Prevention and Early Intervention Programme (PEIP)

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Transcript Prevention and Early Intervention Programme (PEIP)

Elizabeth Canavan
Principal Officer
Office of the Minister for
Children and Youth Affairs
12 May, 2010
Background to the Strategic
Development Plan
Fieldwork / Prospectus Strategy Consultants input
Emerging role of CES
Positive themes emerging
Considerable feedback for “more perscription please” !!
Clearly emerging issues requiring national response
Technical supports needed
Development of CES workplan
Establishment of respective roles of OMCYA/CES in supporting
NCSIG in driving the initiative
Phases II and III and beyond to be actively supported
Longer term strategic plan required
Key Themes Governance / Mandate
Structures remain vertically, hierachically organised –
mandate, authority, accountability, identity, loyalty and
reward pull activities up and down through organisations
Cross-cutting requires high level mandate and authority
which gives the same push and pull to horizontal action
and which people can identify with, be accountable for,
show loyalty around and be rewarded for.
Otherwise, we are asking people to swim against a very
strong current.
Key Themes Systems / Behaviours
Crisis / Problems can galvanise us into thinking
collaborative but only temporarily – system demands
something else.
Funding is the powerhouse – it limits and potentially
changes this dynamic if the funding and accountability
system changes – money drives activity and demands
People are central but need the strong incentives and
new competencies to justify the effort involved in acting
vertically and horizontally concurrently.
Emerging Focus Policy
Joined up working mandated nationally at the highest
levels on a system-wide inter-agency basis. (Agenda for
Children’s Services (2007), OMCYA).
Placing a value on and requiring integrated working as
“part of the day job” right down to practitioner level
without detracting from individual Department and
Agency accountability arrangements.
Supporting the behavioural change and managing the
risk-taking associated with this approach.
Emerging Focus Practical Supports
Local inter-agency protocols and memoranda of
understanding/agreements for joint planning and
Better data / systems that can “talk” to one another
Protocols/mechanisms for appropriate data and
information sharing
Frameworks for shared outcomes and priorities and roles
leading to joint plans containing linked, co-ordinated or
fully integrated actions.
Assuring the participation of children, young people,
families and communities at all levels in the process.
The Plan
The purpose of this initiative is to secure
better developmental outcomes for children
through more effective integration of existing
services and interventions at local level.
10 Outcomes to be achieved by Dec 2012
20+ CSCs in place
Governance framework in place
NCSIG key driver for strategic planning and
resourcing decisions at national level
Structured engagement between statutory/
voluntary and community sectors
Children and young people’s participation
10 Outcomes to be achieved by Dec 2012
Networking & Communications Strategy
Evaluation plan in place
Comparative data on children’s outcomes
available at county level
Developing culture – evidence informs policy
and practice
CSCs identified service delivery/practice
Key Activities Underway
Learning Report
Induction & Networking Seminar – 12 May 2010
Governance Framework
Multiagency initiatives
Communications Strategy
Workshop will help guide us
Comparative Data available
Collating/analysing data on 7 National Outcomes
Draft Knowledge Management Strategy for HSE services
for Children
National Data Strategy
Next Steps
Updated Toolkit
Phase II CSCs Workplans – Dec 2010
Invitations issued to Phase III – Dec 2011
Emerging Trends
Two areas where work to be initiated
Active participation by children and young people
in planning and delivery of services
Structured engagement between the statutory and
voluntary sectors at local, community and nation