The Foundation Stage

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Transcript The Foundation Stage

Welcome to
Ladybird Class
Parents Meeting: September
Tonight’s Meeting
• To help you to understand the curriculum
that your child will be covering in FS .
• To understand the how we teach in order
to cover the requirements of the
• To identify the key ways in which you can
help your child at home and in school.
The Staff
Teacher- Miss Fairhall
Teaching Assistant- Mrs Walker
Teaching Assistant- Miss Whitby
Teacher- Mrs Sommerville
Mrs Groves listens to the chd read.
What is the Early Years
Foundation Stage?
• The Early Years Foundation Stage
(E.Y.F.S.) is the stage of education
for children from birth to the end of
the Reception year.
• It is based on the recognition that
children learn best through play and
active learning.
The EYFS covers 7 areas of learning: 3
Prime Areas and 4 Specific Areas.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Communication & Language
Physical Development
4. Understanding the World
7. Expressive Arts & Design
Personal, Social and Emotional
The children will be learning to:
• become self-confident;
• take an interest in things;
• know what their own needs are;
• dress and undress independently;
• become independent;
• tell the difference between right and
Communication & Language
The children will be learning to:
• talk confidently and clearly
• enjoy listening to stories, songs and poems
• hear and say sounds, and link them to the alphabet
Physical Development
The children will be learning to:
• move confidently;
• control their body;
• handle equipment.
Understanding the World
The children will explore:
• find out about the world around them,
asking questions about it
• build with different materials, know about
everyday technology and learn what it is used for
• find out about past events in their lives and their
families' lives
• Learn basic computer skills.
Expressive Arts & Design
The children will explore:
• colours and shapes;
• making things;
• role play;
• making music.
The children will be learning to:
• Hear & Say sounds (phonics)
• Read & Write
The children will be learning to:
• Understand number 0-20
• 2D & 3D shapes
• Measure, Money & Time
The first few weeks
We will find out what the children
already know and can do
and use this information to help us develop an
individual learning programme
for each child.
Each child has their own book “My Learning Journey”
where we keep evidence of their learning and
samples of work or photographs of what they have
been doing. We value any contribution that
you would like to make to this in helping us
meet your child’s needs.
You will be invited to discuss
how your child has settled in
and their progress so far at
the parents evening in
Medical Matters
•Any sickness, diarrhoea, must be
followed by 24 hrs absence.
•Any absence requires a note or
telephone call explaining why.
•Head lice are common! Please check
regularly and treat as recommended.
•Please let me know if your child has
any medical conditions/ allergies.
Other Matters…
• Your child can bring a fruit snack to
school for break time. (or healthy
alternative) plz name if poss.
• Please send your child with a named water
bottle every day.
• No Nuts in school please.
• Contributions for Art & Cookery- Last
year I sent small pots which parents filled
will coins to help us provide lots of lovely
additional resources. I do not have the
pots anymore however would be extremely
grateful if you could send half-termly
donations. (parents last year gave between
£1-£5 and some chose not to contribute.)
A bit more……….
Appropriate clothing and footwear.
Cooking apron.
Learning to put shoes, coats, pe kits on.
Reading books will come when your child
is confidently blending sounds to read
words. You will receive phonic sound
cards everyday, please practise these daily
and keep at home. Write in the yellow
book when you’ve practised.
And Finally…
• Thank you for coming – any
questions ?