Incidence of Breast Cancer in Canada.

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Transcript Incidence of Breast Cancer in Canada.

Cancer Prevention

Risk Factors You



Gender Family Age

Risk Factors You



Diet Cancer Screening Physical Activity Alcohol Smoking Obesity

Healthy Eating  Have healthy portion sizes  Eat variety of foods Photo courtesy of the Government of Manitoba

Healthy Eating  Fill half your plate with vegetables and fruits  Eat the skin on the vegetable or fruit  Pick different colours

Healthy Eating  Eat less refined grains (white)

Healthy Eating Choose whole grains  Rich in fibre  Healthy colon

Healthy Eating Milk and alternatives  Drink 2 cups of milk or fortified beverages (soy, almond, rice) every day

Healthy Eating 

Eat Less Salt

Do not add salt to your foods  Eat less ‐ Salty snack foods ‐ Pickled foods and olives ‐ Salty condiments

Healthy Eating

Eat less salt

 Use the % Daily Value (% DV) on the food label to see how much sodium is in the food ‐ 5% DV or less is a little bit of sodium ‐ 15% DV or more is a lot of sodium

Healthy Eating

Eat Less Salt

 Make meals at home from fresh ingredients  Add flavour with herbs and spices

Healthy Eating Eat less sugar  Sugar adds more calories to foods.

Cut back on the amount of sugar you add to foods  Read the food label to see how much sugar is in the food per serving.

 Choose foods with less than 10g sugar per serving.

Healthy Eating Eat less sugar Foods higher in sugar:  Cakes  Candies  Chocolate  Cookies  Donuts  Ice cream  Muffins  Pastries  Pies  Sweetened cold and hot drinks

Healthy Eating Eat Less Sugar  Drink water or other unsweetened drinks  Choose foods made with little or no added sugar

Healthy Eating Eat less fat  Most baked goods and many processed foods are high in fat  Deep fried food are high in fat

Healthy Eating Eat less fat 

15 % or more is “a lot”

 Trans fat should be zero  These types of fats increase your risk for heart disease and some types of cancer

Healthy Eating Meat and alternatives  Eat very little processed meat (ham, pepperoni, bacon, sausages) 

Eat less than 3 days per week

red meat (beef, pork, lamb, bison and goat)

Healthy Eating Meat and alternatives  Choose lean meats  Choose alternatives to red meat: fish, chicken, beans, lentils and tofu

Healthy Eating

Things to consider:

 Eat breakfast every day  Eat meals at a table with your family  Satisfy your thirst with water  Colour your plate with fruits and vegetables

Healthy Eating

Things to consider:

 Make half of your grain products whole grains  Prepare food with little or no fat  Choose no salt added products

Be Physically Active Every step counts!  Incorporate physical activity in your daily life (work, school, shopping)  Stretch through the day  Follow the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines

Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines Adults 18-64 Years

↑ Physical activity = ↑ Health benefits

At least 150 minutes/week: aerobic activity  At least 2 days/week: muscle and bone strengthening activity  May be done 10 minutes at a time - 30 minutes/day  Talk with a health care provider if you are starting a

new physical activity

Maintain a Healthy Weight Physical Activity At least 30 minutes/day Physical + Muscle & bone building activity Walking, gardening, stair climbing, swimming Healthy Eating Eat fruit, vegetables and whole Grains each day Limit salt, sugar and fat Limit the amount of red meat or processed meat

Don’t Smoke  Avoid tobacco  Avoid e-cigarettes

Don’t Smoke  Avoid second hand smoke  Avoid chewing tobacco

Limit Alcohol

1.5 oz (45 mL) 40% Alcohol 5 oz (145 mL) 12% Alcohol

145 mL)

12 oz (350 mL) 5% Alcohol

  Less than 1 drink per day for women Less than 2 drinks per day for men ↓

Alcohol =


Know What is Normal for Your Body   Look Feel

See Your Doctor  Call your doctor if you notice any change in your body  Regular health visits  Ask about cancer screening

Get Screened Screening sees what you can't see

Get Screened There are 3 Ontario Cancer Screening Programs:  Breast  Cervical  Colorectal

Get Screened  Screening can find cancer early before you can see or feel it  When found early treatment can be easier and more successful

Risk Factors and Cancer

Risk Factors You Can Change to reduce your cancer risks Eat Healthy Be physically active Maintain a healthy weight Do not use tobacco products Limit Alcohol Breast Cervix Colorectal


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