Power Point Presentations

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Transcript Power Point Presentations

Using Visual Aids
Advantages of Using Visual Aids
 Clarity - By using visual aids in your speeches, you often
will make it easer for listeners to understand exactly what
you are trying to communicate.
 Interest - The interest generated by visual images is so
strong that visual aids are not used routinely in many areas,
not just speechmaking.
 Retention -Visual images stay with us longer than verbal
ones. We’ve all hard that words can “go in one ear and out
the other.” Visual images tend to last.
 Stage Fright Reduction – Visual aids heighten audience
interest, shift attention away from the speaker, and give the
speaker greater confidence in the speech as a whole.
Kinds of Visual Aids
 Objects – Clothing samples
 Models – The Collosseum in Rome
 Photographs – Printed photos of family or a news event
 Drawings – Sketches of nature
 Graphs – Results of a survey
 Charts – Historical trends
 Video Clips – YouTube
 PowerPoint Presentations
 Prezis
Guidelines for Preparing Visual Aids
 Prepare visual aids in advance.
 Keep visual aids simple.
 Make sure visual aids are large enough.
 Use fonts that are easy to read.
Guidelines for Using Visual Aids
 Display aids only when discussing them.
 With a Power Point or Prezi, have a blank slide you
can go to when the visual isn’t needed.
 Display aids where everyone can see them.
 Talk to your audience, not your visual aid.
 Explain visual aids clearly and concisely.
 Practice with your visual aids.
Power Point Presentations
 Make sure the text is large enough to see
When you put information in a small font, it’s really hard to read at the back of the class
 Use colors that are visible – not blinding
 Text in colors like yellow and orange are hard to
 It can also depend on your background
 Plz spell stuph correctly. If your not shure, ask.
 Plan your transitions (by click or timing)
 Do you want all the information at once?
 Do you want to time your fade ins or have them
come in by click?
 Don’t put too much text on a page. People can read faster
then you can talk. Already you are ahead of my speaking
and are probably not listening to what I am saying. You
also want to say MORE then what is one the screen. We all
know how to read. Your presentation is going to give us
more information then what we can read. Just put your
main points up on the screen. Elaborate on them in your
speech. If you put up every word, it gets boring for your
audience and gives them no reason to listen to you. As
teachers, we have trained you to need everything on the
screen. In college, you are going to need to learn how to
add the discussion your professor has to your notes. Bullets
are better. Also, more words on the screen = less eye
 Look at the audience – not the screen
 You may want to just have images on the screen (no
words). Make sure they are large enough and work
on the screen.
 Think about blank slides for when you don’t have an
appropriate image (to keep the audience’s attention
on your speech).
Be Prepared (in the real world)
 Overheads
 Paper Copies
 Verbal Only
 Use these ideas in all presentations you do. All your
teachers and professors will appreciate it