Sow Herd Vaccination Strategies – Why and when we do what

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Sow Herd Vaccination Strategies – Why and when we do what we do Cameron Schmitt, DVM, MS Pipestone Veterinary Clinic

Vaccines - Basics

  1. Stimulate immunity to protect sows 2. Stimulate immunity to protect piglets via colostrum

Vaccines to protect sows

        Parvo Lepto Erysipelas Salmonella Ileitis Mycoplasma SIV PRRSV


 Virus    Causes abortions and high levels of mummies Immunity to wild virus is life long Most gilts exposed during development


 Bacteria     Immunity is short Rarely seen in indoor animals Transmitted via water and poor sanitation Inexpensive antigen


 Bacteria      Can cause high mortality Acute septic condition Classic skin lesions, joint swelling, fever Killed vaccine (injectible) provides 6 months of protection Live vaccine (water) provides less measurable protection and is questioned


 Bacteria      2 types – cholerasuis (septic), typhimurium (enteric) Seen in stressful conditions Live (water) vaccine DOI is debated Given as gilts and when piglets show signs


 Bacteria – Intracellular     Severe enteric condition Hemorrhagic form mostly seen in sows Vaccine (water) very effective if given at appropriate time Immunity appears to be of long duration


 Bacteria/pseudobacteria       Lives on ciliated cells of the respiratory tract Causes chronic pneumonia Vaccine – injectible DOI is at least 25 weeks Used to help gilts grow to potential Debated use in breeding herds

SIV - Flu

 Virus     Fast moving typically If uncomplicated, short episode Causes cough and shedding to piglets If getting control at sow unit – whole herd blanket, if controlling nursery problems, pre-farrow


 Virus      Not enough known Killed and Live vaccines available Live – whole herd approach Killed – pre-farrow approach Variable use – discuss with your veterinarian

Vaccines to protect Piglets

       SIV E. coli Clostridium perfringens types A+C PRRSV?

Rotavirus Mycoplasma?

Bordetella, Pasteurella

SIV - Flu

 Virus    Vaccine produces high levels of antibodies in colostrum Piglets seropositive until end of nursery typically Gives protection during the first several weeks in nursery

E. coli

 Bacteria    Many types (strains) Causes diarrhea in farrowing typically in 1 st 5 days of life Given pre-farrow to booster colostral antibody for protection during lactation

Clostridium perfringens types A+C  Bacteria   Causes diarrhea in farrowing typically in 1 st 5 days of life Given pre-farrow to booster colostral antibody for protection during lactation


 Virus  Killed vaccine boosters high levels of colostral antibody – potentially giving protection – debated


 Virus     Many strains Diarrhea in piglets from 2-25 days of age Vaccine (killed) boosts colostral antibody – debatable efficacy Feedback – Delivers herd strains pre farrow to booster colostral immunity and decrease virus shedding by sow


 Bacteria/pseudobacteria      Causes cough/chronic pneumonia in growing pigs Potentiates PRRSV Shedding at sow unit is variable Some data supports using this pre-farrow to reduce shedding Trial underway


 Bacteria    Cause of Atrophic Rhinitis  Rarely seen anymore as toxigenic P. mult prevalence low Cough at wean often attributed to bacterial pneumonia Vaccine has limited efficacy

Vaccination Timing

 PLE – Called pre-breed     Due to high throughput, vaccinating pre breed means in farrowing Throws sows off feed We typically don’t use in farrowing Given 3-7 weeks pre-farrow typically

Vaccination Timing

   Salmonella  Given in gilt development Ileitis  Given in gilt development Mycoplasma  Given in gilt development

Vaccination Timing

   SIV  Given in gilt development and pre-farrow E. coli  Given in gilt development and pre-farrow Clostridium perfringens types A+C  Given in gilt development and pre-farrow

Typical Vaccination Timeline

Backfeeding Breed Farrow Wean 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 2 3 1 Items in blue represent gilt vaccines

Discussion items

    PRRSV SIV PCV2 Others?