An Integrated Strategic Plan for AUC

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Transcript An Integrated Strategic Plan for AUC

Planning and Budgeting for 2012-2014
Integrated Planning and Budgeting Committee
September 23 – October 4, 2012
AUC’s Five Strategic Goals
Educational Excellence
Research Impact
Global Experience
Community Service
Institutional Quality
Planning and Budgeting FY12-14
• “Transforming AUC: A Strategic Plan for
Excellence 2011-2013” developed and made
available on website and in hard copy.
• For each of the five strategic goals, key
objectives and strategies have been identified
from school/area/unit plans and planning fora.
Planning and Budgeting FY12-14
• Goal of this year’s cycle is to advance our
goals and objectives, assess our progress,
refresh budgets, and adjust the plan as
• Outcome: Updated three-year plan, 2012
budget to execute the plan, communitywide affirmation of objectives.
• Need for sustainability
Planning Process: Setting Priorities
 All units will be automatically allocated FY11
• Review current budgets to reallocate/ rationalize
resources to achieve goals
• Approved initiatives for 2011 that required only
2011 funding will be backed out for 2012 base
• No cost center should submit a budget in SAP
whose total is in excess of FY11 allocations, even if
your unit has been invited to submit matrices.
• Do not add inflation – it will be added by the
budget office.
• Exchange rate is $=LE5.8.
Planning Process: Setting Priorities
 All units will be in one of three categories:
 Steady State
 FY11 budget will be rolled over to FY12 – no
increase, except reallocations between cost
 Invited Submissions
 Seven units selected for investment in FY12, based
on strategic plan
 Revenue-Generating
 May increase budget in line with revenue
retention projections.
Planning Process: Setting Priorities
1. Steady State:
 Base budget is FY11 operating budget,
automatically entered by Budget Office.
 Do not add inflation – Budget Office will do that.
 Budgets are capped at FY11 levels.
 Units are encouraged to reallocate funds within
service and supply lines and between cost centers
to achieve goals.
 Reallocations between cost centers must be
documented in a planning matrix.
 No new (add’l) capital equipment requests. Try to
defer replacement.
 No new staff position requests
Planning Process: Setting Priorities
2. Invited Submissions
 Can submit well-documented proposals for new
allocations that further AUC’s strategic goals.
 May request operating, capital and personnel
funds through planning matrix.
 Must have strategic plan and assessment plan (on
file with OIR) to be eligible.
 Units invited to submit proposals:
Institutional Advancement
International student recruitment
Office of the Provost – faculty salaries and benefits
Human Resources – staff salaries and benefits
Office of Institutional Research
Office of the Core Curriculum
School of Global Affairs and Public Policy
Planning Process: Setting Priorities
3. Generators of External Revenue
 Units with sources of external revenue and which
generate income
 External sources must cover the cost of the
allocation or fall within revenue retention policy
 Must submit well-documented proposals that
further AUC’s strategic goals through planning
 Must have a strategic plan and an assessment plan
(on file with OIR) to be eligible.
Planning Process: Setting Priorities
• Capital Budget
– Zero-based, as in previous years.
– Only units invited to submit initiatives and
revenue-generating units may submit requests for
new equipment (through planning matrix, NOT
– Requests for replacement equipment (all units)
may be made through SAP.
• Each dean will receive a comprehensive list of eligible
assets as a guide for budget review.
• Only non-functioning, mission-critical assets should be
replaced. If it can be deferred to another year, please do
Planning Process: Setting Priorities
• New Positions
– May be submitted only through planning matrix, NOT SAP
– Only invited units and revenue-generating units may submit
new position requests
– Must be related to new initiatives or production of
additional revenue.
• Re-classification and Promotion
– Contact HR.
• Overtime, part-time, seasonal employment
– Base is FY11 budget
Web Interface for Planning Matrix
Authorized users log
on with their AUC
email username and
Comments or
Click here.
Web Interface for Planning Matrix
All the units for which you are
authorized to enter budget
information will appear here.
Web Interface for Planning Matrix
Planning Process
1. Refresh and review your cost center’s planning
priorities (top 3 is a good start)
2. Update your strategic and assessment plans
3. Brainstorm proposals for new initiatives, ways to
strengthen current programs, areas that can be
reduced or eliminated
4. ID opportunities to reallocate existing funds to
support these initiatives
5. Adjust your budget in SAP as needed. DO NOT
increase your overall budget, DO NOT add inflation.
6. Document adjustments and proposals through
planning matrices
7. Submit your SAP budget and, if required, planning
matrices according to timeline
8. Await approval, provide add’l documentation to your
chair or unit director, dean, or area head as needed.
Communication of Planning and Budgeting Guidelines, Planning Kickoff
Information sessions/training/consultation
Unit-level deadline (VERSION 5)
Planning Forum for community input into directions for the strategic goals
September 20, 2010
September 23 – 30, 2010
October 18, 2010
October 31 – November 4, 2010
School-level deadline (VERSION 4)
November 15, 2010
Area-level deadline (VERSION 3)
December 14, 2010
Initial Budget Committee reviews
January 9-13, 2011
New initiatives move into SAP
January 23, 2011
Iterative Budget Committee review
February 1 -- March 15, 2011
First draft of updated strategic plan
March 17, 2011
Budget aligned with strategic goals and initiatives shared with BOT
April 2011
Approval of strategic plan and budget by the BOT
May 2011
Communication of approved plan and budget for the 2012 year
June 2011
Beginning of the new academic year
Review of plans and progress – planning cycle repeats
September 2011
Planning Resources
 Integrated Planning and Budgeting Committee
 Representatives will meet with planning units to review the planning process and
answer questions.
 Institutional Research
 Will provide data and technical assistance in planning and assessment as needed.
 AUC Planning and Budgeting Central website
 Located under “About AUC”, “Governance and Administration” , “Policies” on AUC’s
 Budget memo, planning assumptions, downloadable templates, links to blog
 AUC Planning blog -- FutureTalk
 For community input into activities and directions related to our six strategic goals –
tell us what you think AUC should do to achieve its goals:
 Budget Office
 For detailed budget information and guidelines:
 [email protected]
AUC Planning and Budgeting Central
• If you have any questions or need any
assistance, contact us at:
– [email protected]
• All information, documents available on
website, include FAQs.
• For more detailed information on budgeting,
go to Budget Office website, at or from Planning and
Budgeting Central website.