Transcript Document

Identity Authentication
Dr. Ron Rymon
Efi Arazi School of Computer Science
Computer Security Course, 2010/11
Pre-requisites: Basic Cryptography
 Identity Authentication Principles
 Passwords
 Challenge-Response
 Zero Knowledge Identification Protocols
 Authentication Using Physical Devices
 Biometrics
Identity Authentication
Main Source: Menezes et al
Main Objectives
 If Alice and Bob are both honest, then Alice
should be able to successfully authenticate herself
to Bob, and vice versa (correctness)
 Charles cannot present himself as Alice to Bob
 Bob cannot utilize an identification exchange with
Alice to impersonate Alice to a third party Charles
Stronger Requirements
 We require also that all three requirements (correctness,
impersonation prevention, and protection against
transferability) hold
– even if Charles was exposed to a large number of previous
authentication exchanges between Alice and Bob
– even if Charles has participated in a large number of authentication
exchanges with either or both Alice and Bob
– even if Charles is allowed to run a large number of concurrent
authentication attempts
 Zero Knowledge protocols require further that even many
executions of an authentication protocol provide NO
INFORMATION to adversarial impersonator
Basis of Identification (Factors)
 Something you know…
– Passwords, PINs, Secret or key
 Something you possess…
– Physical devices: magnetic cards, smart cards, tokens, bluetooth,
password generators, cellphones…
 Something you are…
– Biometrics (fingerprints, iris recognition, voice, handwriting),
keyboarding characteristics
 Others
– Someplace you are… (e.g. GPS location)
– Some way you behave
 Ideally, more than one factor (Two-factor authentication)
 In some applications real-time identification is required
Properties of ID Methods & Protocols
 Reciprocity of authentication
 Complexity
– Computational efficiency
– Communication efficiency
 Cost
 Use of third party
– Whether a third party is needed
– Whether a third party is needed in real-time
– Nature of trust required from third party
 What security guarantees are made
– False positive and false negative
 How and where secrets and keys are kept
(weak authentication)
Main source: Menezes et al
 String of 6-8 characters that allows identification
– Fixed password/PINs, one-time passwords
 “something you know”
 Properties
– No reciprocity – only unilateral identification
– Low complexity – very efficient, both computationally
and communication-wise
– Usually, no third party is used (exception: SSO)
– Key is usually kept by user in memory, and by system
in a password file
Fixed Passwords Attacks
 Replay attacks
– Observe typing, find written or in another system, key loggers
– Eavesdropping on a cleartext or hashed communication channel
 Exhaustive search
– Randomly or systematically trying passwords against online
– Offline search against password file – enough that one user chose
a weak password
 Password guessing or Dictionary attack
– Assumes that not all passwords are equally likely
 Attack password distribution
– Some systems come with fixed out-of-the-box passwords
 Many tools for password cracking/auditing
Wireless key logger
Example: Focused Dictionaries
 Use variations on related words
Password Space
 Entropy
mixed case keyboard
(log 2)
mixed case keyboard
 Time
To Search
Password Space Conclusions
 Short, letters-only, passwords are easily breakable
– Adding to the alphabet is important
– Adding to password length is important
 Easier password spaces
– A password from a lower-entropy space (“dictionary”) reduces the
(expected) size of the search space
– Simpler password comparison functions allow more trials per
 In a simultaneous password file attack, it is enough that
one password is weak
 Choose longer “random” passwords !
Fixed Passwords Security
 Many systems enforce password rules
– Goal: high-entropy passwords
– Usually, syntactic and procedural rules
• Password must have at least 8 characters
• Password must include digits and special characters
• Password should not have a meaning (generators of pronounceable
but long and not meaningful passwords)
• Must change password every 30 days
• Cannot repeat same password in multiple systems
 Encrypted password files
– Goal: avoid making the pwd file itself a target, e.g., to internal staff
– Usually, password is not encrypted using symmetric key, but rather
using a one-way hash function
• e.g., Alice’s password is stored as
Fixed Passwords Security (cont.)
 Slow down password mapping
– Goal is to limit the use of exhaustive search programs, and
hardware implementations
– Usually achieved by recursively applying a simple hash function
– Must be acceptable to legitimate users, e.g., one second
 Salting
– Goal: limit use of simultaneous dictionary attack
– Add a few bits to the password before hashing
– Usually, a time stamp or something based on the user id
• Unix takes timestamp-based salt, Novell’s Netware takes serverassigned user ID
– Salt is kept in cleartext in password file
Example: Unix Passwords
 Unix keeps all passwords in a password file, /etc/passwd
 The user password serves as key to encrypt 64 zero bits,
and the ciphertext is kept
user password
 First 8 characters are used, padded with 0’s if needed, and
only first 7 bits of each taken to a create a 56-bit DES key
Example: Unix Password (cont.)
 Cryptographically, note that the algorithm is
known and the plaintext is known
 DES is repeated 25 times, to slow down breaker
 Password is “salted”
– 12 randomly chosen bits from system clock are used to
salt the password. They are used in the DES expansion
– Thus, 212=4096 variations need checked in any
simultaneous dictionary attack
– Because of the internal change to DES, one cannot use
off-the-shelf DES hardware
Case Study: Password Cracking (Wu)
 Tried to crack passwords of 25,000 corporate Kerberos users
 In two weeks, using 8 Sun machines, broke 2,045 passwords
0.1 0.6
3.8 7
4.5 3
Only 4% used at least one non-alphanumeric character
86% did not require using the shift key
Some accounts used dates, telephone numbers
Some passwords were common to more than one account
24% were combinations of two words
25% resulted from simple transformations of single words, e.g.,
capitalizing, reversing, or doubling of a word
– Lowercasing a word was the most common transformation
– “1” was the most common suffix/prefix
Password Management Systems
 Business problem: difficult for end-users to manage
– Many passwords
– Weak passwords
– 40% of help desk calls are for password reset
 Solution:
Centralized enterprise system
Synchronize one or few passwords into many systems
Self-service password reset
Audit trail for password changes
 Single Sign On (SSO) uses an agent on each target system
 Passwords to privileged accounts
– Business problem: lack of accountability since single password is
shared by some/many people
– Solution: use intermediary to assign individual one-time passwords
Personal ID Number (PIN)
 Usually used as a “something you know” in conjunction
with a “something you possess”
– Most often, a credit card or ATM card
– Typically short (4 digits), so that can be memorized
 To prevent exhaustive search, account is locked and/or
card is confiscated after 3-4 unsuccessful trials
 To enable use of offline machines, the PIN may be stored
on the card, sometimes encrypted by a “master key”
 This is a form of two-stage authentication, where the
second high-entropy key is stored on the card
Passphrases and Passkeys
 Passphrase can serve as a “long” password
– E.g., “this will let me to the dark side of the moon”
– Pros: long;
– Cons: usually simple words and phrases, so effective search space
is not very large
 Or, a passphrase/sentence can be mapped to a pseudo-
random key (passkey)
– The passkey can then be used as a regular symmetric key, e.g., to
encrypt communication
– A userid-based salt may also be added
– A running counter may be added to the password to obtain a timevariant passkey
 Example: WPA
– Passphrase is concatenated with SSID and then hashed 4096 times
to create a symmetric key
One-time Passwords
 A solution against eavesdropping and replay
 Option 1: shared list of one-time passwords
– Use password i+k after password i (k can be randomly
agreed in real-time)
 Or, Sequentially updated one-time passwords
– New password i+1 is agreed after first authenticating
with password i
– E.g., use a one-way hash function to create a sequence
• Lamport: Pi= H(Pi+1), where H is a OWF
– Note 1: authentication requires a counter
– Note 2: it would not be secure if sequence was going forward
Graphical Passwords
 Select certain points in a picture
– Image can be user-specific
– Password=points and click order
 To protect from “shoulder surfing”
– Do not select points themselves
– Rather, select triangles that contain them
– Icons are reordered between selections
Knowledge of Personal History
 Example:
– In which of the following addresses did you live in the past (or
none of the above)
– Which of these places have you visited in the past
– What is last transaction made on your credit card
 Requires knowledge of a person’s history, normally within a
certain area
 Can serve for a first time authentication (assuming access to
history data)
 Used by service providers in the credit card industry, e.g., credit
bureaus, or new credit grantors
 Security is reasonable but not substantial, as adversary may
know or collect information about target
(strong authentication)
Main source: Menezes et al
(The Bad Version)
 In enterprise and web applications, it is common to ask
users to provide one or more pairs of questions and
– E.g., Q: Name of my dog, A: Saddam
 When the user forgets her password, she can
“authenticate” herself to the system using these questions
(and “reset” her password)
 This is a variation on passwords and is considered very
weak authentication
– Questions are often trivial, with a small set of possible answers,
and the answer may be known to someone who knows the person
Cryptographic Challenge-Response
 Structure: Alice wishes to authenticate to Bob
– Bob sends Alice a challenge
– Alice responds to the challenge
– Bob verifies the answer
 Parties may use time-variant parameters (confounders) for
– Confounders are good against replay attacks, chosen-text attacks
– Examples: timestamps, random numbers, sequence numbers, other
one-time numbers (nonces),
– Generated by one party, and then the other party cryptographically
binds response to this number to ensure “freshness”
Challenge-Response with
Symmetric Keys
 Parties may have agreed apriori on a key, or a key may be
provided by trusted server
– e.g., KDC protocols like Kerberos, Needham-Schroeder
 Example 1: one way authentication using a time-stamp
– Alice authenticates herself to Bob by sending an encryption of her
own time-stamp, using the shared key, EK(tA)
– Better yet, Bob sends Alice a challenge tB and she responds EK(tB)
– Problem: Eve can get Alice to encrypt a chosen text
– So Alice may add a random number and/or her own identifier, e.g.,
EK(tB, rA,”Alice4Bob”).
 Example 2: using random numbers
– First, Bob sends to Alice a random number rB
– Then, Alice sends to Bob EK(”Alice4Bob”, rB)
Mutual Authentication with
Symmetric Keys
 Mutual authentication requires one more step (can be done
with either timestamps or random numbers)
Challenge: rB
A Response: EK (rA , rB ,”AlBo”)
B Response: EK (rB , rA)
 A variation on this authentication could also work with
HMAC instead of encryption
– E.g., when encryption is not available (e.g., export restriction)
Challenge Response with
Public Keys
 To authenticate herself, Alice must show knowledge of her private key
– Can decrypt a challenge that was encrypted using Alice’s public key
– Or, sign digitally the challenge
 Potential issues with digitally signing a challenge
– Bob may ask Alice to sign a fraudulent message (“pay Bob”)
– Cannot use fixed certificate for risk of replay attack
 Solution: use a nonce to foil chosen-text attack in authentication, and a
timestamp to limit lifespan of possible attack
Challenge: H(rB),Bob,EPubA(rB,tB,”Bob”)
Response: rB
 Or, have Alice sign same using her private key
X.509 Mutual Authentication
 Use private/public keys to encrypt/prove and vice versa
 Use random nonces, time stamps, and public data (certificates)
 Public data (X’s) can be a certificate that contains the public key
of the user, and are themselves signed by a CA
 The Y’s correspond to secret information, which may be keys
(Kab and Kba) or key exponents for a key exchange
 The third step is required if it is difficult to synchronize clocks,
and with it timestamps need not be checked
Defenses Against Attacks on
 Replay attack
– Use nonces, embed target identity in response
 Interleaving attack
– Chaining protocol messages
 Man-in-the-middle attack
– Mutual authentication to foil adversary impersonating system
 Reflection attack
– Embed target identity, use uni-directional keys
 Chosen text attack
– Use confounder in each message
– Use Zero-knowledge protocols
Identification Protocols
Main source: Menezes et al
 Passwords may reveal Alice’s secret to Bob, who may then
impersonate her
 With challenge-response protocols, Alice only reveals
knowledge of the secret
– But, a strategic adversary may choose challenges that would reveal
some aspects of this secret (or may choose from available
 ZK protocols allow Alice to prove knowledge of the secret
without fearing that she may be providing anyone (Bob
included) with any information about it
 Note: RSA is also ZK, but most ZK protocols are more
efficient than RSA
– On the other hand, they cannot be used for encryption/signature
ZK Properties and General Structure
 Required ZK properties
– Completeness: all legitimate parties succeed
– Soundness: non-legitimate parties cannot succeed
(actually: chances to succeed are arbitrarily small)
– ZK: the exchange does not reveal the secret
 A typical ZK protocol consists of n iterations
– Alice presents Bob a witness of her secret (commitment)
– Bob presents a challenge to Alice
– Alice responds to the challenge
– Bob checks that the answer is correct
 Probability of Alice cheating in each iteration < 1
– After n iterations, to get arbitrarily small probability
Example: Isomorphic Graphs
 G1 is isomorphic to G2 iff there is a vertex mapping
– Really, G2 is just a permutation of the names of G1 nodes
– No known polynomial algorithm to reverse engineer
 Proposed ZK Protocol
– Alice chooses G1, and creates G2 that is isomorphic (using P1)
• The graphs G1,G2 are “public key”, P1 is secret
– Witness: Alice generates G3 that is isomorphic to G1 (using P2)
– Bob chooses Gi randomly and requires Alice to show mapping
– Alice responds
• If G1, then the mapping is the generating permutation (P2)
• If G2, then the mapping requires applying both permutations (P1oP2)
 Note:
– Someone who didn’t know P1 could have cheated in half the cases
– When run n times chances of cheating is exponentially low
The Fiat-Shamir ZK Protocol
 Setup
– Trusted server chooses n=pq, primes
– Alice selects a secret s<n, co-prime to n – private key
– Alice computes v=s2 mod n – public key
 To authenticate Alice, Bob repeats
Commitment/witness: Alice chooses random r, and sends x=r2 mod n
Challenge: Bob selects e=0/1
Proof: Alice computes and sends y=rse mod n, i.e., either r or rs
Verification: Bob computes y2=x or y2= r2s2 = xv mod n
 Note 1. Charles cannot impersonate Alice without knowing s because in
½ the cases (e=1), he may be asked to compute rs
 Note 2. Bob cannot replay the communication he had with Alice to
impersonate Alice to Charles, because in ½ the cases Charles may present
a different challenge
Properties of ZK Protocols
 No degradation of the protocol with usage
– No information is revealed in polynomial runs
 Compared with Symmetric keys or HMAC
– Resist chosen-text attacks
 Compared to Public-Key
– Lower computation costs
– Usually higher communication costs (# of iterations)
– Relies on same unproven math assumptions
Authentication Using
Physical Devices
Using Physical Devices
 A “something you possess” identification
 Physical keys
– Regular keys
– Tokens
 Credit cards
– Sometimes with PIN (something you know)
– Sometimes with picture ID (for people)
 Smartcards and passcode generators
– Protected memory
– Sometimes with CPU – challenge response
 Using a computer physical MAC
– Combined with passwords
– Use computer “fingerprint”
Attack on ATM Cards (2003)
 Cards must also work in offline mode
A Master key is used by ATM and bank
Account number is encrypted using DES
Last 4 digits (“decimalized”) are PIN
PIN is verified by tamper-proof hardware
 Bond (student in Cambridge) has shown that PIN can be
discovered with high likelihood within 15 trials (on avg)
– Assumes access to a PIN verifier (e.g., corrupt insider)
– Manipulates the decimalization table to learn more from each trial
• Use table with all 0’s except i-th place to check if i-th digit is present
• Check all remaining possibilities
• Worst case is 10+36; average case is 24
– Can be improved through adaptation
Scanned Magnetic Stripe
Scanned Magnetic Stripe
Smartcards and Passcode Generators
 Calculators: Devices that store key(s) and can compute a time-
variant response to a challenge
– Used in physical access and VPN apps, e.g., private banking
 Smartcards: used to store identity authentication information, keys,
and other crypto applications
– Many National ID projects around the world (Israel Mimshal Zamin)
– Applications: border control, healthcare system, anti-fraud, and other
authentication apps
 Dual-factor: “something you possess” and “something you know”
 RFID in Physical Access Control Systems (PACS), as well as to
resist counterfeiting of high-ticket items (e.g., luxury watches)
Passcode Generator
Smartcard Reader
 Biometrics measure innate characteristics
– “something you are”, hence hard to impersonate
 Can be Physiological:
Retinal or Iris scanning
Face recognition
Hand geometry recognition
 Or behavioral
– Voice recognition (both physiological and behavioral)
– Handwriting/signature recognition
– Typing dynamics
Biometrics-based Authentication
 Usually uses a pattern recognition approach
– A “profile” is constructed for the true person
– A matching score is computed in each authentication attempt
 Processes
Threshold-based Decision
 Real-time matching score is thresholded (T)
 Error types
– (A) False alarms (False Positive, Type 2 error)
– (B) Misidentification (False Negative, Type 1 Error)
Two Generic Applications
 Easier: Verification
– One-to-One: given a real-time authentication attempt,
try to match to a specific profile
– Requires a second form of identification, e.g., login,
 Harder: Identification
– Many-to-One: given a real-time authentication attempt,
try to match to one of several profiles in a database
– Difficulty stems from birthday paradox unless a high
separation can be attained between candidates
– Usually not attempted except in applications where
two-factor authentication is not feasible
Fingerprints Analysis
unique arrangement of
minutiae for different
 Non-intrusive, Reliable, Inexpensive
 Semiconductor or Optical
 Useful mostly for verification and less for identification
 US stores experimented with payment by fingerprint…
Hand Geometry
 One of the first practically implemented techniques
– physical access control: airports, secured corporate areas, etc.
– time and attendance monitoring
 Reader uses CCD camera and a number of mirrors to
measure the shape of the hand perimeter, in <1 sec
– Length, width, thickness, surface areas
 Used for verification, in conjunction with another identifier
– E.g., magnetic card
 Non-intrusive
Palm Vein Authentication
 Vein patterns are unique to an individual (even twins)
 Scanned with infrared rays, using reflective photography
 False rejection rate <0.01
PalmSecure (Fujitsu, CES 2006)
Iris Scanning
 Human eye encodes 3.4bits/sqmm
 Extremely accurate: chance of duplication (including twins) < 10–72
 Fast comparison: Identification takes 2sec per 100,000 people in DB
 Sub-$1000 systems are available, but expensive to enroll many
 Considered a little intrusive / dangerous by some people
 Growing in market share vs. other solutions (patents expired)
Retinal Scanning
 Works by identifying patterns in retinal blood vessels
 Uses light source to take 400 measurements, which are
then reduced to a signature of 96 bytes
 Preceded Iris scanning, but is less prevalent
– considered more intrusive
– requires precise positioning of the eye
– requires removal of glasses
Face Recognition
 Controlled scene – access control
– Frontal view, similar distance, reasonable lighting
– Compare live image to an original, captured in similar environment
– Usually for verification purposes, with another ID
 Algorithms extract features, and compare relative positions of eyes,
nose, and mouth, nose width, and other factors
 Relatively user-friendly
 Not very accurate, and requires frequent updates
 Very difficult in a random scene – street, airports
– Much more difficult
– Law enforcement applications
– Privacy issues: a bill that makes this unlawful was shelved in March 2002
Voice Verification
 Principle: speech dynamics are affected by physical
structure of mouth, vocal chords, sinus, etc.
 A voice signature can typically be formed from speech
features, with relatively high accuracy
– Each syllable typically has few dominant frequencies (formants)
– More accurate when user repeats a previously recorded sentence
 Weaknesses: taped replay, environmental noise, illness,
richness of spoken language
 Applications: access control, call centers
 Example:
– User is requested to spell a random string of digits
Signature Verification
 Static verification
 Dynamic verification
– Curvature, changes in x-y sign, acceleration, pen up time
Weaknesses of Biometrics
 Possibility of false positives, and sometimes
unacceptable FP rate
 In identification applications: misidentification
 Replay attack, e.g., tape replay, cut finger…
 Health concerns
 Privacy concerns
Biometric Market
 Int’l Biometric Group
The 5th Factor: How you behave
 Idea: a user’s behavior may help identify, or at least authenticate her
 For example
– What time of the day you access a certain application?
– At what frequency do you perform a certain operation
– What type of access to which information you require?
– Did you login from home or work?
 Premise for authentication: a user’s behavioral pattern changes only
slowly over time.
 Advantage: relatively cheap (software)
 Typically shall be used in conjunction with another factor
– e.g., use behavior profiling to supplement password authentication
 I believe that acceptance to this new form will grow, especially in
areas like intrusion detection and access control
 It also plays into the general trend of combining physical security and
IT security
Choosing the Right
Authentication Method
Choice of Authentication Methods
 Problem: robotic form filling can be used to
– Guess passwords
– Abuse free services, primarily for spamming and phishing
 Goal: Distinguish between a human user and a robot
 Method: Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell
Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA)
 Usually, asking the user to interpret letters and digits from
an image
Counter-Captcha Methods
 Guessing, e.g., if space is small, e.g., 4 digits
 Use OCR to recognize
 And the prize goes to… a man-in-the-middle
attack, asking a real person to “authenticate”….