Transcript Why “unpack”? - Department of Social Sciences
Why “unpack”?
“The first step in translating the Language Arts Florida Standards into engaging and outcome-focused curriculum involves a careful reading of the documents in order to insure clarity about the end results and an understanding of how the pieces fit together.” Wiggins, G. and McTighe, J. (2012)
Unpacking The Common Core Standards Using The UbD Framework
. (DVD) Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Wiggins, G. and McTighe, J. (2012)
From Common Core Standards to Curriculum: Five Big Ideas
. Retrieved from
Understanding By Design
Stage 1 – Identify Desired Results
Determine what students must
KNOW Understand Do facts and basic concepts – recall understandings and inferences skills and process – apply
to achieve mastery of the standard .
Stage 2 – Determine Acceptable Evidence Identify appropriate assessments and tasks that align to what students should be able to “DO” to show mastery.
Stage 3 – Plan Learning Experiences Plan the lessons and activities that students will engage in to acquire the desired learning.
Department of Social Sciences Pacing Guides w/Florida Standards
How to read LAFS… LAFS.
Subject Area
Language Arts Florida Standards
Grade Level
Grade 6
Cite specific textual evidence to support
Reading History analysis of primary and secondary sources.
Key Ideas and Details.
How to unpack…
Underline the nouns and key qualifiers.
The nouns in the standard are the big ideas of what the student is expected to learn. These can be translated into what students should know and understand in order to master the standard.
Circle the verbs.
The verbs show what the student is expected to do to prove mastery.
− Place the skills and concepts that are necessary to meet the expectations of the standards in the sections (consider the nouns and verbs) KNOW ( and DO
facts & basic concepts)
(understandings and inferences) (skills and processes to apply)
sections I Do LAFS.68.RH.1.1
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.
(facts & basic concepts)
• Specific evidence that is most important idea in the primary and secondary sources.
• Support detail is an important part of the text.
(understandings and inferences)
• Cite support of the analysis • The evidence can be stated or inferred.
• Recounting the primary and secondary sources.
(skills and processes to apply)
• Cite textual evidence of a text.
• Recount specific evidence in the source.
• Explain how the details support the analysis..
We Do
As a grade-level group, unpack the provided standards: Underline the nouns (and important qualifiers) circle the verbs. Complete the 3 column graphic organizer .
Know, Understand, Do. Determine what the student needs to know, understand, and do to achieve mastery of the standard (look at the nouns and verbs). Record in the appropriate column.
2. Each grade level shares their “unpacked” standard. Guiding questions:
Are any skills/concepts inferred in the standard?
What skills and concepts spiral throughout each grade?
How does the rigor increase in each grade?
How can we use this information to vertically align our instruction (so that each grade builds on what was taught in prior grades)?
They Do
Unpacking LAFS in Reading History Guided Practice
They Do
Unpacking LAFS in Social Studies Guided Practice
We Do 9
They Do