Conflict Prevention from the European Union’s perspective

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The European Union’s
Crisis Management System
Natália F. de O. Marques Leal
University of Kent at Canterbury (UK)
Conflict Research Society Annual Conference 2008
“Conflict and Complexity”
University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
2-3 September 2008
EU’s security role
CM origins and development
CM operational record
CM structures
Decision-making procedures
Conc.  A lot still to be done but progressive
attempts to endow the EU with the necessary
means to achieve its ambitions
EU’s (desired) role in the global arena
“This is a world of new dangers but also of new
opportunities. The European Union has the potential to
make a major contribution, both in dealing with the
threats and in helping realise the opportunities. An active
and capable European Union would make an impact on a
global scale. In doing so, it would contribute to an
effective multilateral system leading to a fairer, safer and
more united world.”
(ESS, 2003: 14)
EU’s ambition to ‘export peace and security beyond
its borders’ (Europa)
EU’s & CM (Surveys)
Worldviews 2002:
• Europe should play a more active role in world affairs (even
though Europeans were mainly concerned with domestic issues).
• Favoured economic and political tools over military instruments
(in spite of the willingness to use force in certain circumstances).
Transatlantic Trends 2006:
• 46% of Europeans felt that “the EU should strengthen its
military power to play a larger role in the world.”
The External Image of the European Union (2007):
• “the EU is often associated with peace-making processes and
security concerns” + crisis management approach one of its
elements of distinctiveness (even though EU not widely known
outside its borders)
List of available CP instruments
EU’s CP toolbox includes “development co-
operation and external assistance, trade policy
instruments, social and environmental policies,
diplomatic instruments and political dialogue,
co-operation with international partners and
NGOs, as well as the new instruments in the
field of crisis management [inc. civilian and/or
military missions].”
+ Enlargement!
CM & CP and the conflict cycle
Conflict Prevention (CP)
the EU’s actions (both short and long-term) “to address the conflict
dynamics by addressing structural root-causes of conflict as well as
the expressions of violence. [In this sense,] Conflict prevention
activities can and should be designed before a conflict (preventing the
outbreak), during a conflict (preventing its spread) and after
(preventing its re-emergence).” (European Commission)
versus Crisis (or conflict) Management (CM)
activities that take place after initial prevention has failed and a
conflict has already erupted in order to contain both its vertical and
horizontal escalation
short-term security concerns
The EU’s pillared-structure (focus on ESDP; 2nd pillar)
From Peace Within to Peace Beyond
‘Never again’ postulate; 1951 (Paris Summit): ECSC
Conflict prevention as the driving force of the EU integration process
Internal concern versus external projection/‘model to export’
 The establishment of CFSP (1993) and birth of ESDP (1999)
 End of Cold War + Yugoslavian conflict
UN - Agenda for Peace (1992)
OSCE - Charter of Paris for a New Europe & Conflict Prevention Center
NATO - new strategic concept & enlargements
WEU / Council of Europe
OAU - Mechanism for Conflict Prevention, Management, and Settlement
EU CM: Origins and Evolution (1)
1991/3: TEU  CFSP: “…eventual framing of a
common defence policy”
1997/99: Amsterdam Treaty  “…progressive
framing of a common defence policy” + Policy
Planning and Early Warning Unit (PPEWU)
1998: French-British Summit at St. Malo:
“the Union must have the capacity for autonomous
action, backed by credible military forces, the means
to decide to use them, and a readiness to do so, in
order to respond to international crises”
1999: June (Cologne European Council) – establishment
EU CM: Origins and Evolution (2) 1999
June – ESDP + Nomination of Javier Solana
December – Helsinki European Council:
“cooperating voluntarily in EU-led operations, Member States must be able,
by 2003, to deploy within 60 days and sustain for at least 1 year military
forces of up to 50,000–60,000 persons capable of the full range of
Petersberg tasks.”
Petersberg Tasks = “humanitarian and rescue tasks, peacekeeping tasks and
tasks of combat forces in crisis management, including peacemaking” (TEU)
(NATO) April – Berlin Plus Arrangements:
NATO MS “… stand ready to define and adopt the necessary arrangements
for ready access by the European Union to the collective assets and
capabilities of the Alliance, for operations in which the Alliance as a whole
is not engaged militarily as an Alliance. (…)”
EU CM: Origins and Evolution (3)
2000: June (Stª Maria da Feira) – priority areas for civilian
missions = police, strengthening of the rule of law,
strengthening civilian administration, and civil protection
2001: Adoption of the EU Programme for the Prevention
of Violent Conflicts (Götenborg)
2003: December – A Secure Europe in a Better World, the
European Security Strategy
2004: [EU-25] May/June – (military) Headline Goal 2010
+ Dec. – Civilian Headline Goal 2008
2005: European Gendarmerie Force
2007: new Civilian Headline Goal 2010 + Treaty of
EU Crisis Management Operations
1.01.2003 – 31.12.2009
EUPM I, II & III (EU Police Mission in Bosnia & Herzegovina) C
31.03.2003 – 15.12.2003
Concordia (EU Military Operation in former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) M
12.06.2003 – 1.09.2003
Artemis (EU Military Operation in Democratic Republic of Congo) M
15.12.2003 – 14.12.2005
EUPOL Proxima (EU Police Mission in the FYROMacedonia) C
2.12.2004 – (open)
EUFOR-Althea (EU Military Operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina) M
16.7.2004 – 14.7.2005
EUJUST Themis (EU Rule of Law Mission in Georgia) C
8.06.2005 – 30.06.2009
EUSEC DR Congo (EU Security Sector Reform Mission in D.R. Congo) C/M
1.07.2005 – 30.06.2009
EUJUST LEX (EU Integrated Rule of Law Mission for Iraq) C
15.9.2005 – 15.12.2006
AMM (Aceh Monitoring Mission) C
30.11.2005 –
EUBAM Rafah (EU Border Assistance Mission at Rafah Crossing Point in the Palestinian Territories)
15.12.2005 – 14.6.2007?
EUPAT (EU Police Advisory Team in the FYROMacedonia) C
1.1.2006 – 31.12.2009
EUPOL COPPS (EU Police Mission in the Palestinian Territories) C
EUPT Kosovo (EU Planning Team in Kosovo) C
12.06.2006 – 30.11.2006
EUFOR DR Congo (EU Military Operation in Support of MONUC during elections in DRCongo) M
17.06.2007 – 30.05.2010
EUPOL Afghanistan (EU Police Mission in Afghanistan) C
1.07.2007 – 30.06.2009
EUPOL RDCongo (EU Police Mission and its interface with Justice Sector, DRC) C
25.01.2008 – ?
EUFOR TCHAD/RCA (EU Military Operation in Eastern Chad and North Eastern Central African
Republic) M
16.02.2008 – 2010?
EULEX Kosovo (European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo) C
26.02/01.05.2008 –
EU SSR Guinea-Bissau (EU mission in support of Security Sector Reform in Guinea-Bissau) C/M
EU Crisis Management Operations (2)
2003: January – 1st ESDP civilian mission
(EUPM to BiH) + March – 1st EU-led
military operation in Europe (Concordia to
FYROM) + May – 1st EU-led military
operation outside of Europe (Operation
Artemis to Burnia, DRCongo)
= 18 missions (12 civilian + 6 military), 11
Community & Other
CM and CP Activities
2001: Feb.– Establishment of a Rapid Reaction Mechanism (RRM) +
August – 1st deployment of the RRM (Macedonia)
2005: EUBAM Moldova/Ukraine
Region and Country Strategy Papers (RSP/CSP) - development and
external aid policy
Peace-building initiatives
SSR & DDR programmes
Cross-cutting issues: SALW, landmines, drugs, conflict diamonds +
management natural resources
Early warning capacity + financial mechanisms
Work with other organisations (UN, AU)
2007: Peace-building Partnerships (PbP)
EU’s complex pillared-structure
1st pillar
2nd Pillar
3rd pillar
(inc. ESDP)
Communitarian vs. intergovernmental
CM (and CP) not restricted to one single pillar but
spreads across all of them
≠ institutions, ≠ decision-making and financing
European Union
European Council
Commissioner for
External Relations
EU Presidency
Private Office SG/HR
External Relations
Council of Ministers
Directorate A
Crisis Platform Policy Co-ord. CFSP
Deputy DirectorGeneral DGA-1
Council SecretaryGeneral/
Directorate-General E
External and PoliticoMilitary Affairs
Policy Planning and
Early Warning Unit
Directorate VIII
Defence Aspects
Military Staff
Directorate IX
Civilian Crisis
Political and Security
Committee (PSC)
Deputy DirectorGeneral DGA-2
Civilian Crisis
Deputy DirectorGeneral DGA-3
Military Committee
Commission CM Structures
Commissioner for
External Relations
External Relations (DG RELEX)
Directorate A
Crisis Platform - Policy Co-ordination
Deputy Director-General DGA-1
Deputy Director-General DGA-2
(CFSP, Multilateral Relations, North America,
East Asia, NZ, EEA, EFTA)
(ENP, Eastern Europe, Southern Caucasus and
Central Asia, Middle East and South Mediterranean)
Unit A2
Crisis Management and
Conflict Prevention
Unit A3
CFSP and
Rapid Reaction Mechanism
Unit A4
Security Policy
Deputy Director-General DGA-3
(Asia and Latin America)
European Council
(Heads of State and Government + President EC)
EU Presidency
Council Secretariat (next slide)
Council of Ministers
Permanent Representatives Committee
Political and Security Committee (PSC)
Military Staff (EUMS)
Civilian Crisis Management Committee
Military Committee (EUMC)
Politico-Military Group (PMG)
Council Structures
European Council (Heads of State and
Government + President EC): highest level of
political and strategic decision
GAERC/ERC (Foreign Affairs Ministers+EC):
decisions on external relations, incl. CFSP,
ESDP, trade and development cooperation +
ensure coherence across EU’s external action
COREPER (Ambassadors & deputies+EC):
prepares Council work and decisions
Council ESDP Structures (2000/01)
PSC - Political and Security Committee (Ambassadors &
deputies): monitors international situation in CFSP areas +
contributes to the definition of policies + monitors the
implementation of agreed policies + exercises political control
& strategic direction of CM operations
CIVCOM – Committee for the Civilian Aspects of Crisis
Management (MS diplomats/officials and experts): reports to PSC
and delivers opinions on civilian aspects of ESDP
EUMC – Military Committee (MS Chiefs of Staff): supreme
military body within the Council of the EU / forum for military
consultation and cooperation between the EU MS in the field
of CP and CM
Council Secretary
General/ HR for CFSP
Private Office
Policy Planning and
Early Warning Unit
Military Staff
(inc. Civil-Military Cell)
Directorate-General E
External and PoliticoMilitary Affairs
Directorate VIII
Defence Aspects
Directorate IX
Civilian C.M.
Joint Situation Centre
Police Unit
EU Satellite Centre
Civil Aspects of
Crisis Management
European Institute for
Security Studies
Civilian Planning and
Conduct Capability
Council Secretariat Structures
HR/SG: assists the Council in foreign policy matters, through
contributing to the formulation, preparation and
implementation of European policy decisions
DGE VIII – Defence Affairs
DGE IX – Civilian Crisis Management
SG/HR Private Office – formulates policy on CFSP matters +
other tasks
PPEWU – Policy Planning and Early Warning Unit
EUMS – Military Staff (seconded military and civilian experts):
performs early warning, situation assessment and strategic
planning of Petersberg tasks […] and all EU-led operations
CPCC (Council officials and seconded experts) - effective planning
and conduct of civilian ESDP crisis management operations,
as well as the proper implementation of all mission-related
Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC)
Civilian Operations
Chief of Staff
Mission Support
Conduct of Operations
Europe / Balkans
Asia/ Middle East
EULEX Kosovo
Guinea Bissau
Logistics, Security / CIS
Human Resources
EUPOL Afghanistan
Conclusion (1)
High ambitions vs. no specific structures
Considerable evolution since 1999, at a
surprising pace (structures + operations +
Intergovernmental character of ESDP shields it
from internal political crises within the EU
Conclusion (2)
Internal rivalries (inter- and intra-pillar)
Civilian versus military structures
The Secretariat’s power
Most decisions taken by national officials –
lack of democratic legitimacy?
Coherence and consistency; ‘capabilityexpectation gap’ vs. Growing expectations
Treaty of Lisbon