for everyone! The most touching part for
me is walking and helping others who are still
fighting the battle and seeing those at the
illumination ceremony remembering loved ones
who lost their battle. I will take pictures tonight
and place them up as soon as possible.
• Latasha
Deirdre Rhoades
• Today my daughter and I will be
walking at the Tails and Trails
benefit for the SPCA. My daughter
adopted an abused pitbull from the
shelter a few years ago and she has
been the most loving and gentle
dog we have ever owned. We
have supported the shelter by
donating bones and blankets and
this year we decided to sponsor two
fundraisers. This summer we
will organize Rita's Water Ice and
Friendly's fundraisers with all
proceeds supporting the SPCA.
Amy Panicelli
• Hi Everyone! I recently donated my
time to The Moose Lodge in Vineland,
NJ. I assisted in their weekly bingo
night. The Moose Lodge is a wonderful
organization that helps children,
disabled individuals, and anyone in
need. The reason I chose to do my
service at the Moose Lodge is because
they donate so much to my place of
work (Easter Seals). Over the past year
they have donated money, lockers,
clothes, tv sets, picnic tables and they
cater our annual Christmas party and
summer picnic. I thought that donating
my time to the Moose Lodge would be
a great way to give back to the
community since they do so much!
Patricia Spratley
My volunteer time is split between 2 events.
1.I volunteered to be a DE Teen Idol Audition Judge.
This statewide competition is coordinated by Frank
Hawkins of AIDS DE. The teenage competitors
compose rap, songs, dance, poetry about abstinence,
stop the violence, teenage pregnacy, etc.
DE youth
have awesome and original talent. The winners from
the 4 statewide auditions will compete in a final Teen
Idol Competition on 8/6 follow by Duffy's Hope, Day of
Fun for the Entire Family on 8/7 @ Frawley Stadium.
2. I volunteered to be an Assistant Teacher at a faithbased summer program for two weeks. The children I
help with are ages 12-14 and it has been a real
pleasure talking with and getting to know them.
Considering I am from PA and inner city, I really feel
that this program is giving back to
my hometown, keeping kids off the streets in the
evenings and educating them in a faith sense. Of
course, they learn - but then there's food, fun, singing
and we will close with a Fun Day (water ice, moon
bounce, prizes and competitions).
Latasha Nock-Brinkley- 2
My second part of my service project that I
just completed on Saturday August 14th was
cooking breakfast for families at the Ronald
McDonald House. It was definitely one of
the service project where you truly had to
count your blessings. Just to see the look on
their faces to see that we did the smallest
thing, but it was a big thing for them, truly
made my day!!
My third service project is scheduled for
Saturday August 28th. My church and I are
helping one of the neediest areas in the
whole state of Delaware. When I first took
on this project, I thought it would be
somewhere in Wilmington or New Castle.
However, it's a community just only down
the street my from church. I've already
interacted with these kids and believe me
they truly need TLC. These kids have already
been through so much. We just found out
that the young men were being molested by
older women. Truly keep us in your prayers
to help this community!!
Summer Post
• For my service project I have been
volunteering at Freedom Worship
Center's nursery. I get to watch the
children as their parents attend the
service. Due to the fact that I am
watching others children, I cannot
post pictures. This is because it is a
violation of their privacy and I do
not have permission from their
Helene Jones
On May 22, 2010 and May 23, 2010 Rachel Thompson and
I volunteered and participated in the First State 19th
Century Baseball tournament. Rachel and I ran the
information booth where individuals would come to find
information on the day's schedule, what teams were
included, scores on the games, history on Fort DuPont and
much more. This tournament was in effect to drive
awareness for Delaware's history. Delaware's history, as
well as, the forts is not of great awareness. By hosting the
tournament on Fort DuPont the Delaware Diamond State
Baseball Club was hoping to raise awareness and make a
name for the state of Delaware. Teams Participated from
various surrounding states. All of the teams were vintage
baseball clubs that played by 19th century baseball
rules. It was a good turn out! Spectators from other states
were interested in the fort's history, as well as, the
Delaware Diamond State Baseball Club. It was a very
interesting experience. It felt good to give back to our
state and help to raise awareness for it's history and
current standing.
Malgorzata Stachnik
• Hello everyone...my name is Maggie and the service project I
completed was at a local carnival that is organized by my
church. I did the volunteer work with the help of my sister
and we worked a game booth on Aug. 17 and 18 from 5 pm
to 10 pm. We were pretty much in charge of the game,
collecting money, and giving out prizes. It was a fun
Donna Roye
The organization I chose to do my community service at is near and dear to my
heart. My grandmother (Ms. Ernestine Morris) was legally blind. She
passed away in 1997, however, she was a strong member of the
Philadelphia Corporation for the Blind. Since her passing I have dedicated
my time to volunteer work and sponsorship through this
organization. Once a month I spend 5 hours of service to the needs of this
population. One of the many things my grandmother needed as person
with a disability (like loss of sight) needed was someone to help her with
maintaining her bills, going to the grocery store and general homecare
activities like reading the newspaper to her. In her honor the organization
created a group of training volunteers, like myself, to go to various homes
of their clients a perform the above noted duties. For the month October I
went to my regular two clients homes and assisted them with getting their
monthly bills organized and out the door. One client has a cat that needed
to be seen by the vet, I located and scheduled a vet visit for her so that she
could have a piece of mind that her pet was being medically attended
to. With my other client, I simply spent time with him by reading the
newspaper to him (he likes current events) ordering his spoken worked
books from the local library and contacting his family regarding his need
for transportation to and from church. I maintain the same clients and
may add one here or there as the need arises.
Stephanie Szczerba
To finish my 2010 service project, I
volunteered as a guest chef on 10/1
at the Ronald McDonald House. I
organized and planned the meal,
wrote the shopping list but had a
"helper" (a co-worker) split the
shopping duties with me. Our
theme for this dinner was an Italian
100's of Beanie Babies, huh? I am
not embellishing...my mother was a
huge Beanie Baby fanatic when they
hit stores...for some time, she has
wanted to sell them. Like her,
everyone has Beanie Babies, and
there is not a market for them. I
suggested we donate them to an
I know participating as a guest chef
at the Ronald McDonald House does
make a difference. I hope the
Beanie Babies bring some comfort
and a smile, too.
One Person Can
Make A Difference!
• 2010- 2011
Service projects:
Food drive this
• 2011 Polar Bear
• 10 Service Hours
to a project/ cause
of choice