Transcript Slide 1

Traffic Management Act 2004 /
New Roads & Street Work Act
Coordination & Regulation Update
February 2008
(Works Promoters)
Part 1: TMA Background
Part 2. Executing our TMA & NRSWA duties.
Part 3. Permits
Part 4. Summary.
Part 1: TMA Background
Summary of TMA
• To minimise, as far as possible, the impact of
traffic congestion.
• S16 – Network management duty
• The Act Covers
Pt 1. Traffic officers (Highways Agency)
Pt 2. Network management duty (Traff Managers)
Pt 3. Permit schemes
Pt 4. Street works (amendments to NRSWA 1991)
Pt 5. Road enforcement (amendments to HA 1980)
Pt 6. Traffic Offences
Intervention Triggers
1. A complaint about congestion.
2. A report to Dft.
If, from either of these sources, the Secretary of State
suspects that an Authority MAY be failing, then the
intervention process could be initiated.
Intervention Assessment + Cost
• Assessed whether the Highway Authority has;
Coordinated works
Ensured parity
Taken regulatory action
Adopted performance measurements
Met targets.
• Costs;
– Replacement of TM by Traffic Director from Dft.
– Pay Dft costs up to £250,000/year.
– Lose “Excellent” status.
Part 2: Executing Our TMA &
NRSWA Duties
The Traffic Manager
Peter Bayless
Final decision on Traffic issues.
Focus for TMA issues.
Supported by a Board of ‘experts’;
– Street works manager, passenger transport, area
directors, transport policy, police, highways agency,
emergency planning, corporate communications.
Board meets quarterly to discuss & set policy & review
Operational group also meets quarterly to discuss and
review works / events.
“Parity is an important principle in
exercising the duty. Authorities must lead
by example, applying the same standards
and approaches to their own activities as
to those of others”.
Para 68 – Network Management Duty
Guidance document.
Parity in Coordination
Coordinators must be ‘neutral’.
HCC works have no ‘automatic right’
to work on the public highway.
It’s the Traffic Managers Network.
Regulations (directions) apply to HCC
Works Planning Pt 1
(coordination is not just for coordinators)
Duty to coordinate – S59 NRSWA.
Duty to keep traffic moving – S16 TMA
Need to take into account congestion when
designing scheme.
Need to be aware of existing restrictions, eg TS
streets, S58, S.E.D’s, SSSI’s, etc.
Are there any other restrictions (via an existing
local plan).
Advance publicity of works.
Consider timing (extended hrs. Non TS times)
Works Planning Pt 2
(coordination is not just for coordinators)
• Consider combining works wherever possible.
– Are there any utility or other HCC works ?
• Consider S58 protection of works.
• Schedules of works for coord meetings.
• Will the works affect neighbouring networks / HA
Div routes ?
• Consider delivery times for materials.
• Does the scheme need a TM plan.
All considerations need to be documented.
Existing procedures need to be amended ?
Registerable Works
(What needs a notice)
HCC has a legal duty to register (notify) the
following types of works;
Involve the breaking up or RS of any street (inc SD).
Involve opening the c’way or cycleway of a traffic
sensitive street at traffic sensitive times.
Require any form of temporary traffic control.
Reduce the lanes available on a c’way of 3+ lanes.
Require a temporary traffic regulation order or notice,
or the suspension of pedestrian facilities.
Require the reduction in the width of existing c’way of a
traffic sensitive street at a traffic sensitive time.
Non - Registerable Works
(What DOES NOT need a notice)
Road markings.
Condition surveys.
Emergency works.
OM/ RM works, eg;
Weed spraying, vegetation clearance, hedge cutting, arb
works, grass cutting
Sign cleaning and maintenance
Ditching works
Gully cleansing
Unless conditions 2 – 6 in the previous slide
apply. (Work in TS time, TC or TTRO
Revised Works Type
Emergency - Unplanned activities undertaken to
immediately resolve life threatening problems.
Urgent - Unplanned activities undertaken to put an end
to unplanned interruption of service.
Minor works
Any planned activity that is to take 3 days or less
Any planned activity that is to last longer than three
days, but less than, or equal to ten days.
Major Works
Any planned activity that is to last 11 days or more or
any planned activity that requires a temporary traffic
order or any activity identified on an annual programme
or planned 6 months in advance.
‘TMA’ Minimum Noticing for
S74 In progress (start) – 2 hours after start
S74 Wks Closed (stop) – within 1 working day of close
Minor works
S55 (confirmation) - 3 Days
S74 In progress (start) – within 1 working day of start
S74 Wks Closed (stop) – within 1 working day of close
S55 (confirmation) – 10 Days
S74 In progress (start) – within 1 working day of start
S74 Wks Closed (stop) – within 1 working day of close
Major Works
S54 (advance) – 3 Months
S55 (confirmation) – 10 Days
S74 In progress (start) – within 1 working day of start
S74 Wks Closed – (stop) within 1 working day of close
Forward Planning Notices
New ‘notice type’.
Not mandatory.
Served at initial design stage.
Only general details required.
Not used to book road space.
Used to ID potential clashes / opportunities for
combining works.
• Possibly generated from;
– Scheme tracking report.
– Rolling programmes.
– Advance schedules.
Serving Coord Notices
• The WORKS PROMOTER is responsible
for sending the notice and ensuring it’s
– Even if you make it a contractual requirement.
• Notices should be served via EToN.
• Fax / e-mail / hardcopy notices should only
be used as a last resort.
Coord Notice – Some Key Points
Notices must be served in a timely manner.
Durations must be realistic.
Locations must be accurate.
8 digit Grid refs (000000.00) are mandatory and must be
Polygons for works area required from 2009.
TM info is mandatory.
One works / street.
Notified works must be started or notice abandoned.
Notices have validity periods.
Duration Extensions
• Occasionally works may overrun the
planned duration. In these RARE
circumstances a further, S74 (in progress)
notice must be served before the expiry of
the current notice.
• Valid reasons for the required extension
must be clearly stated.
• Need to ensure site is fully staffed & have
good reasons for periods of inactivity.
The Code introduces ‘agreements’
• Works promoters must get permission from the
local coordinator / Traffic (HQ) PRIOR to;
Working during a Restriction. (S58 etc)
Issuing a notice for an early start
Issuing a notice to extend a duration.
Use of a provisional street on a notice.
Notice error correction.
Placing apparatus in a protected street.
Notice Error Correction
• Errors should be corrected as soon as they are
• Some errors require permission from Traffic
(HQ) prior to a revised notice / error correction
notice being submitted.
• The following errors require permission before
Works Description
USRN or Provisional Street
Location (grid refs, text, USRN)
Designations / restrictions
Noticing IT Systems
• Exor, Street Works Manager is the Register and
coordination tool for local coordinators.
• Elgin is a supplementary tool used by both
coordinators and works promoters.
• Elgin also designed to be a ‘quick and dirty’
noticing tool provided to HCC works promoters
by the Traffic Manager.
• Exor will be ‘backup’ noticing system.
• Both are (will be !) compliant with the TMA regs.
• Fulfils HCC requirement to publish all works on a
map on the web. (e-gov requirement).
• Fulfils map based requirement for TMA.
• GIS copy of what’s in or Street Works Register.
• Allows cross border ID of works.
• Used by emergency services to plan routes.
Totally reliant on data accuracy.
Applies to HCC works via parity / PI’s.
S74 – Duration challenges.
S56 – Direction of timings.
– Both before and during works.
– Specify date and times of works.
S66 – Undue delay / obstruction.
Inspections undertaken to confirm notice
accuracy and check H&S.
Performance Measurement
PI’s reported to Traffic Manager / DfT.
Utility Co’s may face fines / penalties / FPN’s.
HCC promoters will need to explain poor results.
PI’s include;
Compliance with notice rules.
Compliance with S74 / S56 / S66 directions.
Number of overruns
Notice accuracy.
Issuing of directions / documenting decisions
Compliance with SLG / H&S.
Temp Traffic Control
• Not covered specifically by TMA, but are a
source of congestion.
• SEHAUC form.
– Notice of 2 way.
– Permission required for multiway.
– Need to consider existing permanent controls.
• Stop / Go boards must be available on site.
• MANUAL CONTROL during TS times on TS
Coordinating Non Works
• Works promoters should advise of
– Diversion routes & road closures.
• Events need to be considered.
– Managed through DC’s licensing.
– Traffic (HQ) advice for significant events.
– Central event database developed.
• DC activities
– Street sweeping, bus shelters etc.
– NM Duty states we should liaise to ensure that they
apply similar rules.
– Agency works considered to be HCC works.
• It is NOT a coordination notice.
• Up to 5 years protection.
• Exceptions;
– Emergency works (obviously !) and customer supply
• ‘Substantial’ c’way & f’way schemes in excess of
30Lm can be protected. (SD not included).
• Protection can be imposed following major SU
work. (S58A).
• Restrictions also apply to HCC works.
S58 Protection
5 Years
3 Years
Other substantial
1 Year (6 months for
Cat 3 & 4 rds)
20 days
NRSWA S58 – Revised
• 3 Months prior to works start;
Promoter sends details to Traffic HQ via notice.
Details recorded on Register (via notice)
Traffic HQ then sends to all interested parties.
Traffic HQ publishes details on website.
Promoter raises details at coordination meeting.
20 days to reveal any planned works.
Works must start within 6 months of notified date
Works promoter sends final S58 on completion
of work.
Gazetteer - Special
• Significant aid to works planning.
• TS, SED, Protected Street. Mandated by
• Some streets may be nominated as requiring
early warning of emergency works.
• Other info, eg special surfaces, SSSI’s.
• HU’s responsible for deciding what info to add
as they have to enforce restrictions.
• Data comes from a number of sources and
owners are responsible for accuracy.
Other NRSWA / TMA Factors
• C notices for diversionary works.
– H&S directive.
– Most SU’s have websites / GIS CD’s.
– Legal duty to report unidentified buried objects.
• Traffic Management Plans
– Overall Network plan being written.
– Local plans; A27, A32, A3024 + others being written.
– May be required for specific works / events.
NRSWA & TMA in Contracts /
Procedures / Processes
• Need to consider TMA / NRSWA when
writing contracts & procedures.
• THC has noticing and regulation clauses.
Including financial penalties.
• EToN noticing MUST be specified.
• Consider NRSWA / TMA experience for
‘person specs’.
Part 3: Permits
Permission required to work on the highway.
Heavy restrictions will apply… to ALL.
Probably only apply to strategic network.
Working group set up to investigate.
Kent CC have already applied to SoS to start
permit scheme later in 2008.
• SU’s will have to pay up to £240 for each permit.
• Permit approval will need to come from the
Part 4: Summary
In Summary
TMA is not just about ‘notices’.
Proactive coordination needed at all stages.
Complex noticing sequence.
Decisions need to be documented.
Will require a change of procedures / contracts.
More contact with coordinators & other works
• Need to take on board parity.
• Need to adopt performance measures.
Any Questions ?