Transcript Slide 1

Slide 1
Feature Presentation
January 24th, 2008
We are using audio during this session, so please dial in
to our conference line…
Phone number: 877-322-9648
Participant code: 182500
Slide 2
Today’s Topic
We’ll be taking a look at…
HopkinsOne Update
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Today’s Presenter
John Tikka
Senior Director, HopkinsOne
Slide 4
Session Segments
John will provide information about HopkinsOne and upcoming
During his presentation, your phone will be muted.
After his presentation, we’ll hold a Q&A session.
We’ll open up the phone lines, and you’ll be able to ask
John will answer as many of your questions as time allows.
Slide 5
Contact Us
If you would like to submit a question during the presentation or if
you’re having technical difficulties, you can email us at:
[email protected]
You can also send us an instant message!
GoogleTalk – [email protected]
AOL Instant Messenger – HopkinsFastFacts
MSN – [email protected]
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At the end of this FastFacts session, we’ll ask you to complete a
short survey.
Your honest comments will help us to enhance and improve
future FastFacts sessions.
Slide 7
HopkinsOne Update
January 24, 2008
Slide 8
General Overview
Current #1 Priorities
SAP Escalation Update
Upcoming Initiatives and Strategy
Slide 9
Current Update
NEW #1: Continue calendar year end readiness
NEW #1: Develop a pilot reports distribution capability from BW
NEW #1: EHP Claims Processing
New Hire ISR Form to debut on Thursday 1/24.
Continue focus on improving faculty visibility to Grants data
Formalize User Acceptance Test event in February
Develop plan for Roles and Responsibilities clarification in H1 and
Central Orgs (e.g. SSC, controllers office, HR)
Preparing for Oracle database upgrade and next SAP support
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Priority 1 – Calendar Year End
First pay period questions regarding benefits elections during open
enrollment. Call volumes in HR SS and H1 Helpdesk have increased.
Final W-2 complete. Transmission to 31 states underway
1042s customized coding complete, however, we have 2 Very High SAP
issues open.
Wrong Address pulled into form: Manual workaround available
Cannot correct Non-Resident Alien accumulated payroll results. SAP
needs to write new code. Internal Deadline: 1/28. IRS Deadline: 3/15
403b Maximum Calculation – 1900 JHU staff potentially impacted by Catchup and 15yr rule issues. Manually corrected 200 people eligible for the
catch-up or taking advantage of the 15-year rule. Goal is to have catch-up
fixed by next semi payroll.
1099 Processing Complete. (one week early)
1099 Test file to IRS, issues being worked due date 2/15.
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Priority 1 - BW Update
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SAP Escalation – Current Status
Grants Management
Historical reporting of PBC commitments not working as expected.
SAP delivered new code to correct retro issue. Go-Live Mar 2008
F&A calculations in R/3 take too long to process
Completed. F&A runtime problems solved
Different posting periods between FI, FM, CO, and GM
Code developed and being tested. Go-Live Spring 2008
Current ISR functionality causes master data inconsistencies in HR
Update Header – Completed.
New Hire Form Changes – Testing. Go-Live Jan 2008
Automate Bonus Supplement – In Development. Go-Live Spring
Automate Salary Change – In Development. Go-Live Spring
Slide 13
SAP Escalation – Current Status
Supply Chain – A/P
Preventing discounts lost on weekends/holidays – Pay run calendar functionality
now being tested
Supply Chain – Inventory Management
Increasing Inventory Values – Efforts to stabilize by cleansing material master
data and emphasizing timely transactions
Unit of Measure Issues – Creation of new materials supports strategy
Moving Average Price changes – Reports being developed to show occurrences,
causes being addressed by update of contract pricing and invoice entry accuracy
Supply Chain – Purchasing
Functionality Issues – Meeting with SAP to drive Development Requests
Response Time Issues – Implemented a number of “fixes”, most promising is a
recent re-indexing of an SRM table
Org Structure Issues – Working a number of OSS messages with SAP regarding
replication issues
Supply Chain - Travel
Usability Issues – Implemented a number of configuration and new development
to address reported issues with the current solution. Seeking additional
information from SAP on next release
Slide 14
New Initiatives –
Security Strategy
Security Governance Structure
Procedures for granting access to the SAP system
Procedures for internal controls on SAP System Administration
Goal Of Security Strategy:
Align role assignment and security access for HopkinsOne with job duties
Action Steps:
Hire a Security Expert to lead a review of HopkinsOne Security framework
Form a Security Review Committee
Review defined HopkinsOne Security Administration roles and responsibilities for
accuracy and appropriateness
Review documented procedures for granting and removing access; strengthen as
Move forward with the position based – role based security model
Review user access periodically
Strengthen internal controls for the administration of the SAP system
Assist the business in strengthening business controls
Slide 15
New Initiatives –
Security & Workflow Project
Security Enhancement
ZSR Phase 1: BW Security and Workflow approvers – Mar 2008
ZSR Phase 2; SAP Roles and Additional Org – June 2008
Workflow Enhancement
Travel & Business Enhancements
One approver instead of two (optional 2nd approver)
Internal Order, Cost Center & PM approvals
Target: Mar 2008
Quantity Differences Enhancements
Resolve workflow quantity discrepancies (post GR)
Instructions for other workflow issues
Target: Mar 2008
Online Payment Request Enhancements
Approval routing to cost center owner instead of org unit owner
Target Date Pending decision on using one or two formats
Meeting held 1/22.
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New Initiative – Labor Budget Load
Requirement---The Johns Hopkins Medicine Hospitals require monthly actual/budget
labor variance reporting.
Objective--- Provide an Enterprise wide solution for Labor budget data to be loaded
in the BW.
Entities--- The Johns Hopkins Health System and The JHU School of Medicine.
Process---The upload format will be a csv file which will be “dropped” in XI by the
business owners. The Labor Budget Load will be loaded as frequently as required and
validation rules will be applied to each file. Every Labor Budget Load submission will
replace the prior submission. Therefore, only one “version” will be contained in BW
at a time.
Data---The data provided may be as granular as budgeting at the position level.
End result---Labor reporting which includes the calculation of FTE’s and variance
reporting for hours, dollars and FTE’s.
Slide 17
Upcoming Events and Publications
FastFacts Sessions will begin doing 2 per week
SAP Support Packs and Time Change – March 9
Oracle Database Upgrade – April 12
Labor Budget Load – March 9
Account Reconciliation Guide
New Position Based Security and SAP Role Definition Model
New Training Strategy for HopkinsOne Continuing Education
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We’re going to open the phone lines now!
There will be a slight pause, and then a recorded voice will provide
instructions on how to ask questions over this conference call line.
We’ll be answering questions in the order that we receive them.
We’ll also be answering the questions that were emailed to us
during the presentation.
If there’s a question that we can’t answer, we’ll do some research
after this session, and then email the answer to all participants.
Slide 19
Thank You!
Thank you for participating!
We would love to hear from you.
Are there certain topics that you would like us to cover in future
FastFacts sessions?
Would you like to be a FastFacts presenter?
Please email us at: [email protected]
Slide 20
Before we close, please take the time to complete a short survey.
Your feedback will help us as we plan future FastFacts sessions.
Click this link to access the survey…
Thanks again!